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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Whenever you step out of the noise of thinking, that is meditation, and a differetn state of consciousness arises." - Eckhart Tolle





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Entries in awakening (128)


Recreate a new living vitality

Love and light adjust the energetic structure of what you do not see.  This process is open-ended.  Your clear intent and investment of thought energy are creating effects for your multi-dimensional self.  This shapes a larger picture.

Geometry manifests into physical form and transmits knowledge among dimensions.  Creatures exist in many dimensions simultaneoulsy.  Perceptions expand as part of highly-evolved consciousness.  You sense what life and death are and how everything is interconnected to the same energy Source.  This invites further exploration.

Those things that do not work are falling apart.  Earth needs you like the billions of microorganisms that live inside you in symbiosis.  Imagine balance being re-established.  Remember how it feels to be fully energized right now.  

In order to awaken to a new life perspective, you would be willing to reflect, make conscious changes in your choices and in turn, energetic imprints. This co-creation of vitality is a process of Cosmic Synchronicity. It may require a period of perceived time to integrate the inner knowing that is unfolding. Enter the space of wisdom.


What if rather than becoming, U already R?

Many people have forgotten a lot as the result of having their inherent abilities unplugged.  If someone told you that your conditioned idea of standard two-strand DNA was originally twelve-strand DNA, would that floor you?

You may be familiar with images of crop circles that resemble three- and six-stranded of DNA.  What if energy is shifting to multiply your DNA strands and giving you opportunities to remember more now? Imagine that.

One perspective is that something exerts control over the minds of society and your choices determine the nature and extent of your own awakening. In order to open to realities beyond your current scope and perception, you are invited to explore more deeply your own view of reality, including emotions and inner highways of consciousness.

Life transforms from the moment you accept what you are given.  Be willing to explore sides you hide from your conscious self.  You may think you know what you are, yet at a conscious level, you still deny facits of the truth. 

It is never too late to remember energy, frequency and vibration are sending you messages from within and from everything you project.  This is part of attuning to Cosmic Synchronicity.   In essence, the real you does not become anything. You accept or reject what you already are.  Nothing is out of reach for unless you believe that.


Allow energies to flow

Part of you feels on the verge of great things.  Part of you believes in life, fears death and clings to linear time. Yet, just because the mind believes something to be true, does not ensure it is. Discernment reveals what matters.

Another part of you already feels great, even perfectly balanced. This part of you senses a physical body is not all there is.  You feel energy pulses within vibrate back and forth.  Personality adjustments happen as you are ready.

Infinite choices exist.  The interdependence of all matter, forms and formless connections remind you a variety of influences shape what you manifest.  You control your destiny.  You decide to create what you believe is real.

As you allow energy to flow, you may sense the room where you are is no more material than the body you project.  You co-create and remember the feeling of waves of gratitude.  It acknowledges Cosmic Synchronicity.


What is stillness?

Stillness is not an acquired practice. Stillness just is.  It comes naturally when you have order. You may ask, what is this? Complete order is complete quietness of the mind.  This is the perspective of pure consciousness.

Now, man is conditioned to think he must seek things.  His quests, his efforts to become or arrive, distract him from the stillness inside.  Action may be viewed as resistance and a cause of disorder.  How does perception of disorder bring order?  That is, you may ask, how can the senses get you closer to the truth?

Feeling brings you closer to alignment than thinking.  Exerting effort is not the same as being aware.  Going aginst the flow brings disorder.  Where the perception of 'me' exists' in the mind, you sense division, difference and thus, conflict.  To be aware what is going on inside and outside is to begin to grasp the disorder, let go and transcend it.

In order to be unconditional love, it is first necessary to understand where and why you are provoked. Liberation only comes as you learn to feel negativity and what it tells you about the inner self so you can  detach. Realize everything tests you so you realize how much you can endure.  As you gain insight into your perceived thresholds or limits, you gradually remember why pain, suffering or anything only exists as long as you believe in it.

As Kahlil Gibran says, 'The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind.' Angry or irritating people empower you more than you realize.


Why inverse conditioning?

When you sense injustice in the external world, this tells you there is something within your heart that requests to be understood and purified. In truth, injustice, inequality or victims are misunderstandings that invite awakening.

Every human being is beginning to realize the nature of their holographic reality.  This is part of the process of healing inner fear.  Most people are conditioned to react emotionally without sensing why. You can alter that.

What if you decided to be a more conscious participant in what you do not see with physical senses?  You may feel things that do not seem to exist.  You know what you are now and have nothing to prove.

You may have been conditioned to define what you are through the perception and approval of people outside yourself.  As you awaken, you grow aware that how you perceive or judge others mirrors how you feel inside.

Everything you feel is a message. Growth and expansion are constant on levels you do not even detect yet.  To awaken to the nature of conditioned thoughts empowers you to transcend what you outgrow.