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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in purpose (39)


Accept the nature of evolution

The nature of evolution is not only about a particular outcome or series of outcomes.  It is about the journey and what unfolds during steps all along the way. You add to evolution with all that you are living.  Every moment, new ideas are being born, expansion is taking place, and satisfaction is expanding.  As you grow consciously aware, it all feels right now.

Recognize that without a perceived problem, you do not reach out for a solution.  Similarly, without asking a question you do not embark on a quest to uncover an answer.  Problems and solutions present in the same moment much like questions and answers do.  You simply choose what you are willing to see.  Notice the nature of your own purpose-driven life. 

More specifically, how do you focus your attention: on what is here & now/ how it feels as it gets here or on what is absent and why? Know you can get to wherever you want to be from where you are.  It is easy to transform your conditions.  Be selective about how you feel.


Connect with your intention

Every moment, you are either connected with your deepest intentions or disconnected from them.   Call them your intentions, purpose or mission. You may ask, how do you know? If you are asking someone, what does this tell you?  It is the right moment to;

1) Let go of all doubt that you are not where you are meant to be

2) Recognize the power of reflecting without judgment

3) Meditate on appreciating something wherever you are

4) Visualize something inspiring and notice how it feels 

5) Notice what you see and experience as beauty spreads


What is the secret of attraction?

Contrary to popular belief, the secret of attraction cannot be learned.  Still, the idea of this natural force is something humans seek to harness and control. Many people assume its something you can pursue or have and wield like  magical power to turns heads.  Yet, if not that, you may ask what is it that actually influences what and whom you attract?

You may be surprised to hear that the source of your assumed animal magnetism is not what you think.  Sexual prowess relates to confidence, and appreciation of the physical body, but there's more.  Beneath the surface, attraction is an energetic force.  You allow yourself to feel it through acceptance and being aware of something deeper.  Its about raising awareness of a soul connection.

In essence, the source of true power of attraction is to tap into existing mental clarity.  That's right! This is about seeing through what ego tells you attraction is and focusing all faculties and skills to manifest the purpose known deep in the soul.  You know when you are in the presence of someone who lives in the now.  You feel peace and contentment of the universe without doing anything. Be the divine force inherent in us all.

"The secret of attraction is to love yourself. Attractive people judge neither themselves nor others. They are open to gestures of love. They think about love, and express their love in every action. They know that love is not a mere sentiment, but the ultimate truth at the heart of the universe." -Deepak Chopra 


Getting clarity is within reach

At this moment, at this stage of your life, you may be wondering if you have a purpose.  You may also be unaware of how your mindset and conditioning prevent you from seeing your current circumstances more objectively. This moment is perfect to tap into powerful intuitive insight.  This exists beyond what your mental filters tell you.

Raising self-awareness does not require doing so much as letting go of what you outgrow.  Be willing to explore deeper reasons for your feelings.  Engage in a process.  Self value and acceptance clarify themselves when you are not looking or seeking.

"As I begin to discover my own truth and endeavored to possess it with clarity, I became more and more alienated from that which my companions held, or professed to hold."
-Juan Goytisolo


Trust the natural flow

Notice what happens from the moment you feel everything has a purpose or lesson.  You are in the right place for what you are ready to see.  Notice how it feels to know no wrong place, no mistakes or wrong timing exist. The essence of being sees only perfect timing.  As you trust the natural flow, you never feel the urge to justify anything to anyone.  You stay balanced with the core of what is, that is who you truly are.  Whatever is said about you no longer affects you.  Whatever you perceive is unfolding in external worlds fades. Nothing more can be said, for everything points here, now.

"As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live." - Johann W. von Goethe 

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