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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "As you shift into loving and accepting yourself fully, and no longer fear being vulnerable, you reclaim personal power." Liara Covert





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Entries in awakening (128)


How do you feel synchronicity?

Many people  do not notice synchronicities in their lives.  Reflect on your own. What if you begin to recognize that every moment, your experience is what you truly need?  This is a wake-up call to be more aware of subtle feelings.

The desire to be more aware of day-to-day moments enables you to read them and your energy differently.  You can experience things on a fuller, deeper level.  You can sense that every circumstance is part of a process of coming to know who you are and what you are not. 

Every choice you make has more than one purpose.  Choose wisely, and you allow yourself to sense how love, peace, harmony and abundance communicate with you in every situation.  Simply shift your focus.  Awaken to the joy and interconnectedness of every moment. It is part of Cosmic Synchronicity.


Experience what matters

Every moment, you choose how to experience this world.  All your beliefs, every structured thought, actually limits the scope of your awareness. As you notice where you feel uneasy, at the same moment, you also know everything is just as it is meant to be.

Challenge yourself to let go of what you believe is good or bad for you. Detach from the perception of adversity, from seeing things part of you wishes should not be.  Remember how to effortlessly sense what you have chosen and  sense what you are learning now.

You are remembering how to view your conditions from a distanced point of view. You are moving from the mind into your heart.  This is from where you reconnect, you consciously experience what matters.  You move into a space where you are open to new levels of Cosmic Synchronicity.  Share your perspective of this stage of your transformation.


Sense everything is helping you

Some people are quick to assume that things are not going their way. They permit doubt to arise and negativity to take root.  These kinds of emotions simply distract you from quat is going on beyond what you see.  What about those things you do not yet see?

Whatever your apparent circumstances, you are not consciously aware of the big picture.  That is, you do not sense every step that is unfolding, how they are all interconnected, and how supernatural forces are actually engaged in empowering you to realize dreams.

Remind yourself that thought energy is very powerful. Yet, when you set your intention and direct your focus, the vision in the mind does not immediately materialize. Why? There may be issues you are invited to work through as part of the process of making it happen.  There may also be certain steps that are initiated as part of a longer process.  Remember to feel the the vibration of trust.

As you choose to sense everything is helping you, then your perspective completely transforms. Consider that if deep in your heart, you desire a different situation, a new relationship, another job or focus, then certain current conditions are going to fall apart before something new unfolds.  Your life is going to change. Prepare to be amazed.  It all relates to the magic of Cosmic Synchronicity.


What is whispering inside?

Many different kinds of awakening exist.  Consciousness flows through you and triggers degrees of remembering about who you are.  More and more people are writing to me about feeling connected to something beyond the physical world.  They sense new abilities presenting and wisdom opening to you. You may also know someone who feels cosmic connections.We invite your reflections or questions. How do you sense this influences your own progressive revelations or sense of connection to Cosmic synchronicity?

Something about these particular videos may resonate with you.  Feel what percolates inside as you watch. Do not judge or decide your experience should be something else.  Simply open to what is.  You may also choose to check out another post--


Be like a fearless chihuahua

You may have heard of the miniature chihuahua who runs fearlessly toward a ferocious dog many times his size.  Nobody taught this little dog that he could be eaten in a morsel or injured in any way.  All this little dog sees is another dog.  He sees him as his equal in the moment and does not judge.  This dog does not think or rationalize, for these are distinctly human traits.  What is my point here?

It is normal for the unconditioned person to stay present as the observer of the mind.  You can be deeply grounded in your physical body and only see mirror reflections of self in all others whom you view as equals.  In such a case, no matter what you perceive outside, nothing can shake your peace of mind, nothing can shift you out of a state of unconditional love, self-acceptance and fearlessness. Many people only imagine this state of being. What about you?How would you like to feel? Where am I headed?

The script in the mind shapes the path of your thinking and the evolution of your behaviour.  You may be fearless for short periods, then fall back into conditioned emotional reactions.  Rest assured, being aware of behaviour empowers you to change what you outgrow and opt to step outside the mind.   Its the moment to awaken.  The process of revelations is part of Cosmic Synchronicity.