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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in perception (195)


Allow energy to flow with ease

Notice what occurs to our dreams, sense of being and purpose as we refocus to navigate existence with energy awareness. Shifts in consciousness happen as we allow "light" to guide us. Although sensing energy is second nature, (only to sight), this ability usually lies below conscious awareness. It flows in the background, remains unconscious until we decide to be aware of its presence. To recall we are energy beings, existing in an energy world, helps shake us out of unconscious patterns. Ancient wisdom and modern physics both describe the sea of quantum energy in which we exist, and our body is composed of oscillating fields within a liquid crystal structure. Consciousness itself is captured within the brain’s matrix of holonomic photons. Familliar physical senses distract us from energy awareness. Intuition provides energetic information (as energy and info are inseparable) about another person’s feelings, the negative energy in a particular place, or even about food quality. Bringing this natural sensing ability into conscious focus is the key to shifting into consistent heartfelt living. Tuning into this innate sensory capacity transforms your experience. Beyond the obvious, it is key to the flow of spiritual paths. Unleashing True Nature is about moving through 3D distractions to activate the light body. This requires inner work with shifting, changing, and monitoring body energies over an extended period. We can learn to pack bioenergy into certain areas, condensing, storing, and distributing finer forces. The alchemical refinement of our subtle energy systems and purification of the five elements demand the same skills. The entire process is about awareness moving within our body field with ease. Purification is initiation to activate more advanced alchemy. The process invites tuning in to sense and contain our core energies, to-get-to-know energy on a visceral level. If it resonates, we begin to experience how emotions and thoughts all ride these energies. We grow aware of stored forces within the bones, the abdominal plexus, the gonads, and other tissues. With energy awareness, we may also begin to see, from a practical, not just moral point of view, how useless it is to waste precious energies on hatred, ill-will, jealousy and unconscious engagement. Energy awareness accelerates transformation. Without valuable preparation/ inner work, we are a priceless bioenergetic missile, possibly unique in our galaxy, ready to launch, but with no fuel or insight to power it. Growing aware of energy blockages, then accessing and fine-tuning energy within u, is the groundwork to initiate a natural process. Only then do inner flames ignite and illumination occur.


Retain deeper lessons and grow

Notice I've lost track of how many times I've died. What matters most though is how I have learned to live. These experiences and lessons cover countless civilizations, timelines, realms, on this planet and others. Some worlds and vibrational information gathering are purely musical, telepathic, geometric or beyond description. Consciousness moves through, sheds and transcends bodies. Books exist on this. Others are already being written.
During the early stages, it was about struggles for survival, safety, and stability. Like a film reel, I am repeatedly running from danger or authority, escaping control, the wrath of accusations of heresy, inconceivable abuse, torture, decapitation, immolation and even the unspeakable. I see from within and beyond body, feel caught in a cyclical trap. Many of those deaths came quickly, were painful or painless. Yet, the complete disconnect from feeling, lack of love, acceptance, connection and belonging evoked more suffering than anything physical. That revelation catapulted me forward, upward.
Next, I moved through experiences that highlighted emotional isolation and repressed sexual energies. In this film reel, I know mistreatment from individuals who are brutal yet, unaware, have a warped sense of self and struggle to function within their own version of reality. Through this mirror, I shifted from physical, biochemical and feeling disconnect to reconnect with natural healing. I allowed the body to do what its meant to do. This opened valves, unleashing limitless creativity and discovering doorways to true intimacy. Again, as winds shifted, a new tune began to play.
Then, journeys arose to reveal events in other spheres that led to low self esteem, lack of will power, hesitation to take personal responsibility. The film reel offered flashbacks about where I was manipulated, exploited, subjugated, dominated by misused power. Only as it dawned that nobody can intimidate me without my own consent did I experience huge shifts in energy, focus, direction, life conditions. It dawned I create my own magic, remove myself from environments I outgrow, come to feel limiting or unhealthy. Sometimes situations repeat in different settings, then hifts also happen simply because I have learned what is there to learn on a deeper level. This happens as I grow to resonate with something deeper, that which I know as my Soul.
Later on, moving through the heart, death seemed more about observing taboos, what we are culturally taught to fear, avoid and resist. The biggest lesson here for me is death is not about losing anything. Rather, its about strengthening a sense of what is always within us. At this stage, death happens as we are ready to recognize and let go of imbalances in our perception, grudges conditioned predjudices and related lies we tell ourselves. Conscious shifts in focus and consciousness are fuelled by the desire to feel more deeply and rediscover another facet of what it is to be truly alive.
Every life contains millions of decisions. Some are big and others seem smaller or less significant. Yet, every decision we make over another affects the outcomes and the direction of our path. At certain points, irreversible variations occur. Regardless of timeline or focus, our choices reveal who or what we truly are, far more than our ideas of limited abilities. Many versions of ourselves exist inside us. Every moment, every one of our thoughts and feelings have an influence on our course of direction. And this course changes. Reclaiming true power and sovereignty shifts gears again. From here, you consciously move in many directions and have a much wider sense of the unfolding.

Tune into the Obvious Truth

(Grasshopper macrophotography credit: wallpaperflare)

Notice more often than is often realized, we imagine seeing things and doubt they exist. We are taught to distrust our impressions. We see and yet, we do not always allow ourselves to readily accept what arises naturally. Instead, we are taught to think and feel the unreal to reinforce mental illusions while we silently ignore the real. As consciousness expands, we are invited to let go of assumptions, make room for seeing inwardly. Through the lens of Love, universal Truth is present in all things. As we change from thinking to tuning in, the energy we register expands, and the obvious transforms.


Let the Magic Happen

Hummingbird photo "Rainbow Ballet" by Christian Spencer (Highly Commended Award in Best Bird Photography 2020)

Notice with so much unfolding, sometimes it feels like touch and go. Still, something within knows that feeling of smooth sailing. Soul knows we can all do what first appears impossible. Walking on water can come to feel like a walk in the park. Seeing and being the light allows us to soar into unexpected depths and directions.


Turn Life Around

(Ladybug macrophotography and water droplets by Don Komarechka)

Notice sometimes only seeing things upside down allows us to truly see things right side up. More than once, we may contemplate living differently, imagine what it would be like to somehow change or even leave our old life behind, and yet hesitate to take off. As we reach the end of our rope, or (tip)ping point, the excitement of the unknown is more powerful than the fear that held us back. Fearless Soul takes the helm over Ego. Only then do we see the obvious. This is the process of getting in touch with and being ourselves.