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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in perception (195)


Let go of will to control

Notice its common to wonder what determines how life unfolds. Yet, its not up to us. Its outside of our control. Feel into any resistance arising to not being in control. Everything that presents results from dynamic forces of equilibrium and natural laws interacting and creating what is seen and unseen. We do not have to know all reasons that needed to happen for everything to be as it is. This has nothing to do with us. Its completely impersonal. Everything is fine until we show up, judge it, attempt to force or manipulate. Energy flows where we are not. We are fine with that. We rarely or never complain about where we are not. Ponder this...
So, life is not about controlling energy. Its about our relationship with the force of creation unfolding outside us. We each inhabit a body and "the world" is outside. Energy is always unfolding, that includes before after time, before our birth and after body is gone.
Many people seek peace. Thing is, right now, we can be in a state of acceptance, awe, respect, honour, experience this moment as fresh and new. Insodoing, we gift ourselves whatever arises. We are the only being standing right here, now. From this view, no problems exist, simply experience we accept (or reject/ resist). For most, their relationship with life and self is not always peaceful. Why is that?
Well, we decide in the mind, develop ideas, of what life should be doing today, tomorrow, and beyond. In truth, we limit possibilities, make it all up, create a vison, goals, dreams we must realize and specific steps to get here. Ego decides what should and should not be, what we like and dislike, what is right and wrong in relation to our own self-created points of reference. A problem is that unfolding realities are not obliged to meet our expectations. Business projections are not always accurate. When what we want to happen, doesn't happen as we want it to and when, that is viewed as a problem. Yet, reality does not behave this way. We make up an alternate version of reality and get upset when the unfolding does not happen as ego wants. This brings suffering. We are the source.
In essence then, Buddha's Nobel Truths are simple. Everybody is suffering because they do not have the right understanding of the way things are, they have expectations for life that reality does not meet. The cause of suffering is desire, preference, our idea of ways things ought to be. We make it up and want things to happen, our way.
As it is, moments exist independently from the rest. Everything is interconnected. To end suffering, end attachment to desire and outcomes, stop being rigid about the way things must be. Come back to simplicity. The way the world is does not have to be the way you want it to be.
A key question to ask is what prompts us to fear things will not be the way we want? It evokes tension. A wise person does not renounce all desires. Yet, why do we insist on imagining an alternate reality instead of savouring the one that exists? Rather than struggle with life or ourselves, go deeper. Everything does not have to be a certain way for us to be loved, lovable, accepted, successful. We are a witness, guest and observer.



See what is really here

Notice our third eye is a most powerful source of insight. To see with the third eye is to see beyond the dualities of existence, to see things as they really are, beyond conditioned fear and judgment. This is about universal love and acceptance. Come what may, we perceive what is aligned with our vibration, what we allow into our scope of reality. We each have potential to create peace within ourselves. If our sense of peace is based on the external, such as someone else's behaviour, or a specific outcome, we can never be at peace. That is giving our power away. We may focus on a specific state regardless of what unfolds around us. As dormant systems activate, we see more of what is here.


Be the light unto yourself  

Notice everyone has the innate ability to create something precious, meaningful. Deep down, Soul knows this and also perfect timing. So, when a cement block appears in our lives, we may initially assume its ugly rock or a metaphor for what prevents us from moving ahead, realizing potential. We may think Higher Self misunderstood our secret wish for freedom, joy, aliveness. Yet, sometimes an idea is too big to move or manifest instantly. The process is what unleashes us.
When we least expect it, the voice of a sculptor emerges from within us. This co- creator will not permit us to destroy what he says we asked for. We're about to have something valuable, wonderful in our midst. What part of us sees as a frustrating mental or physical block, the visionary sees very differently.
Turns out, as the confused mind patiently tolerates the sculptor, the mind slowly begins to understand. The sculptor didn't see a block of cement at all. He saw art! He proceeded to remove all of the cement that didn't belong around the art. The sculptor "saw" inside the rock. Something beautiful emerges in the block. With a flash of light, the sculptor transforms. He becames part of us, taking his place within attributes that make us whole. He is like a soul mate, a spiritual twin-flame, and a wise advisor to help us see the light within ourselves.
Curiously, we never ask the "separate" sculptor's name. It dawns, that is an aspect of true being. Not only do we receive the manifestation we wish for, but we also get an active wisdom guide. This is about expanding perception. Perhaps what is unseen is essential for true seeing, and what gets subtracted or let go from distorted reality is what allows for miracles. We are the light unto ourselves.



Decode the upheavals

Notice ongoing upheavals in our lives, the Earth and cosmos, echo an unprecedented opportunity for inner growth. As we expand consciousness, we get honest with ourselves about what is no longer working or serving us, take steps toward conscious change. Denial or repression of who we are causes misery. Keeping busy, gettting lost in addictions, is not an effective solution. We can progress from thinker to talker and doer to being. As we remember more, we recognize, dismantle patterns, activate more of our true abilities, create space for what we blocked, believed was not real or possible. We stay confused, hit rock bottom or endure rebirth. To realize we need not prove our worth, allows us to shap out of it.
At the perfect moment, we recognize we are consciousness with the potential to change matter. It dawns it is our decision how we look at the past, future or any moment. The nature of focus has power to alter perception and shift timelines. How we mentally review or describe a given event changes the vibration of an experience, reorders us at a cellular level, changes how life unfolds since then.
Such energy shifts create space in the mind for a new era of travel. Imagine moving along planes of consciousness, between realms initially seen and unseen. What may seem unreal or denied by the ego and physical senses is very real to a larger part of us or the Oversoul that orchestrates the whole thing. Imagine travelling freely without passports, without barriers or restrictions that have us buy into illusory limitations. Imagine the implications of unlimited being.
Those who are ready energetically are guided, taken to places best suited to their own vibration and potential for expansion. Staying open and receptive allows us to get excited about new possibilities that unfold beyond a purely mental journey of ideas. Being in harmony energetically is what transforms visions from a level of heresay into the energy flows of direct spontaneous experience.
As light, soul travel already occurs interdimensionally, here and now. Deja-vu offers a sample glimpse of wrinkles in timelines. We discover the experience of multidimensional being from the point we stop believing this as a mere possibility and shift into awareness of the only real option. To know and be unified with all that is is to know wholeheartedly who is in charge of reality and take full and complete responsibility for what is.
Turns out, light and technology move faster than the human mind can fathom. Imagine creating worlds faster than blinks of an eye. The imperative is to master the mind. Self-mastery changes the game. Time- space, wormholes, portals, stargates, leylines, grid realities, all begin to align out of pixelation as part of passing thru the zero point (the veil), on many layers and fractals. The big secret is. humans have mastery in our DNA. Learning to activate it is a test.



Let go of limitation

Notice as we let go of limited ideas of who we are, the fluid truth reveals itself. The more mysterious something is, the more we come to think we understand it until we are humbled by what the universe reveals though us. It dawns that a constant decoding process of the brain and sensory systems allows us to experience perception, create a reality based on illusions happening outside us.
Turns out, based on color spectrum, the colours that we are not are projected back into the world around us for us to see. Our perception is between 360 to 720 nanometers. We have 88 octaves of experience across spectrum of sound, thought. Light is the 55 octave above sound. This is the only octave of visible spectrum. Beyond that is the non-visible spectrum. The pineal gland is that part of us that translates light beyond the visible spectrum. The pixels we thought are us, are not us but only reflect the light signature of us in motion. Each time we think we move, a whole other group of pixels are reflecting us. The only limitations are the beliefs we hold consistently, such as time. Otherwise, the real is energy in constant motion.
Based on Hermetics, the entire universe is mental not material. What we perceive in the external world is not material, its energy. How we decode it changes based on level of consciousness. Our beliefs, expectations create a reality unless something shifts and wider awareness takes over. Linear time only exists in the mind. Actually everything happens now, every reincarnation exists simultaneously. Let go of all that you have been taught. Feel the way into the next stage of remembering. Shatter your own myths.
So, from an infinite point of view, no such thing as past lives exist, only parallel lives we jump into, at will. As we move into higher dimensions of vibration, the world around us starts to shift into this new vibration in resonance. This creates changes in our perceptions and has effects retro-causally. This means we live in a different timeline and certain changes are noticed like the spelling of a brand name or pattern of glasses.
As we elevate consciousness, all dimensions of time also change. We notice the result of the change of consciousness rather than how this happens or what we must do to get here. The urge to analyze falls away. This process is all about transcendence of judgement and duality. We are the designer of our own game for the benefit of our one conscious expansion. The reason we exist is to remember how to love and receive love. Choosing love accelerates the motion of energy, allows us to activate dormant systems. The things we do not like about ourselves simply project in the world around us and take shape in ways that perpetuate a visious circle so we continue to believe lies.
As authenticity arises, we fall in love with Self, and everything else as well. This is the path to illuminate from within, to recognize one is and has always been enlightened. In duality, we simply do not see see things as they are, but how we judge ourselves until judgment ceases and love is all that remains. What we assume is bad or not working as we had hoped in our lives, eventually turns out to be a blessing and precipitates shifts.
Consider the analogy of musical intervals. Musical chords can be played in ascending or descending order and change the vibrational effect. The seed of sadness has within it the seed of love and joy. Depending on the order of notes played, different emotions are evoked. Inverse relationships of music are profound. As consciousness expands, big connections stand out. 
For example, research reveals thirteen musical intervals (full spectrum of sound) are perfectly represented by the geometric pyramids of Giza Plateau. Sound is the absorption of light. Its representaation in wave form is a rainbow spectrum of light. This suggests the pyramid complex is a musical key. In 3D, we are taught time only moves forward. Yet from a higher dimension, time flows backward and forward. It is retrocausal. Turns out, time is a torus that loops on itself.
So, we have a view of the universe that is grounded in our unique perception and observation bias. Step outside of that, and see that our sense of reality has been grounded on a recurrent pattern. We incarnate to recognize and get past our self-created patterns to remember who we truly are beyond all that. Engaging in conscious alchemy takes the experience to whole new levels.