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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Dream Analysis of the Week- Pay Debts


I was at my grandparents' house, on their front lawn (this grandmother is deceased. We did not get along). I asked a friend (also client) I do not know well for $1000 to pay my outstanding work bills. I felt uncomfortable asking her. This friend is regarded as being in a 'cool group' and someone "everyone is meant to impress."


Many people have unresolved relationships with money.  There is often a tug of war going on inside which echoes scarcity and abundance. This can trigger guilt and shame alongside joy and excitement, a range of emotions.

You may be questioning the nature of certain obligations and commitments you create for yourself and the stress and anxiety it evokes.  There is something you feel you can do without yet,  what hijacks your attention is deep desire to do more, go further, be seen, belong or feel accepted.

Thoughts of impressing others draw attention to insecurities and issues of self-worth. You truly want to get-along with all sides of yourself, merge fragemented parts of your psyche. Parts of you may seem dead and buried, yet they are not.  Feelings are pointers to what is alive within you. When we think we create conflicts or that others do not like us, this is simply pointing to shadows we have not yet accepted/ integrated within us.

If you feel under peer pressure, you may hide repressed anger which itself masks hidden hurt. In truth, its not others that are the issue.  Focus instead on which aspects of yourself you are rejecting. They are struggling for attention.  Rediscover what it is to be real. No need to pretend to impress people, or to get along with them.

Lawns echo all with growth potential is interconnected, and opportunities are right "in front of us" whether or not we are willing to see this. The front lawn tends to represent what you are willing to put "out there" for public view. This also implies possible fear judgement, criticism and rejection.  Reference to embarassment echoes possible hidden fears about putting something new "out there" or showing people who you truly are. Watch what happens as you imagine the worst case scenarios.  See what you are truly made of. Be real. Pay the unwritten debt to your soul.

We offer lengthy Dream Consultations that explore single or multiple dreams and we also offer an Astral, Lucid and Dream Yoga Course.  Contact us for more information. 


Let the Magic Happen

Hummingbird photo "Rainbow Ballet" by Christian Spencer (Highly Commended Award in Best Bird Photography 2020)

Notice with so much unfolding, sometimes it feels like touch and go. Still, something within knows that feeling of smooth sailing. Soul knows we can all do what first appears impossible. Walking on water can come to feel like a walk in the park. Seeing and being the light allows us to soar into unexpected depths and directions.


5 Things to learn from a pineapple

It is easy to forget how much we can learn about ourselves from the external world. We are taught to see difference or separation rather than sameness or opportunities to shift perception. When on an exotic vacation or noticing the exotic where we are, we invite getting to know the unfamilliar in ourselves, making the unconscious, conscious so that we can see differently. Consider 5 Things to learn from a pineapple:

1. Recognize appearances are deceiving

Pineapples as spiky. Some might judge them as weird on the outside.  Yet, they can be sweet, juicy and full of pleasant surprises on the inside.  The lesson is we are each more than we appear.  Each of us can grow aware that we are more than we are taught to see about our external selves. Part of our deeper purpose is to explore and expand into more of our untapped potential.

2.  Intuit hardness hides softness

Although we can seem hard, stoic, unapproachable or hard to get -to-know on the outside, just like a pineapple, we all have soft inner core.  We stand tall but do we silently feel confident or put up a front?  The more we are kind to ourselves, the more we allow ourselves to speak our truth and be vulnerable, the more the outer hardness softens, the more we attract people and situations into our lives that empower us.

3. Know growth only happens in the right conditions

We are each like a pineapple which only grows in the right conditions. It cannot be too hot or too cold. There has to be enough sun and water, the right nutrient-rich soil. As we get to know and listen to the seed of our true selves, we naturally plant ourselves where we grow best, or move, transplant ourselves in spaces suited to different stages of our evolution. What feels right nurtures our soul growth. 

4. See groundedness nurtures growth

The pineapple's root system is broad and shallow with roots that often extend beyond its leaves, which can reach up to 5 feet long.  What does this tell you about feeling spread out, over-extended or properly grounded in your life? This invites you to discern activities that feel too confining, be unafraid to shift focus, orientation to face and absorb more sun. Its always okay to put down new roots.  (pineapple rows image by Nigel Goodman)

5. Discover what is self-seeding

Cut off the bottom of a pineapple and plant it to grow another.  Each of us is birthing something new.  When we are ready to express a vision or intention, we let it blossom. Upon closer look, a pineapple looks like a giant pinecone. This symbolizes the pineal gland or third eye (of the endocrine system), immortality and enlightenment that we can each evolve into. Light flows downward from the heavens into the green leaves. Pineapples offer a direct example of co-creation, self-directed growth, expansion, and regeneration.  Ask how a pineapple invites us to flower from within. (pineapple planting image by


Recall the Ant & the Chrysalis

An Ant nimbly running about in the sunshine in search of food came across a Chrysalis that was very near its time of change. The Chrysalis moved its tail, and thus attracted the attention of the Ant, who then saw for the first time that it was alive.

 "Poor, pitiable animal!" cried the Ant disdainfully. "What a sad fate is yours! While I can run hither and thither, at my pleasure, and, if I wish, ascend the tallest tree, you lie imprisoned here in your shell, with power only to move a joint or two of your scaly tail."

The Chrysalis heard all this, but did not try to make any reply. A few days after, when the Ant passed that way again, nothing but the shell remained.  Wondering what had become of its contents, he felt himself suddenly shaded and fanned by the gorgeous wings of a beautiful Butterfly.

"Behold in me," said the Butterfly, "your much-pitied friend! Boast now of your powers to run and climb as long as you can get me to listen."

So saying, the Butterfly rose in the air, and, borne along and aloft on the summer breeze, was soon lost to the sight of the Ant forever. (Thanks to Aesop for the classic fable)