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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in knowing (35)


Being oneness

You may ask yourself what you can do to help others, to truly make a difference.  A difference in what? and why?

Being oneness is about accepting and allowing energy to flow.  You do not actually change the world you are in but alter your frequency and grow conscious and aware of parallel worlds.  You shift focus of attention and decide how to feel or experience your transformation. Guides offer help unseen by physical senses.  To courageously open up to the infinite, allows the infinite to support one.  Whatever this means or represents is known inside.   


Remember courage

Through the process of realizing fear is illusion, you may feel vulnerability before you recall inner courage.  As remembering deepens, accelerates and intensifies, all that is not you is suddenly irrelevant and falls away.  Consciousness is awareness, the experiencer, that which is being experienced and the act of experience itself. This cannot be described or known.  Love is. You cannot know that which is and yet, it is what it is.


See through your questions

Every choice you make invites you to awaken to varying degrees.  Ask what prompts you to ask questions. This is grounded in the belief you do not know and that you perceive limitations and needs.  In reality, nothing is known and nothing is needed.  On the surface, a person is restless and anxious about what does not yet appear to be done.  Beneath the surface, everything exists in perfect peace.  Problems are perceived as you define and limit the self.  When you choose to create time and space, you cannot know freedom until you recognize and abandon self-created illusions.


Nothing knows everything

Life is not speculative. This experience has a tangible element to it that appeals somehow.  You are a sliding scale of possibilities.  You either limit or expand into nothing and everything. How does it feel to know you are never something, but always nothing? That which knows is the silent everything. It abides in the timeless, spaceless now. You need no thoughts.  They mean nothing. You are never what you think.  You smell the odorless.


Sense the universal message

Whatever experience is your focus of the moment, you can discern a universal message.  Notice that as you take the personal context out of what you see, you begin to sense the bigger picture.  You are not what you think.  You are remembering as you feel your way to every answer.  Some people use a process of elimination to reach the crux.  Other people simply stop thinking, doing, resisting and shift focus to being.