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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in suffering (24)


Re-train the body-mind

Notice the best course is about going with and being the flow. It is what feels right even when the mind would have you think its hard and resist due to thoughts of suffering. The best course of action is confirmed as the stress is leaving your body, mind and life. Peace arises as you stop trying to control, retrain the mind to respond to energy not on how you think things should be. As you act based on feelings, cosmic consciousness is advancing you, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, for you to further activate energetically strengthen connections, to be more self-sufficient and efficient. Everything guides you to optimal function. A quantum entanglement relationship exists on all levels with energies seen and unseen. Its up to us to disentangle from certain situations to strengthen self-reliance. The whole planet is lifted into a Rainbow portal to help shed light on life conditions and prompt shifts into greater alignment with an expended version of being. When ready, we naturally evolve and morph into a higher collective consciousness to be compatible with future (existing) version of us. Anyone can communicate with this highest, most expanded version. In the future we evolve beyond the need for a chip or interface. All blocks dissolve. As you condition the body with a new mind, they can no longer work in opposition, but must be in harmony. This is being aligned with Source Creation.


True Freedom is Self-evident

Notice True Freedom is not about resistance, and is not earned or achieved. True freedom is an awareness that arises as you realize you are God. This is Self-evident. Why you know thySelf, all is revealed. Freedom cannot be taken away, manipulated, or threatened in any way by external forces. True Freedom is. It is embraced or blocked (resisted) in our own mind. The growing awareness of this initiates an alchemical process that affects life choices and situations as well as the expansion of multi-dimensional human experience. Shape your worth in image of God.True essence is mirrored by inner light, or infinite presence that is Divine Being. As we begin to see everything as a version of God, every interaction becomes an act of worship. Energy shifts as one surrenders the ego to God consciousness. Imagine what its like not to be caught up in anything but fullness, joy, service, empowerment, or acts that do not require reciprocity. We move from a materialistic system to an altruistic one. This freedom from neediness, is the realisation is you are already everything. This revelation precipitaes the feeling experience of True Feedom. All bondage relates to ego consciousness. The only path for relief from suffering is to turn inward to the open heart and realize I AM That which I have been looking for- the faceless, imageless presence. The act of self-recognition can happen in an instant. The moment we let go of the demands the external world says we require, it dawns True freedom is here all along. This dream is made up of our own projections. Once we awaken and become co dreamers of the cosmic dream, the world becomes a sea of blessings. These are not made up of our wishes, but rather inconceivable things that often go unrecognized. The very wanting of reality brings forth that which we do not initially see. Recongize the supreme reality that radiates on the phenomenal plane. This moment beckons for us to gain an unrestricted, unlimited insight into who we are. Be open to a level of mind that transcends artificial divisions such as language, decentralisation or ideas of separation of any kind. Awaken to True Freedom. All life is suddenly an act of grace. (image: Golden Beings of Light)


5 questions to ask

Here are 5 questions to ask yourself:

1. Why resist or seek to get beyond a particular feeling?

2. Who is it that must / must not get angry or should not complain?

3. What is really happening as you suffer in silence?

4. When you take action to get somewhere {make progress) where are you headed? 

5. Which choices enable you to get to truly be happy?


40 Maxims from Jordan Peterson

Canadian academic Jordan Peterson has written the bestseller, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos.  He is currently in Australia for a 3 city tour of thought-provoking presentations.  Love to hear impressions from anyone attending his March 16 Brisbane talk. Share in comments below. Does it blow the mind?

The points he highlights touch on universal wisdom.  What is most intriguing is how he draws from something you cannot put your finger on as well as that which you can. He is an individual with understanding of interconnections among disciplines, people and events and presents information in ways that prompt people to awaken and review their lives to find new meaning. 

In Quora, he was asked this question:

“What are the most valuable things everyone should know?”

Rather than answering long-hand, he got right to the point with 40 maxims.  They resonate with many people as truth though he says they also draw from his own research. Which ones stand out? Would you add any other rules you live by? 

Tell the truth. 
Do not do things that you hate. 
Act so that you can tell the truth about how you act. 
Pursue what is meaningful, not what is expedient.
If you have to choose, be the one who does things, instead of the one who is seen to do things.
Pay attention.
Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you need to know. Listen to them hard enough so that they will share it with you.
Plan and work diligently to maintain the romance in your relationships. 
Be careful who you share good news with.
Be careful who you share bad news with.
Make at least one thing better every single place you go.
Imagine who you could be, and then aim single-mindedly at that. 
Do not allow yourself to become arrogant or resentful. 
Try to make one room in your house as beautiful as possible.
Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.
Work as hard as you possibly can on at least one thing and see what happens.
If old memories still make you cry, write them down carefully and completely.
Maintain your connections with people. 
Do not carelessly denigrate social institutions or artistic achievement. 
Treat yourself as if you were someone that you are responsible for helping.
Ask someone to do you a small favour, so that he or she can ask you to do one in the future.
Make friends with people who want the best for you.
Do not try to rescue someone who does not want to be rescued, and be very careful about rescuing someone who does. 
Nothing well done is insignificant.
Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world.
Dress like the person you want to be.
Be precise in your speech.
Stand up straight with your shoulders back.
Don't avoid something frightening if it stands in your way -- and don't do unnecessarily dangerous things.
Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them.
Do not transform your wife into a maid.
Do not hide unwanted things in the fog.
Notice that opportunity lurks where responsibility has been abdicated.
Read something written by someone great.
Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street.
Do not bother children when they are skateboarding. 
Don't let bullies get away with it.
Write a letter to the government if you see something that needs fixing -- and propose a solution.
Remember that what you do not yet know is more important than what you already know.
Be grateful in spite of your suffering.


Monk wisdom is here

One day, a loyal young monk witnessed conversation between a very rich businessman and his master. Seeing how disrespectful the business man was, the monk was angry. But his master kept smiling.

When the conversation was over, the monk asked the master,

“Master, how can you let him treat you like that? He thinks he is much higher than you, he’s so full of pride, and greed. How can you be so patient? I cannot help but to resent him!”

In response, the master patted him on the shoulder.

“Look deeper, and see; behind every pride is the fear of not being acknowledged by others; behind every greed is the fear of lack or losing something. Seeing that fearful man, I cannot help but to feel compassion toward him; and wish he is freed from such sufferings.”

Hearing this, the monk was silent.