Move beyond assumptions

Liara Covert, Ph.D
Insight of the Moment
"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all." - Liara Covert
*Mastering Time
365 Paths to Love
Contact us (paperback)
Be Your Dream
Transform Your Life
Cosmic Synchronicity
Getting to the root of who you are involves true courage. This is not the heroic kind, putting your life or reputation on the line, that western society has come to focus on. Its about remembering how it feels to speak openly and honestly, fearlessly putting our vulnerability on the line.
In other words, we must be willing to take responsibility, set an example for living authentically. Otherwise, we simply create and encounter a mirror of our own deception. When was the last instance you risked being vulnerable and disappointed? How did that turn out for you?
Practicing true courage involves selectively sharing your vision with people who support you, not downplaying your dreams. Its about allowing tears or emotions to flow as they will, not hiding your true feelings as society so often teaches. Only when we know our own darkness well can we be present with the darkness of others and relate to them with compassion on equal footing.
If the root of everything is genuine connection, then everything you think, do or say either strengthens or weakens this connection. The topic certainly merits some attention. What if you feel energized or drained based on the degree you feel seen, heard and valued, based on the freedom you give yourself to offer input without fear of judgment?
Through her research, Brene Brown reveals that only one thing separates people who feel a deep sense of love and belonging (connection) from people who seem to be struggling for (or running from) it. This is the depth of belief in worthiness. True connection arises from an equal exchange of energy. How do you share or exchange energy to derive your self- worth? What are your behavioural patterns telling you about the nature of connection in your life?
If we want to fully experience connection, we must act as if we know we are worthy of it. We must also recognize being who we are doesn't require us to change. It simply requires self-acceptance to guide our life choices. Take an inventory of how you feel. Let go of who you think you are supposed to be. Olny seeing through the falseness can you embrace who you are.
It is a common misconception that losing the mind is to be feared or avoided at all costs. Ever wonder why this is? Notice the ego mind holds your captivated attention unless something triggers and you snap out of it to shift focus. What if unforeseen benefits exist in doing so?
Consider five reasons to lose your mind:
1) Adapt better to change: every moment, experiences are unfolding. The ego mind tells you to hold on, hang in there. From the moment you realize it is futile to hold onto aspects of your life or your thoughts that are in constant flux, you realize you choose to allow or resist. You decide how to respond to the unfolding. Choosing to lose or see through the mind is like being open, easy going and flexible. You know that worry begins and ends in your thought patterns.
2) Come into your own- from childhood, you learn basic values, beliefs and thought patterns from your role models and care givers. You adopt and hold onto others' views unless challenged to find or create your own. A lightbulb goes off when you realize you outgrow or no longer resonate with beliefs or values based in someone else's fear, bias or prejudice. You discover unworthiness and insecurity are figments of the imagination, and truth is something else.
3) Gain insight into the truth-who you are is quite different from who the ego mind thinks you are. Notice all your feelings and thoughts alter in character, along with your physical appearance. Be aware when you are self-absorbed or engrossed in your reactions to things. Notice what happens as you shift attention away from reactions to the coming and going itself.
4) Live more authentically- when thoughts and emotions no longer control your attention and moods, you see things as they are. You no longer ignore your difficulties, rationalize your problems and blame others for what is wrong. You see you are the creator of your conditions and you take responsibility to honour what truly matters most and makre choices accordingly.
5) Rediscover inner peace- the peace you think you crave is always accessible just beyond the filters of the mind. Anything you think you want is not actually what you are seeking. It is what you embody at the core. Imagine feeling contentment, come what may. This is bliss.
Consider which choices allow well-being into your life. You cannot help but make a contribution to this world. You cannot help but be worthy. You intend to feel good where you are. Your intrinsic value is never in question. You only determine whether you focus on the present and its associated realities or not. Anything you want to know is within reach. You require no outside guidance or stimulation. Its about what's inside. You determine how you vibrate and what resonates or feels right. To turn inward enables you to obtain all answers to your pressing questions now.