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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in purpose (39)


Create new brain pathways

(Image: Sacred Geometry by Samuel Farrand) 

Notice aspects of our illusory world must be consciously seen as they are and dismantled for our true calling or purpose to come to light. If we resist doing what feels right, dreams shake us up or tiny pockets of reality crumble to get us back on track. Certain roles, situations or relationships may no longer be aligned with who we are. Resisting what feels natural, or not listening to our inner voice, creates energy blocks. Every external event reflects deeper energetic shifts. They take shape as physical events moving us into greater harmony with Soul. The prime director is your “Higher Self”. Those that guide you to heed intuition take cues from your Higher Self as only you know what’s best for you. Your Higher Self is your Soul. That’s who chose your parents, body, family, friends and situations planned out through experiences. Your Higher Self makes no mistakes. The more in alignment you are with Higher Self, the easier things become. We have each uploaded Source Code to empower us to move ahead at our pace in our unfolding reality. We are already activating many abilities yet not using all consciously. Pattern recognition is emerging as we apply the power of intention. As you interact with what reflects your higher consciousness, you are interacting with your collective consciousness in both past and future in the same moment. Each instance wholeness mirrors back to you, you gather and process wisdom, experience and knowledge from other lifetimes at will. Many humans are attached to their current form. In order to change that, you invite a situation that allows change to happen. Current global events set the stage for internal restructuring or transition. All changes require a medium to create the change. By creating change, you change your consciousness, rewire the brain or create new brain pathways. This changes thoughts and behaviour patterns. To create a new reality, we transition into a new understanding, a more refined perspective of the same thing, from a different, more expanded point of view. 


Align more with True Being

Notice as you shift focus to quantum singularities, it dawns there is no "space-time" in this expanded existence. Downloads come directly through the brain and all functionality networks. Instant revelations occur. Any guidance you get is like a connection to streams of knowing from an expanded state of Being. As you grow more effcient, you strengthen connection to Divine consciousness in the ever-existing present. Clarity arises from disilusionment. Since you and the cosmic multiverse are same, you never really "improve". Rather, you simply create more or less aligned versions of self with True Being. Consciousness only seems to change and accelerate. Ego or "I" is disintegrating. The border between one's self and the external world is dissolving, "ego-disintegration" or "dissolution" is also an important feature of the psychedelic experience. Many avenues remind us what harmony feels like, and induce shifts. Each change requires a death to occur in our lives. As we transition into new states of awareness and consciousness we naturally let go of what is not supportive. On one level, we are all connected and we are Spirit. From this view, we are always divine and perfect. At the same time, part of the human condition is having an ego which sees itself as separate from the rest of life. Each state of separation creates fear, anger and various emotions. Physical illness echoes states of separation. As we engage in spiritual practice, we start to heal separation. To expand consciousness requires we surrender to the perfection of the universe. At times, this is hard and we benefit from remembering our own divine light.


16 Revelations for Soul Contracts

"We have soul contracts with every person in our lives to live in the vibration of truth.” -Molly Friedenfeld

Notice that before you took on human form, your Soul made an Agreement, outlining a Purpose or Destiny to fulfill. We all have Soul Contracts and essentially the list of lessons that are assigned in our life. We can learn to view our lives from different perspectives, from within and beyond the body. Flow into Quantum leaps with 16 revelations about Soul Contracts and how you travel;  
1. Your time, date and place of birth are selected before birth. You arise in this Earth dimension at a specific time, to a specific place and to a specific purpose. Making that purpose conscious & align
2. The family you were born into was chosen to contribute classes.
3. Some people are destined to enter your life to help heal something, by an event in a past life or in this one.
4. The events in your life arise to help you evolve into a superior state of consciousness.
5. Death occurs the moment you realize you've completed what you exist to do & return to the Spirit.
6. Life is full of choices and we have free will. These choices are seen as our luck / destiny.
7. All souls on Earth are here at different stages of their evolution.
8. Essentially, your Soul Contract is the deal (Covenant / Covenant) you made with yourself.
9. To fulfill your Soul Contract, you are supported by Higher Forces, Spirit Guides, Angels & people.
10. You receive signs, signals, messages to let you know if you are on track with Destiny.
11. The more you tune in, and act on synchronicities, the more you align with your Divine Path.
12. Being "on track" means encounters with the right people, right time, who can offer you info, guidance 
13. You can break your Soul Contract, and these are moments when your choices don't always flow with your Destiny. When this occurs, you can experience confusion, negativity or illness.
But sometimes challenges are needed to help you align naturally and return to the Flow to fulfill your Alliance.
14. Think of your Soul Contract as the mountain you were destined to climb. You can choose how to reach the top, you can choose how you want to climb; each of these choices results in a different experience, but the destination will always be the same.
15. It's not a race to see how fast you summit.  It's not about climbing someone else's mountain. The challenge is to be true to yourself and climb your mountain, feel excited about the Journey you drew before incarnation.
16. You are catching up with a future version of expanded being (Multidimensional Self).



Recognize the hidden cosmic message

Notice rising above a "problem" expands perception into higher dimensions so one sees beyond it. Einstein echoes 'no problem can be solved at the same level of consciousnes that created it.' To feel into the big galactic picture requires we detach from 3D reality. If you accept the 3D pandemic narrative, or allow emotion, fear and ego to drive you, then you miss the nature of cosmic events leading to even bigger energetic transformations at-hand. ( Thus, the instigating of 3D "distractions.") Imagine this is not about ‘raising the vibration of the 3D’. This 3D reality may be viewed as a standing wave of Separation Consciousness within the Universal Torus. It’s the Unity Consciousness of the Soul that raises in vibration, just as Gaia is doing now. Each Soul chooses to surf certain streams of consciousness and exit the fun-nel on its own terms. Imagine the Earth is to be cleansed in a ball of fiery plasma. High vibrational life does not survive the 3D as it diverges. Souls choose to leave as streams of light emerging in varied directions. Through awareness, one sees an energetic web that streams of light flow out through or merge into. Its like a pulsating resonance of interweaving light (what some have called a “5D Crystalline Grid”) Plasma beings will indeed survive this shift in the lower densities and have the purpose to support the lower dimensional earth grid following the cleansing. The build-up of cosmic energies is echoed in the unravelling of the consensus construct of the Old Earth. At the perfect moment, we will experience what Jim Henson presents as a meatphor in the Dark Crystal- the Great Conjunction comes! This Event points to the convergence of the Galactic, Solar and Earth Pole Shift Cycles. Seeing from this point of view helps to reframe and to accept the energetic process within. Simply unravel and let go of fixed beliefs and ties to the Old 3D Paradigm. It's inviting alignment of 4 key centres of consciousness: your own soul, Gaia, the Solar Logos and the galactic core. Whether we are truly awake or not, these are all interrelated and moving together. At this stage, the physical world may assume a more wave-like quality. The fading of the magnetic field softens the qualities of the physical. (I see this as periodic undulating ground beneath my feet or blurring of vision to refocus on the energetic). This is a natural occurrence for those NOT in fear as the Earth’s Pole Shift draws nearer. The state of one's perception simply reflects a choice of direction to flow. So, stay in fear-based reality or shift into a higher vibrational existence. No more sitting on the fence. Then, it hits! I sense a building stream of plasma energy growing and splitting in the field. This is heavily reshaping landscape of 3D Earth as key cosmic cycles complete.  Moving beyond thought allows deep trust, surrender to True Nature.


(platonic solid merkabah art by )

Notice as initiates, we quest for insight into our own creation. This is about remembering our Soul's purpose along a journey to growing awareness. Within us is power to access information that links past, present and future, where time stands still and All is understood. As we uncover True Nature, we realize a human being is the alchemical lab, a cosmic technology cultivated in a system outside linear time. The human being, consciousness and body, form the laboratory where alchemy happens, where the philosophers’ stone does its work to grant immortality. The human consciousness, mind and heart are tools used by the cosmic magician. Alchemy involves actual substances on the subtle or essential dimension and not on the corporeal level. The mind, heart and body are conduits. The more we recognize them as conduits of cosmic energy, the more the elixir of eternal life flows through veins of the human consciousness, revealing the light that illuminates itself by illuminating obstacles in its way. By illuminating itself, this light (our Nature) illuminates whatever it encounters. Alchemists spent ages on quests for this "Holy Grail." They viewed it the final magnum opus, or great work of spiritual and material transmutation. Alchemists widely believed it was an object to be made or discovered. Some thought it was a stone, others, a liquid or gas. Yet, some also sensed this stone as a metaphor. It is an analogy here. Imagine the key to the secrets of existence, True Nature, is so mysterious and so invisible that it reveals itself in stages. We can only experience True Nature in the many ways/ faces it presents itself, and yet it is always one thing.