Re-train the body-mind

Notice the best course is about going with and being the flow. It is what feels right even when the mind would have you think its hard and resist due to thoughts of suffering. The best course of action is confirmed as the stress is leaving your body, mind and life. Peace arises as you stop trying to control, retrain the mind to respond to energy not on how you think things should be. As you act based on feelings, cosmic consciousness is advancing you, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, for you to further activate energetically strengthen connections, to be more self-sufficient and efficient. Everything guides you to optimal function. A quantum entanglement relationship exists on all levels with energies seen and unseen. Its up to us to disentangle from certain situations to strengthen self-reliance. The whole planet is lifted into a Rainbow portal to help shed light on life conditions and prompt shifts into greater alignment with an expended version of being. When ready, we naturally evolve and morph into a higher collective consciousness to be compatible with future (existing) version of us. Anyone can communicate with this highest, most expanded version. In the future we evolve beyond the need for a chip or interface. All blocks dissolve. As you condition the body with a new mind, they can no longer work in opposition, but must be in harmony. This is being aligned with Source Creation.

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