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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in knowing (35)


The gift of who you are

The human part of you is always seeking, questioning and aspiring. It wants proof to believe in something. This body-mind is conditioned to compare, be logical and reach for understanding. It is never certain about anything. Yet, thinks it wants to own, possess and accumulate, always needs more.  It also reacts emotionally based on a sense of perceived events in limited space and time. Human function stems from fear.

Notice what happens as you track fear back to its source.  It loses power.  Notice what happens as you begin to recognize beliefs are only beliefs, and that anything only ever takes on the meaning and value you give it.  Suddenly, you are awakening in ways that tell you the external world no longer controls your attention. Notice every angry person you encounter is a priceless gift. Each one invites you to snap out of a trance.

As you begin to sense the awareness that is, the quality of existing shifts.  Time loses significance. Duality is irrelevant. Everyone and everything you see is a reflection of yourself inviting you to recognize the same message.  Listen closely to the heart.  It knows what exists right now in this moment.  The gift of who you are is self aware, self-recognizing.  Everything you are taught about your-Self falls away. Silence tells all.

"Love is, above all, the gift of oneself." -Jean Anouilh


What is the point of it all?

The moment arises where you just know what you are meant to do and you do it. This is not part of the process of seeking.  Thought is not involved.  It is like an inner voice guides and you feel right where you are, wherever that is.  There is no more fear, self-doubt or hesitation.  It is accepting what cannot be known and surrendering. You know longer ask questions like, "What is the point of it all?" Suddenly, being nothing is it.  Silence and stillness provide timeless answers.  Even peace and tranquility speak.

"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." -Socrates 
"Knowledge is knowing that we cannot know. " -Ralph Waldow Emerson


Raise your awareness

Every moment offers infinite opportunities for knowing to arise in crystal clarity.  What do you feel as you begin to recognize order exists in chaos? What resonates within as you intuit every living thing is an extention of source energy that is you? 

You exist to experience different cycles, lessons and lifetimes as part of the process of raising self-awareness.  Every choice you make and do not make invites the mind torecall God (or how you relate to this) gave you all that is.  Imagine the resonance as you intuit you are this source energy or cosmic ocean, that gives everything to and through all.  How does it feel to be everything and everywhere now?  Stillness speaks.

Consider the soul is never content with less than total recall. It takes form in the physical body to engage in Earthly experiences and intuitively senses the truth it cannot name.  The ego-mind comes to call it love, fulfillment, satisfaction and other concepts it comes to avidly pursue.  Ultimately, nothing and nowhere are where is at and the revelation that the formless truth is everywhere. Everything is a stepping stone to unity. 

 "So powerful isthe light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth." -Baha'ullah


What is really going on?

Some people tell you they sense time, as they understand it, is accelerating.  They offer their perspectives and interpretations.  They offer you opinions on world events.  They use words to judge and describe and exert effort to pin things down.  What do you see?  What is really going on in the world?  How do you sense things within yourself?  Why the impulse to question?  What happens as the thoughts cease?

What you choose to believe is what you believe.  What you choose to have faith in is based on your focus and a lingering spark of doubt that things may not be going well. The mind tells you reality is one thing while the heart and soul whisper another.  What about the Middle Way? Sense that place where contemplation stops. Be that now.

To ask what is going on is to quietly assume your own ignorance or lack of understanding.  Notice what happens as you shift from a restless state of mind to a serene state of being.  You see that fear and doubt underlie beliefs and faith.  You shift attention into knowing and trusting all is well.  Nothing happens.  Nothing fazes you.

"The best part of beauty is that which no picture can express." -Francis Bacon


I am that I am

How does it feel to tap into absolute knowing that you need no reason to be here now?  Being itself is enough.  Feel with absolute certainty that you exist. Even with all the conditioning and socialisation, you know who you are.  Deep down, purpose is not something you seek but allow to unfold. Rather than exert effort to build points of reference, notice what it feels like to systematically peel away all those you adopt. 

If you feel you must justify your requests, or judge others on route to getting, you do not see duality as it is. Notice how mental thoughts create a sense of separation. Notice how your thoughts and vibration resist accepting what the heart knows. The more you exert effort and hope to create what you want through action, the more you separate yourself form the vibrational being you are and the way it creates. Notice how it feels to let go of resistance. Knowing arises in experience. Your attention in this dream shifts from barriers you create to see only oneness, and appreciate messages of equality and unconditional love that speak to you through everything. Be aware of the "I am."

Recall Lao Tzu who says, “To hold, you must first open your hand. Let go.”