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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in forgiveness (29)


Nothing is actually taking place

Notice what happens as you look at something directly.  In essence, you shift perception to see its opposite. You are conditioned to see fear in love.  As you awaken to the truth of forgiveness, knowing arises that nothing truly exists to fear or forgive. 

Every moment you fear/forgive, this brings you to closer to unwavering trust in the unseen.  As you come to feel we are all the same, you begin to forget yourself as a person.   Let go of the mind, its images and dualistic thinking.  Forget the conditioned self.  Notice what remains. Feel the being beyond time an space.  Allow awareness to be. This is not you.  It is oneness acting as you.  Nothing is actually taking place.

"How can ONE really Explain what ONEness is What the Grand Love is What ISness is ... ONE can Try to explain it ONE can Try find Words ... ONE will not really succeed with it. One WILL FEEL "it" It It being Nothing It being ALL." -Rama


See yourself as you really are

As you go though life, you accumulate experience. Notice whether you judge it or, see it simply as experience and allow it to humble you. As you step back to quietly observe, you notice everything as a teacher inviting you to love yourself as you are.  How can anyone love and accept who you are if you do not yourself? How does it feel to do so?

Everything is reflecting back a message to you. Notice what each experience tells you about compassion. It is not your job to teach others what love teaches you so much as to live by an example. You know in the heart when you are true to yourself, make choices inspired by love, and love others as you would true self. What does it feel like when you are not doing this? Open up to Self-Disclosure:Changes from Within.   

"Only when we trust ourselves can we trust others, wisely." -Jack Ricchiuto


Miracles can be obsolete

Miracles strike many people as extraordinary events.  You may associate them with healing the sick against the odds.  You may sense they symbolize a natural sign of forgiveness,  freedom from fear, or overcoming obstacles. You may feel they inspire awe and appreciation, remind you of being loved.  Whatever your view, you may feel what you are taught abot miracles is increasingly irrelevant. How could that be?

What happens as you realize every moment has the potential to be a brilliant  moment, that every day has the potential to be a brilliant day? This means miracles are not maybe once in a lifetime experiences. What happens as you begin to sense miracles are ordinary and normal, that being one is like seeing through the lies you tell yourself?  Deep down, you know everyone has the power to do great things. You know you have the power to touch people you have never met.  In fact, you already are. This is about being open to recognizing truth amongst all the lies.  Awaken and Be your Dream.

"Miracles are not contrary to nature, but contrary to what we know about nature."
-Saint Augustine


Feel the truth in your heart

To know the truth of your authentic self is to awaken to the truth of all things. To feel the unconditional love youa re is to know you have nothing to forgive. What is it that dominates your consciousness? As you push aside your reliance on others, and move beyond the desire for approval, you rely on your intuition. You accept limitless being. You are present with what is. You know what you read or what anyone tells you invites you is not you. Everything points to the harmony you feel outside the story.

Feel the wisdom in kindness and compassion. Trust in choices that echo peace and love. Resonating peace quiets the mind and empowers one beyond measure. A sense of self disappears. Bliss unfolds. To be still is to be true to soul, to rcall the inner gift of fearlessness. You are pure love.


Know we are in this together

As we take a moment to understand where a troubled person is coming from, that is, why a person is troubled or is causing us trouble, this enables us to sense we are in this thing called life together. 

Problems you detect are teachers that can be developed and nurtured as qualities inside. Predjudice blocks your objective observation and how to be at peace with whatever unfolds.  Be aware that opening the mind to connections with everyone enables one to access secrets of kindness, compassion and wisdom.