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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in perception (195)


7 incentives to learn astral projection

Astral Projection is the process by which human consciousness temporarily leaves the physical body and functions independently. Its amazing to realize the power of that invisible silver cord! (It case you didn't know, its what's severed by divine beings at the moment of 'passing over').   Loads of people experience astral and concur its very real. Will you choose to take their word? or, explore it yourself?

Now, astral travel is not unconscious dreaming. Lucid dreaming is a stage when you become aware that you are dreaming. Astral is another step where you also travel after a conscious projection. This is a level of heightened perception. As you explore the astral dimension, your senses can seem sharper and sensations appear more real.

Mark Pritchard, who teaches an Astral course, explains Astral describes the first two planes of the 5th dimension. You may be more familliar with the first three (length, width& height) of the physical world. Time occupies the perceived 4th dimension. The 6th is the electronic dimension. The 7th is the spirit dimension.  A variety of perspectives exist on what inter-dimensional travel feels like. What is yours?

You may ask, why desire to learn Astral anyway? Maybe you're even thinking it could be dangerous? Consider these 7 incentives which motivate astral travellers:

1) Improve clarity and conscious memory. Who doesn't desire a sharper memory? The more lucid your dreams, the more aware you become in a conscious state and the easier is to access memory. Yet, you must raise consciousness to a certain level in waking life before you will recall dreams or grasp your potential in astral.

2) Influence humans in the physical dimension. No, this isn't an opportunity to pretend you're a ghost, though you might view it that way. People may be motivated to learn astral to interact with people in the physical realm without touching them. People in the physical can't see into the higher dimensions without remembering the capacity of polyvision.

3) Connect with angels, sentient beings & your deepest self. You can send out a request for general assistance to expand on your understanding and experience of astral. You may even connect with a specific guide or spirit for other reasons. Its up to you to invoke beings or spirits you wish to sense and contact. Dream guides are available to those who ask.

4) Meet other humans in astral. Humans like contacting others in astral. This heightens sensitivities. Yet, you and another only engage in meaningful astral exchanges and recall them in physical realms if both of you are aware in astral. One person can be conscious and see another without being able to convey a message. You can see the astral light of a physical body far away, as in check on a loved one.

5) Gain new kinds of spiritual knowledge. The astral plane offers a wealth of information on many subjects. Much of this is available in symbols. You can also learn from other travellers and beings who go there. Decipher what you choose.

6) Travel backward & forward in time. Lots of people are intrigued by time travel as a theory and wonder if its possible. Astral allows you to go backward to relive events that have occurred. These details are recorded in Akashic files. You can also sense possible future events, since details permeate down through dimensions. Yet, action in the physical can change events that were originally foreseen.

7) Contact departed loved ones. It is possible to encounter departed loved ones in astral since their spirit abides in higher dimensions. As your astral skills evolve, you will be able sense the presence of the loved one's personality, or whatever was most recognizable to you about them in the physical world. You can evolve to communicate and be recognized by them through your own traits and sensitivities.

Just so you know, everybody explores astral every night. Yet, they don't always remember experience in dream realms. Astral travel requires discipline and will power to develop the skills for consistent projection and to achieve continuity.

My related ebook, Expand Consciousness Now is already available. Look out for my coming Harness the Energy of Your Dreams ebook to be released on this website. Contribute queries about possible content in this coming dream book.  Contact me about coaching options to deepen understanding of dreams and practices.


Trading places, spaces and identities

Okay, so you're having a hard time understanding someone's behavior or point of view. What are you doing about that? Maybe you ignore the person and hope he or she goes away. You could request clarification, but the person in question may simply repeat what was already said and leave you confused or frustrated. This is an invitation from the universe to gain insight into yourself.

If you wish to better understand someone, you have other options. Imagine you trade places. That's right! Pretend you're the person with whom you disagree. If you were in this person's shoes, how would you feel? What would your motives be for a particular opinion? What do you gain from being inflexible? What does this say about your personality? How do(es) culture, social role, religion, age, gender and life experience influence your perception and attitude?

As you ponder answers, you begin to see new points of view. You begin to see that the anger, fear or resistance are simply layers of illusion to be peeled away. What matters is you open the heart and show compassion. Listen to what someone is really saying. Words and gestures are smokescreens.


Uplift your soul

If there's one thing I've learned in all my perceived encounters with people who seem to represent guardian angels, or other positive forces, their gestures of kindness uplift my soul.

Each morning, when I awaken, I sense the warmth of light that beams in through my window and I'm grateful to have been given another day.  I have come to recognize the act of guardianship. Its a feeling I associate with intense light, and strong feelings of comfort and support that energize me. I've been fortunate to meet people in my life who have opened my mind to new opportunities I hadn't thought about before. I've learned helping people also helps myself.

I send out positive feelings to an older woman I know to be suffering from an illness its within her power to get under control.  It's a wonderful feeling to learn that she's experiencing a change of attitude about her health which is already ensuring her recovery.  She tells me she has always believed in angels and that people seem to show up and help her in her life just when she needs a helping hand. 

She told me she recently had a dream.  She was told her time had not yet come.  She found herself crying, then her fear about her uncertain health seemed to disappear. She had a feeling of being embraced by love. She awoke and realized someone already in her life had been helping her and she had not noticed to what degree. She became more grateful for what was already right in front of her. This man was there when she had to go to the hospital.  He represents more than an Earthly guardian angel. It took her time to realize how much he cared and how much she did.

This woman still denies that her health choices affect her illness, but she has felt increasingly close to the spirit world that has given her strength through very difficult times.  She is slowly letting go of bitterness and negative feelings.  She is developing new faith in people who have entered her life who help her see beyond her earlier life of deep distress. She has discovered more to her life.


Crisis is opportunity

Any problem you perceive or experience, even the worst situations imaginable, actually contains the beginnings of the best possible things that could happen.  You can learn to reframe a crisis as an opportunity. Your point of view determines what seems easy or hard. What becomes far more important is whether you evolve to consider your pursuits to be more satisfying and fulfulling.

Consider entrepreneur Robert Kiyosaki went through a difficult period where bankruptcy initially forced him to live in his car with his wife for six months.  They readily admit that was the toughest period of their lives.  Yet, knowing hardship prompted them to develop new faith in themselves.  It encouraged them to trust their dreams. They swallowed their pride, asked for help, took friends up on an offer to l live in a basement and 9 months later, they were back on their feet. Kiyosaki recreates his version of success as a best-selling author, real estate investor and financial advisor.

Consider a young man had a burning desire to pursue a musical career but was repeatedly told he had no talent.  He came  to suffer from low self-confidence, and didn't initially see everything he labelled as a problem was really a self-created illusion.  He opted to become a pharmacist, but he never let go of his dream.  When new friends encouraged him to enter the 2006 Australian Idol contest, he never anticipated winning. Funny, now Damien Leith's native Ireland wants him back! Athought in the process of becoming an Australian citizen, he does not forget his roots.

Both these men come to see they couldn't get rid of their problems by getting angry or trying to understand how people felt around them.  Instead, they had to step back and see it is up to each of us to notice and correct errors in our own thinking.  Each of these men discover inner power to reframe conditions, to view all experiences as part of learning curves and view every perception is a stepping stone.  In essence, they show us perceived problems are exercises in character-building. 

One big message stands out:  to doubt and discourage is like standing in our own way.  Each of us is invited to appreciate all experience and accept ourselves as we are.  Though we create our own personal versions of external success, inner success is given.  Intrinsic worth is always here.


You are in charge of giving your life meaning

The way you perceive yourself and your circumstances reveals whether or not you accept the truth.  Is this what you know or choose to accept? Do you focus on parts of situations or do you actively seek to understand as much as you can of the bigger picture that involves other people?

John F. DeMartini explains that our perceptions "often exaggerate or minimize the truth."  We see what we wish to see, hear what we desire to hear, and selectively draw from our senses based on our own hopes, fears and expectations.  We train ourselves to block out what we'd rather forget.  This kind of behavior doesn't enable us to strengthen our self or get to the crux of who we are. How you feel about things and people are based on your perceptions as well. 

How often do you selectively overlook some of your personal qualities? You may say, that's okay, or it doesn't bother you when underneath it all, that little something has a big impact on the choices you make or how you hold yourself back from things you sincerely hope to achieve. You may fear or condemn based on your own ignorance or on what you'd rather not exert effort to understand. This is your choice, but do you even realize you may be doing this?

The more you open your senses to see and experience some level of good in everything, the more you will realize that you are in charge of giving your life meaning.  The choices you make are ways you seek to convince yourself of your abilities, your potential and your visions of future. How you decide you will view everything that happens will determine what you see.

Consider the film "It's a Beautiful Life." The context of the Nazi concentration camp was not itself uplifting, so how could a director achieve a successful comedy? The protagonist chose how he wished to portray what was happening to his son. The father was so effective, the audience chuckles out of sheer disbelief.

You too can decide how you will perceive the world and your place in it. Whether you choose to better yourself and your circumstances is a first step. If you make this choice, you'll figure out how.

“The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.” -Mitch Albom

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