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Insight of the Moment

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Entries in chakras (5)


Dream Analysis of the Week- Terraced garden


The dream took place on a terraced farm cut into seven levels alongside mountains.  A man stood next to an old fashioned (heritage) Australian Queenslander house. Red dusty sand was blowing around him. He, the dry land and house seemed somehow out-of-place in the surrounding terraced farm. He looked up, remarked he could not see beyond clouds.

At the next step down was the lady who was tending to a lush area of green plants at mid-calf level.  Although the man looked for someone with a hand above his brow to shade the sun, he did not see the woman. She reached into her pocket, took out a credit card and asked her daughter from the next level down to step up, go to local shop to get some seeds.  The daughter smiled, said "I don't need the card." Lady shrugged, "okay" and accidentally dropped card in the water where is could not be found.

Stepping back, the lady looked up, saw 3 levels of floating gardens were growing different crops above the clouds. The rice was lush and green. Alternating crops included flowers in vibrant colours and vegetables growing in swirls above and below levitating soil.


Mountains represent challenges, goals, milestones and things to work toward.  Terrace farming prevents soil erosion and contributes to soil conservation and keeps crops well-watered. Nowadays, the method allows growing versatile crops, and its management is more comfortable with online agricultural software. Notice the man is unable to communicate with the woman. This points to possible issues being seen and heard as you are.  Stepping away from what you outgrow may help you nourish your spirit and grow in new ways.seeing yourself working on a unknown farm represents new beginnings on the horizon and possibilities going forward. 

On another level, the HUman is like a 7-story house.  Each level is represented by the chakras which are cosmic doorways to different states and stages of consciousness. Notice humans generally live and die on only one floor.  The conscious mind is the floor on which we live. Directly below is the underground basement or unconscious.  Below that is the third floor or collective unconscious.  Still lower, the fourth floor, is the cosmic unconscious.  Above the floor on which we live is the super-conscious mind.  Above that is the floor of the collective conscious. Above that, is the cosmic consciousness.  From where we are then, there exist three floors above and also below.  If we only focus on where we are, we miss the bigger picture. 

Self-realisation is about becoming familliar with the entire arragement of 7 levels and taking it further to experience each one directly. Its not about staying up above the clouds in the higher levels or getting bogged down at the lower levels. Nothing can remain unfamilliar or unknown. No stone can be left unturned in this process.  Each level has its own initiations. The reason is that one cannot be one's own master so long as one is a slave to (fearful of) the unknown. Reflect on the number 7 and its significance in your life- i.e. colours of the rainbow, # dwarves & traits in "Snow White", days of the week, energy fields, ect.  Awakening is about growing more spiritually-inclined, more apt to go inward, see from different points of view. Its natural to explore more levels of one's inner house, to shed light on shadows and expand into more of true nature.

The dream also invites the dreamer to review his own perception of current needs, pull out or let go of what is obsolete or outgrown or overgrown.  This is a message about listening to spiritual (inner) guidance rather than material conditioning. Different kinds of abundance present.  Meditate on abundance, wealth, what you sow.

We offer Dream Consultations that explore the significance of single and multiple dreams. We also offer an Astral, Lucid & Dream Yoga Course.  Contact us for details.


Allow it to happen

Kundalini is a buzzword many people aspire to. Its the byproduct of spiritual advancement. In the West, people are taught to be ego-driven, self-centred, to focus on the goal, prize or destination rather than the path to get there. People are widely unaware of the reasons behind the process, its origins, and the collective motive for doing it. It is about contributing to evolving humanity. It was originally part of an initiation process. The energy generated here allows the mythical phoenix to arise from the ashes. 

An energetic view is its the rising of consciousness through chakras.  The cakra (Sanskrit) means “wheel” and refers to energy points in your body. They are thought to be spinning disks of energy that stay “open” unless blocked. The life force is a symbolic flow of energy that can rise in a very gradual and smooth process which is the natural course of things for some beings.  In ancient times, when one had a guide through processes, it was the traditional reflection of maturity and development. It can result naturally and spontaneously from living a pure and wholesome life.  Yet, in modern day, this is a rarity.

Many people are familliar with the Purusharthas (inherent values of the Universe: Artha (economic values) Kama (pleasure), Dharma (righteousness), and Moksha (liberation).

At a spiritual level, the Purusharthas are the blueprint for human fulfillment. Being mindful a satisfying, balanced, a meaningful life at the deepest, most holistic level of life. They offer a way of keeping you 'above board' so you make sound decisions. Knowing soulful goals brings meaning to your spiritual practice.

Purushartha implies “for the purpose of the divine Self. Take a moment and ask yourself, ‘Am I managing my life in a way to support my spiritual growth?’ and ‘What do I really, really want at the level of my Soul?’”

Consciousness opens or unfolds your potentiality relevant to where you are in life.  Issues arise if people take steps to rush this process.  For example, engage in intense spritual practices without proper preparation, purification and guidance is risky.  Without the proper containment of energy, guidance and interpretation of what is happening within, it can create more issues that you start with. In some cultures, a person is apprenticed to a master and goes through the process at a suitable pace for a disciple. 

Yet, in modern times, with access to the Internet and bombardments of information, people often work on their own without background insights. The ego would have us believe that we do not require external teachers or gurus.  To take a substance or engage in practices on a whim might evoke extreme experiences, but not everyone is equipped to intergrate that. Some people take drugs or intensify practices and  get shaken up without anyone to guide them. So, if the process does not unfold naturally,  the issue is never consciousness or kundalini energy, but the state of receptiveness of the body vessel. What happens sometimes is people attempt to get somewhere they have not created an energetic basis to sustain.

My own process has involved opening myself to progressively more intense flows of energy.  To simply have energy flowing without blockages would be pure bliss (satchitananda). However, trembling typically reaches a hiatus where a person cannot handle any more charge or electrical flow and must then take a rest. The process may then, in due time, begin again.
To surrender to the flow allows it to flow down through the crown, integrate all the koshas into harmony. This energy is divine intelligence, knows precisely what you need for soul evolution.  Some blockages are shaken out through kriyas (body's spontneous movements). We are invited to feel into discomfort, relax to allow energy  to flow freely.  Does the pain have a memory or emotion attached to it? One may lead to flashes of others as part of the process of releasing blockages. Does the intensity flowing through have a sound? Release it.
In Kundalini meditation, you can work to awaken this energy, go through your process and achieve enlightenment through a combination of techniques, including:
  1. deep breathing (breathwork)
  2. mudras (hand movements)
  3. mantras (phrases)
  4. physical movements (kriyas)



Retain deeper lessons and grow

Notice I've lost track of how many times I've died. What matters most though is how I have learned to live. These experiences and lessons cover countless civilizations, timelines, realms, on this planet and others. Some worlds and vibrational information gathering are purely musical, telepathic, geometric or beyond description. Consciousness moves through, sheds and transcends bodies. Books exist on this. Others are already being written.
During the early stages, it was about struggles for survival, safety, and stability. Like a film reel, I am repeatedly running from danger or authority, escaping control, the wrath of accusations of heresy, inconceivable abuse, torture, decapitation, immolation and even the unspeakable. I see from within and beyond body, feel caught in a cyclical trap. Many of those deaths came quickly, were painful or painless. Yet, the complete disconnect from feeling, lack of love, acceptance, connection and belonging evoked more suffering than anything physical. That revelation catapulted me forward, upward.
Next, I moved through experiences that highlighted emotional isolation and repressed sexual energies. In this film reel, I know mistreatment from individuals who are brutal yet, unaware, have a warped sense of self and struggle to function within their own version of reality. Through this mirror, I shifted from physical, biochemical and feeling disconnect to reconnect with natural healing. I allowed the body to do what its meant to do. This opened valves, unleashing limitless creativity and discovering doorways to true intimacy. Again, as winds shifted, a new tune began to play.
Then, journeys arose to reveal events in other spheres that led to low self esteem, lack of will power, hesitation to take personal responsibility. The film reel offered flashbacks about where I was manipulated, exploited, subjugated, dominated by misused power. Only as it dawned that nobody can intimidate me without my own consent did I experience huge shifts in energy, focus, direction, life conditions. It dawned I create my own magic, remove myself from environments I outgrow, come to feel limiting or unhealthy. Sometimes situations repeat in different settings, then hifts also happen simply because I have learned what is there to learn on a deeper level. This happens as I grow to resonate with something deeper, that which I know as my Soul.
Later on, moving through the heart, death seemed more about observing taboos, what we are culturally taught to fear, avoid and resist. The biggest lesson here for me is death is not about losing anything. Rather, its about strengthening a sense of what is always within us. At this stage, death happens as we are ready to recognize and let go of imbalances in our perception, grudges conditioned predjudices and related lies we tell ourselves. Conscious shifts in focus and consciousness are fuelled by the desire to feel more deeply and rediscover another facet of what it is to be truly alive.
Every life contains millions of decisions. Some are big and others seem smaller or less significant. Yet, every decision we make over another affects the outcomes and the direction of our path. At certain points, irreversible variations occur. Regardless of timeline or focus, our choices reveal who or what we truly are, far more than our ideas of limited abilities. Many versions of ourselves exist inside us. Every moment, every one of our thoughts and feelings have an influence on our course of direction. And this course changes. Reclaiming true power and sovereignty shifts gears again. From here, you consciously move in many directions and have a much wider sense of the unfolding.

7 Tips to breathe easier

Life's purpose changes for many of us.  We are invited to allow people, events and experiences to shake us up and wake us up rather than put us to sleep.  Showing empathy and compassion for everything that arises on our path is allowing all we encounter to be our teacher, to show us what we are willing to see. Its all about opening up to unleash and experience more of our true selves.

Come what may, the rhythm of the breath is a gauge that helps us recognize which emotions we are feeling and what is really going on beneath the surface. Ponder these 7 tips to breathe easier;  

1. Listen to your breath

We can each come to sense more of what is going on within ourselves by tuning in and paying closer attention to the nature of our own breath. Simply noticing whether we breathe deeply, more shallow or somewhere in between, tells us much about what is going on inside of us.

2.  Ground yourself

As we breathe, we can imagine inhaling air up through our feet to ground ourselves in the Earth and feel more stable.  We can also go further, imagining the breath energy (prana or life force) circulating through the entire body. Focusing on this visualisation has a very peaceful effect.

3. Defrag & recentre

Multi-tasking may cause us to feel like we have a bit of vertigo. When different parts of us feel disconnected or spinning out of control, its helpful to stop wherever we are and sit down. Close the eyes and imagine each inhaled breath is facilitating a defrag.  We can retrieve whatever feels out of place. A computer defrag allows it to slow down and pull its files together to function more efficiently. Each exhale can purge whatever you no longer need. 

4.  Re-orient

When we are faced with life choices, an obvious best course may not stand out rigth away. Sometimes we can get worked up. Fear and anxiety may arise. A helpful approach is to visualize each choice and breath into and out of it and feel the vibe we get with each inhale and exhale.  Letting the rhythm of the breath guide us to what feels right for at this time takes a huge load off mental contemplation.

5.  Rebalance

At different stages, our bodies can seem to feel different temperatures in different places. Maybe the hands and feet feel colder than the rest of the body or, maybe the top half feels colder or warmer than the bottom half. We can always use the breath to help us find balance by sending energy to different parts of the body.

6. Be like an accordion 

Like an accordion, we sometimes feel stretched to our full capacity yet still feel more music could to come out of us. We can use the breath to increase the length of our exhalation so it is logner than our inhalation.  Typically, the rate of inhalation to exhalation is about the same in many people. Yet, we can focus attention on the inhale and gradually extend our exhalation in a sedentary and then a walking meditation. Such techniques are used by Free divers, singers, and individuals with breathing issues or others who simply wish to maximize the benefits from lung capacity and get more oxygen to cells.

7.  Massage the chakras

Awareness of energy anatomy can set the stage for another kind of breath meditation. We can focus on and tune in to each chakra in turn, breathing into it, and sense the state of energy movement, congestion and other details.  This can serve as the beginning of a more in depth breathing meditation which can also involve healing to provide relief from suffering and help us gain new insight into our deeper selves.


Learn how to dematerialize

At this moment, the human brain is adapting to DNA changes and activating crystals which facilitate teleportation and inter-dimensional travel.  Synchronicity is staggering. You choose to attune, to reconnect and accept such things or not.

If you choose to outgrow the physical focus, you can learn to reconnect with the inner self. It is about gaining access to higher consciousness and building spiritual confidence. To stop permitting ego to control you is to move up through the chakras to move from belief and doubt to inner knowing.

When you ask a question, you are given answers inside to transcend ignorance and help you learn to balance energy.   Pay attention. What are the mind and spirit telling you?

This is not limited to a particular period of perceived time like 2012. This concerns reconnecting with inner capacities for experiences the mind judges to be bizarre and the heart-centre views as perfectly normal. You are invited to choose which dormant capacities to awaken and manifest. 

As one remembers divine gifts, one perceives energy on different levels. Love and a grasp of the functions of the inner, light body make it is possible to travel into worm holes.  Some people choose to channel. Others realize they are cosmic travellers. Discern your own expansion potential.

As you reach your crown centre, you can learn to learn to dematerialize.  This is a core truth. Meditation is a path to deeper self-knowledge.  Revelations unfold in stages;

1) Read about ancient influences on modern worlds. 

2) Tune into your own baseline energy frequency.

3) Learn about white light and conscious expansion.  

4) Notice emotions as gauges for vibrational shifts.

5) Discern how to raise energy & be heart-centred.

6) Gain insight into musical scales and sound therapy.

7) Learn to control the rotation of the chakras.

8) Notice how the energy body becomes etheric

9) Know etheric matter can travel through black holes.

10) Explore the merkaba and do merkaba meditations.