5 Insights for Smoother Transitions

More and more people are going through transitions or life changes at an accelerated rate. It may be the prospect of a geographic move, a job change, relationship endning or transformation, acquiring of a new pet or some other shift that is playing on your mind. Should you or not? Consider 5 insights for smoother transitions:
1. Take advantage of a change of scenery
If you contemplate change in some area of your life yet still hesitate taking action, stepping out of your comfort zone temporarily can give you new perspective. A short trip away, house sit or farm stay may offer what you require to clear your head and see things from a more neutral or objective point of view.
2. Consider body issues.
Where your body is not functioning at optimum level, this invites exploring new approaches to sleep, hydration, regular exercise, possible fitness programs and nutrition. If ingestion, digestion or elimination raise issues, exploring possible intolerances could be beneficial. Changing diet, exploring the nature of body consumption could alos lead to positive effects.
3. Address mindset.
When change is in the air, its important to have a mindset that is encouraging, supportive and reassuring. Change does not always happen as fast as part of you might like. Patience is a virtue that comes through experiience. Every moment, your thoughts and feelings are directing every moment of your life.
4. Meditate on it.
Meditation is about savouring joy in your life, finding blessings wherever you are. Its about allowing yourself to remember what it is to be in this moment, to find peace and tranquility or feel centred amidst external change.
5. Engage in spiritual practices.
Many spiritual practices exist that promote clairity in other areas of life. Dreamwork, soulwork, sound baths and alternative healing approaches can enable you to purify congested energy fields and truly see the light.

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