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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in unconditional love (29)


Move beyond words, effort & action

In this life, you are taught you must count on your words, your effort and action to make stuff happen.  This is the voice of the logical mind. Yet, at any given moment, what if what appears in your life or seems out of reach actually relates to how much you love and appreciate yourself or resist the love that is always available to you? Pristine clarity is.

As you love not because you fear the absence of it but because you can, because it feels natural, and sense love is flowing freely, you know love as something unconditional.  Suddenly, its easy to expect wonderful things to happen to you, to receive love because you are lovable.  The universe responds in kind.  It showers you in love in spite of what is going on around you.  As you align with love, you allow conditions, people and things to show up in your life. You express gratitude for everything. Expect the unexpected.  See what happens.

At the core, you are naturally high on life. Simply step back from whatever is bothering you (in the Mind). Allow yourself to see the Self as pure harmony. At soul level, satisfaction reveals itself as present and accessible.  When you are loving, you open an invisible valve. Presto! Positive feelings and vibrations flow.  Opportunities are visible.  Experiences you are hoping for fall into place. You know financing, well-being or windfall is right here and now.

When you are willing to be selfish enough to be attentive to how you feel, you can release all the thoughts that hold you apart from what enables you to feel whole, healthy, energized.  You rendez -vous with that place where all dreams, wishes, hopes and visions are held.  As you decide that you are going to tend to the gap between whatever you are experiencing and whatever you are becoming, life takes a whole new shape for you. Fulfillment takes shape. Satisfying life experiences swallow you up. Allow the history of your future to emerge.

Note you can never do anything wrong on a perpetual growth curve. You simply allow yourself to see what is really here or block this view with thoughts and behavior. Forgiveness also withdraws attention from unconditional love.  As you sense how easy it is to appreciate being you, life is easy.  Everything good comes to you.  Nothing else crosses your radar.

Do yourself a BIG favour: Think on purpose, speak on purpose, act on purpose.


The noblest work

The mental dream prompts you to focus on external drama, imbalance or confusion. As you step back and observe your life, you lose interest in deciphering thoughts, emotions and resistance.  Consciousness flows all around you.  As you let go of what no longer serves you, you lose yourself in stillness.  Feelings of joy arise spontaneously.  The radiance of perfect life stands out to you.

To release yourself from the drama is to sense you float above it.  What does it feel like to taste life in ways you cannot recall doing before? As you become aware of how you feel in all interactions you have with the external world, you can surrender into a heavenly place where soul abides in mutual respect with all life.  As you let go of everything you are taught to think is important, a nurturing feeling and light fill you completely.  Multiple dimensions of reality reveal themselves to you.  Each of them draws attention to timeless blessings.  Unconditional love is expressing itself through you.  Awakening opens doorways to infinity.  Expansion does not end.  There is no final destination.

"The stages of the Noble Path are: Right View, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Behavior, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration." - Buddha

"The noblest work is to cultivate the soul." - Sadhu Vaswani


Allow unfiltered light to shine 

To view yourself as a person with a perceived identity, is to create reality using physical senses and psychological views of events. Yet, interpretation of reality is not actually reality.  You dream the dream of being human, focus on physical form until it loses its importance.  To recognize all you think is illusion allows mental filters to drop away.  To be present in this moment is to be aware of the higher self as it is and align with it.

Being aware is like allowing consciousness to recognize itself.  As you are increasingly transparent in every sense, you feel lighter and experience an incredible lightness of being.  Intrinsic light of being has different shades of brightness and vibrations. This is not something to grasp but is allowed or resisted. The multidimensional being that is you exhibits traits not discernable to the physical body. What you do not see still exists.

Notice the ebbs and flows of energy that emerge from and return to the source of everything. Unfiltered truth shines clearly through the eyes of soul. One perspective is that you incarnate to constuct and dismantle your own self-deceptions. You are the only witness to your own illusions. You are also the only judge and jury. To deepen inner-sight removes all barriers to knowing that unconditional love is what I am.

"Eyes are not forms, they are transparent, and what one really sees is the light of the soul in them." - Walter Russell


See yourself as you really are

As you go though life, you accumulate experience. Notice whether you judge it or, see it simply as experience and allow it to humble you. As you step back to quietly observe, you notice everything as a teacher inviting you to love yourself as you are.  How can anyone love and accept who you are if you do not yourself? How does it feel to do so?

Everything is reflecting back a message to you. Notice what each experience tells you about compassion. It is not your job to teach others what love teaches you so much as to live by an example. You know in the heart when you are true to yourself, make choices inspired by love, and love others as you would true self. What does it feel like when you are not doing this? Open up to Self-Disclosure:Changes from Within.   

"Only when we trust ourselves can we trust others, wisely." -Jack Ricchiuto


Why surrender to broader knowing?

Every moment of physical existence, you are conditioned to resist what the heart tells you.  This happens as you are invited to adopt language and symbols, as you are taught to make choices that please others, as you are inclined to favor doubt over intuition.  That which you hold as your object of attention is part of your way of filtering and exploring what matters. You engage in life with selective awareness by choice.

Now, in this moment, new perspectives are always arising. Beyond the body you see, the essence of being is actually a force of energy. It sends you messages from a state of complete allowing, a state of no resistance.  That is, your personal perspective shifts into an observer. This witness is a perspective of broader, cosmic knowing.  It does not judge, doubt or fear.  As a pure consciousness, you are non-physically focused. This energy vibration is the most dominant vibrational part of you that shapes your perceived experience. So, why surrender to this broader knowing? Why Be your Dream now?

Notice what happens as you observe the ego mind rather than believe all it says and allow yourself to be contolled by it.  Focus shifts to unconditional love and appreciation of everything. Difference no longer exists. You see everything as a divine reflection. There is no separation. If you encounter conflict or judgment and take it personally, notice your energy vibration. How you feel about others mirrors how you are treating yourself. The state of your external world mirrors the vibration of your inner world.

"All of our reasoning ends in surrender to feeling." -Blaise Pascal