What is the universe telling you?

Many people question their purpose. They ask how to gain a deeper understanding of the meaning and direction in their lives. You reap what you sow. How often do you ask what the universe is telling you? How conscious are you of its replies?
1) Note nothing is external. Everything you experience outside yourself reflects some internal part of you. The universe reflects back what you project in thoughts and feelings. Your mental images and physical life are metaphors for what you know at deeper levels of consciousness.
2) Examine your entourage. Friends, close family, relatives, regular bloggers, strangers, each encounter in your life reflects deep beliefs you hold. Identify common threads. Your reaction to attitudes, habits, preoccupations and choices, tell you about what you accept and reject about your hidden self.
3) Ask and it is given. If you sense you are unhappy or do not live th life that resonates with your soul, then you nurture counter-productive emotions deep within you that undermine your dreams. Eliminate incompatible beliefs within and certain conditions and obstacles disappear from external perception.
4) Take responsibility. As people evolve to realize they are completely responsible for all their vibes, feelings and choices, they find inner knowing is life-transforming. The energy of the universe can only bend to energy vibrations you possess and send out. To address questions, discomfort and doubt, take a closer look in the mirror. Everything you eat, drink, wear, think and feel reflects traits that evoke comfort of peace.
5) Celebrate the possibilities. Recognize all options wait to manifest based on your inner beliefs and deliberate intention. Raising self-awareness draws attention to layers of inner complexity. You want something, yet the ego tells you to fear success or failure. Negative energy can be discerned and seen for what it is. Notice what happens as you stop controlling. Thoughts come and go. Dreams blossom. You sense who you are. Embrace it.
“There are no extra pieces in the universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill, and every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle.” –Deepak Chopra