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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in unconditional love (29)


Forget everything ever taught

What would your life be like if you forgot everything ever taught? What remains? How does it feel to reconnect with new levels of awakening? Envision the sensation of unconditional love and pure consciousness. Notice the mysteries you uncover and how you feel your way along. Notice what is suddenly irrelevent.  Let it go.  Realize how close peace truly is.


Possibilities & solutions are yours

Every moment, you are invited to awaken to aspects of yourself, to the freedom and clarity that are yours. You embody more possibilities and solutions than you consciously realize. You accept and allow self-awareness to flourish or, resist the clearing process that empowers you to see through illsions you create. When you accept what you know, questions vanish. All you ever need is already here. The essence of being always feels good. The physical you responds to external stimuli and moulds the creative clay of your reality. Unlimited opportunities exist. What do you not choose to see? Why feel less than you are?

From the mind's view in the physical world, many choices, actions or conditions would satisfy you. Mind asumes you must exert effort, do things, get places to achieve, check items off a list, or in essence, obtain something you do not yet have. This view overlooks the core of your being is joyful being or doing already.

Listen to the heart. It echos you can feel happy doing anything. Amidst all perceived choices, the feeling of love and connection to what you do not see enables the fullness of who you are to flow through you. Where and how you focus attention determines if you are receptive to opportunities present now. Be open and allow energy to flow. Possibilities and solutions are yours as you make the most of where you are.


The things we love most 

You might wonder if you can truly love anything more than anything else.  Everything being equal, the essence of being loves all the same. Yet, during your process of remembering in physical worlds, notice inner evolution.  As you identify and focus on positive aspects of all situations, you invite clarity, allow well-being, feel a greater sense of relief and draw toward you more experience that is meaningful. 

Notice how often your habits of thought resist or deny that everything serves you.  This includes all those encounters with friends and relatives that evoke discomfort, fear and negativity inside you.  The more you choose to feel good about where you are, the more reasons you attract to feel good.  As you reflect, you realize what you love most about existence is messages of unconditional love are everywhere.  You are reminded of contrast to encourage you to 'snap out of' temporary amnesia.  Know you are worthy.  Trust all is well. Sense you are in a perfect place to laugh, love and appreciate every moment you are given.


Satisfy the soul

The mind has you believe you must do things to satisfy the soul.  What if the soul is fulfilled from the moment you align with the core state of being? The soul responds to gentleness, the receptive state of tenderness, innocence and whenever you set ego aside to access truth and beauty.  Its all here now.  Be open to it.

Soul also responds to experiences when you allow yourself to delve deeper into states of compassion and open the heart to unconditional love.  Opening to joy is a powerful way to connect with soul, connect with your dreams and embrace the love that is beyond words.

Being authentic or true to yourself takes shape in experience. Quiet the mind. Tap into your soul blueprint.  This is like spiritual DNA.  On a soul level, this reveals you chose your innate talents, key relationships, core gifts and conditions.  How you respond to these or what you do with them while in a physical body is not pre-determined. You established pre-birth soul contracts with your parents that allow you to develop beliefs and scripts.  A web of patterns, strengths and weaknesses arises to hides your gifts until you are ready to claim them.

Self-acceptance and unconditional love do not require external validation.  To feel them is to know they are their own proof.  Dare to be you and embrace higher wisdom.


What is stillness?

Stillness is not an acquired practice. Stillness just is.  It comes naturally when you have order. You may ask, what is this? Complete order is complete quietness of the mind.  This is the perspective of pure consciousness.

Now, man is conditioned to think he must seek things.  His quests, his efforts to become or arrive, distract him from the stillness inside.  Action may be viewed as resistance and a cause of disorder.  How does perception of disorder bring order?  That is, you may ask, how can the senses get you closer to the truth?

Feeling brings you closer to alignment than thinking.  Exerting effort is not the same as being aware.  Going aginst the flow brings disorder.  Where the perception of 'me' exists' in the mind, you sense division, difference and thus, conflict.  To be aware what is going on inside and outside is to begin to grasp the disorder, let go and transcend it.

In order to be unconditional love, it is first necessary to understand where and why you are provoked. Liberation only comes as you learn to feel negativity and what it tells you about the inner self so you can  detach. Realize everything tests you so you realize how much you can endure.  As you gain insight into your perceived thresholds or limits, you gradually remember why pain, suffering or anything only exists as long as you believe in it.

As Kahlil Gibran says, 'The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind.' Angry or irritating people empower you more than you realize.