What is stillness?

Stillness is not an acquired practice. Stillness just is. It comes naturally when you have order. You may ask, what is this? Complete order is complete quietness of the mind. This is the perspective of pure consciousness.
Now, man is conditioned to think he must seek things. His quests, his efforts to become or arrive, distract him from the stillness inside. Action may be viewed as resistance and a cause of disorder. How does perception of disorder bring order? That is, you may ask, how can the senses get you closer to the truth?
Feeling brings you closer to alignment than thinking. Exerting effort is not the same as being aware. Going aginst the flow brings disorder. Where the perception of 'me' exists' in the mind, you sense division, difference and thus, conflict. To be aware what is going on inside and outside is to begin to grasp the disorder, let go and transcend it.
In order to be unconditional love, it is first necessary to understand where and why you are provoked. Liberation only comes as you learn to feel negativity and what it tells you about the inner self so you can detach. Realize everything tests you so you realize how much you can endure. As you gain insight into your perceived thresholds or limits, you gradually remember why pain, suffering or anything only exists as long as you believe in it.
As Kahlil Gibran says, 'The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind.' Angry or irritating people empower you more than you realize.