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Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in forgiveness (29)


Recognize 5 things right now

Recognize 5 things for right now;

1) You are in process of sensing what was programmed out of you early in life.  This awakens soul and expands perception.

2) How about you give me the answer and I give you the question.  Remind self what exists within.  Allow it to flow.

3) Do not let the perceived past direct your future.  Life is about progression. Rather than go forward, move sideways.

4) You do not exist for what you can gain, but to share what you are given. Know infinite love and forgiveness are genuine.

5) They key to awakening is in the genes. Reactivate it now.  Everything is a choice.  How you position mind affects spirit. 


7 Ways to forgive your negativity

Many people find self-forgiveness to be very difficult. You may not realize how hard you are on yourself. Now is the moment to recognize you have a choice. You can decide to step back, explore and reframe what stands out.  Consider 7 ways to forgive lingering negativity;

1) Sense layers of experiences remain hidden inside you.

2) View forgiveness as an evolving process now and always.

3) Learn to discern when and whom you offend and why.

4) Recognize as you forgive others, you can also forgive self.

5) Open the mind to see beyond linear cause and effect.

6) Ponder the relevance of emotions as a guage for loving and accepting yourself.  

7) Accept all thoughts and feelings as teachers.


Welcome whomever comes

"Be grateful for whoever comes, because each guest has been sent as a guide from beyond" –Rumi

Khidr as the one who travels over land and sea, mountains and valleys searching and longing to meet the friends of God. Hakim at-Tirmidhi tells about Khidr a remarkable tale. Khidr knew from the beginning of time what would happen to these friends of God. He wished to see in his own life what would become of their works. Khidr received such a long life that he experienced all of it up to the Day of Resurrection.

Rumi has told the following tale: A certain shahna (a chief of police) was active as such in the days of Harun ar-Rashid. Khidr visited him every day. This shahna suddenly retired from his job. Khidr then stopped visiting him. The poor shahna started to worry as Khidr seemed to ignore him. 

One night it was made clear to him his value was connected to his being active in his work. The next morning he went to the caliph and asked for his job back. Harun ar-Rashid asked him what had taken place and he explained it all. Khidr immediately thereafter again started to visit the reinstated shahna. People forget a person's 'presence' is not always visible.

The shahna then wanted to know of Khidr why he had stopped visiting him. Khidr then said: "The value of your position is that you sit in the Diwaan and protect the poor and the needy and free them from the claws of their oppressors. You should know that this is better than thousand Sufi retreats!"

This Sufi tale is found:


Mother Teresa & 8 Points to keep yourself on track

Mentors are viewed as inspirations and leaders who set uplifting examples.  Mother Teresa's life choices illustrate what it feels like to 'do the right thing.'  She set the intention to be herself regardless of what she encountered.  Her  behavior speaks for itself. Take this to heart.  Keep yourself on track:

1) People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centred.  Forgive them anyway.

-As you forgive, you choose not to be lowered to their level and thus rise-up higher to inspire.  People who gripe about life would like nothing better than to hurt successful people. Why give them that satisfaction?  Why not inspire them to transform instead?

2) If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.  Be kind anyway.

-Be kind because this is your nature, not because you have ulterior motives.  Be genuine and you will attract sincere, like-minded people to assist you with your pursuits.        

3) If you're successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies.  Succeed anyway.

-People will disagree with you or be offended.  Ignore these reactions.  As you learn to avoid relationships of convenience, you can build a reputation of integrity.

4) If you're honest and frank, people may cheat you.  Be honest and frank anyway.

-Treat others as you would hope to be treated.  Rise above a fear of dishonesty.  Set examples.

5) What you spend years building, someone may destroy overnight.  Build anyway.

-As you give life to your inner passions, you share joy because it gives your life meaning. If anyone burned your writings or destroyed your creations, you couldn't help but continue.  You sense this is what you're meant to do.

6) If you find serenity and happiness, people may be jealous.  Be happy anyway.

-People around you always benefit from examples of happiness. Even grumps might come around.

7) The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow.  Do good anyway.

-Give of yourself not as an effort to seek approval but to uplift or cheer people for the sake of it.  Visit friends, relatives and strangers in nursing homes or hospitals. Brighten their spirits.

8) Give the world the best you have; it may never be enough.  Give the world your best anyway.

-As you detach yourself from desired outcomes, you'll be surprised at the benefits.  You aren't meant to predict all the events you touch. Many are beyond your scope and control. Appreciate all that unfolds.

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