4 Benefits of seeing inside out

Seeing things from the inside out changes how we see ourselves and the world. The inner workings of the mind control how we behave until we grow conscious of the core beliefs and patterns that are running us. Ponder 4 benefits to seeing things from the inside out;
1. Uncover the power of empathy
Empathy is what makes us human. It is the ability to get beyond our own repressed shame and judgement to understand another person’s situation from their perspective. As such, we grow able to place ourselves in someone else’s shoes and feel what they are feeling, see the mirror. As we realize we are only ever angry at ourselves, and anger is no more than expression of hurt, fear and frustration related to past events, we see through anger and heal so it no longer controls us.
2. Expand self-awareness
As awareness expands, it hits there’s no past, no future, just neural pathways, which make us perceive this illusion we call time. As we grasp this, we realize, that change is one paradigm shift or ah-ha moment away. Blocked awareness skews our perception of things. Without self-awareness, we are controlled by unconscious patterns and outdated beliefs. Expanding self-awareness reveals why we make certain choices and frees us to make healthier choices. Growing self-aware is being open to the flow of happiness, and spontaneously being joyful.
3. Develop critical thinking
The ability to distinguish fact from opinion arises as we begin to recognize the value and lessons each emotion holds. As we come to appreciate every emotion, we sense the appropriateness and timeliness of each. We trust intuition more as we accept more of ourselves. We can laugh at our own disgust, feel goosebumps at our own anger and fear and see the underlying motives in everything we choose to feel.
4. Deepen emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence arises within as we grow conscious of original reasons we experienced joy, sadness, disgust, anger and fear. This involves understanding and managing emotions withotu being controlled by them. This shapes our social skills. Insight into emotions expands at any point in life we are open to making the unconscious conscious and loving and forgiving ourselves as we let go of our own misperceptions.
When our emotional health is in a bad state, so is our level of self-esteem. We have to slow down and deal with what is troubling us, so that we can enjoy the simple joy of being happy and at peace with ourselves.
-Jess C. Scott
If your emotional abilities aren't in hand, if you don't have self-awareness, if you are not able to manage your distressing emotions, if you can't have empathy and have effective relationships, then no matter how smart you are, you are not going to get very far.
-Daniel Goleman
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