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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in knowing (35)


Elevate consciousness

What does it mean to you to feel awake and alive? Where is your focus? Even in the process of going about this day, your priorities and ways of perceiving the world are changing.  Step back for a moment and notice how you spend your time.  Are you focusing on what matters most to the heart and soul? As you shift focus and notice what passed by your radar before, you elevate consciousness.  This is all about recognizing thoughts and feelings without judgment. It all serves you.


Allow what is to flow

You may think it is useful to gather as much information as possible on a subject of interest. Notice whether you acknowledge and give yourself fully to your passion, feel guided by one inner voice or teacher, or whether you are driven to obtain training in a number of areas and from a variety of people. How does each choice serve you?

Notice whether you are truly listening to the soul or whether your attention is not truly devoted to who you are. To believe you think you know what is best for yourself is to have faith and actually to harbour doubt about what feels right. To trust is to know. Notice whether you allow what is speaking though the heart to flow. Do you hear?


Building or allowing dreams

Everything speaks to and through you.  Sometimes this is hard to describe.  Dreams exist in layers.  Some are being built through action and others are allowed to unfold spontaneously. The focus of your attention allows awareness to appreciate dreaming from varied perspectives. Do you decide and take responsibility for the course of your life consciously or unconsciously?

When building or chasing dreams, you are taught to believe techniqes and methods. This is motivated by intellect and ego.  They show you reality through mental and emotional filters. Notice when you create dreams motivated by psychological fear. Notice why doubt arises. Notice dreams vanish when they hold no focus or attention. 

When allowing dreams to unfold, there is no teaching involved. They arise and intuition discerns them. To know is to feel whole and live or be this dream. Notice unwavering, unconditional love is flowing. Be that. Intuition is beyond intellect. It is not a technique you apply. It has not conditions and arises spontaneously. This dream never dies.


Move with the energy

You may think you can ignore certain thought energies yet, each one is destined to flow in its own time.  Suppression simply postpones expression.  Each one signals a path to the centre.  You can see through the self-expression to see eternal being arising. 

Understand your true, unchanging position.  As awareness, one does not express, suppress or even touch energy.  One simply watches it come and go in waves.  One follows the path back to source.  Here, all subsides in the formless and all is known.  Energy is what it is: neutral.  Mind gives it form. Notice whether you allow or resist the natural flow.  As energy returns to source, it is neither love nor hate, but innocence.   


What resonates deeply?

Surrender guides one deeper into infinite knowing. Liberation is the revelation that "me" and "I" do not exist.  Life is not happening in a particular location. There is just life.  The essence of being is awareness. It knows nothing is ever actually sought or obtained.  It simply is.  Yet, mind imagines lots to do, become and outgrow. Conditioned mind tells you to free self from tangible things themselves imagined into experience.  Notice how experience shifts from the moment you accept freedom is.  You allow what resonates most deeply to reveal itself.  Stop resisting the way things are.  Notice inner messages.

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