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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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5 hints you are on the right path

Its common to wonder whether you are getting anywhere.  You may have a vision of where you see yourself, a message you wish to convey, or be working on a project and feel impatient or confused about the results.  Ponder these ten hints everything is unfolding perfectly

1. You are increasingly honest with yourself

The more you express how you feel, right where you are and what you want or not, the more you begin to see the power and vibrational energy of honesty in action. The universe is always listening. It is a soundboard that echoes back your feelings and emotions in different forms.

2. You grow more open and receptive

In modern day, we are bombarded with messages, opportunities, mail and advertising.  Notice how often you say to yourself you keep receiving what you never asked for and do not want.  Step back.  Reflect again.  Whatever you ask for is always given. You have a role in co-creating everything that enters your scope.  You decide what to notice and how to respond.  Imagine how your experience shifts as you choose to notice what is helping or could help you rather than what is lacking, frustrating or confusing you.  

3. You notice more synchronicities

Everything you need (i.e. people and opportunities) are ever-present.  Whomever and whatever shows up in your radar appears for a purpose. What is it about striking up conversations with strangers who have relatives in the place you are moving to or, have familliarity with something you wish to learn about? Just happen to notice an opportunity that resonates with your soul? 

4. You speak as if its already done

When you are confident and visualize details of your vision coming together promptly, this cannot help but present itself to you.  You must believe  in yourself before anyone else will (including the universe that co-creates with you).  Things come together as the result of taking more responsibility for your actions, perception and growing aware of everything you choose not to see. If ever you allow doubt to cloud your vision or imagine any possibility other than a blossoming vision, then you are creating a very different kind of experience.  Being in harmony with yourself is about thoughts, words and deeds being all in harmony. Focus on wellness, optimum functioning and trust heartfelt intuition at every apparent curve in the road. 

5. You make the most of whatever happens

This is about choosing to love rather than to fear, to connect with people rather than detach or disconnect.  It is about making the most of where yo uare, being spontaneous, laughing more, seeing the best possible outcome, even feeling joy at an outdoor event in a rainstorm while drenched.  All events can be felt as stepping stones to a higher vibrational perception of wherever you are.  When you seem to get lemons, watch what happens as you choose to make lemonade!


5 key points on connection

Notice restlessness and discontent are symptoms of disconnection. This goes deeper than the physical disconnection you feel when your mobile phone, computer, internet or other technology is not working on your terms. Maybe you are feeling a range of confusing emotions that disturb peace of mind in relationships or other aspects of reality? What can you do to feel more at ease?

Consider retraining the mind, that is how and what you see as your reality. What happens as you shake up your sense of who you think you are and review discomfort from a different point of view? Ponder these five points about connection. How do your emotions and understanding of what is happening in your world change?

1. The nature of intimacy in your relationships mirrors love, acceptance, intimacy with yourself 
2. No one thing or organism exists on its own (we share the same water, air, light, etc.) 
3. No thing or organism acts on its own (everything is interconnected energy flow)
4. Every organism is a process understood by its actions (motion of allowing or resisting)
5. The behaviour of all organisms is only understood in relation to its environment

This said, reflect on fear, guilt, shame, anger and other examples of emotions you are feeling in relation to specific situations. How are these emotions pointers to another way of being more authentic (or living a mroe authentic life)?


What are we here for?

A question more people are asking is, "what am I/ why are we here (for)?" Initial ideas that come to mind include; to nurture meaningful relationships, to create fulfilling career, to find balance, heal a physical illness, or unresolved emotions that surface as a symptom of something deeper.    

Imagine for a moment, what is behind every choice you think you make, every dream or project you conceive, underneath every emotion you feel, repress or hide, mirrored back in every relationship and encounter you have had, is a yen to feel more comfortable with vulnerability. Imagine any loneliness, dissatisfaction and fear you secretly feel inside, is a path to deeper connection with yourself and the world.  Where do boundaries fit in? The clearer and more respected your boundaries, the higher the empathy and compassion you feel for others.

This moment is an opportunity to explore what Brene Brown describes as True Belonging: Believing in and belonging to yourself so deeply that you can share your most authentic self with the world and find sacredness as both being part of something and standing alone in the wilderness.  True belonging doesn't require you to change who you are, it requires you to be who you are.

Ask yourself what you are recognizing and celebrating about yourself today. How intimate are you with your own core values? Living in complete integrity with core values allows you to live in harmony with the Soul. Only then are you fully aware of why you are here and being authentic.

Stop walking through the world looking for confirmation you don't belong.  You will always find it if you make it your mission. Our call to courage is to protect our wild heart from constant evaluation. No one belongs here more than you.- Brene Brown


7 Steps to manifest the ideal life

The ideal life may strike you as a pipedream, though it need not be this way. Right now, the moment is right to influence a shift in your life, to grow aware of layers of your own resistance. In your mind, you may think you want certain things, nurture certain dreams, and work toward a different kind of life than the one you seem to be leading.  Questions arise; What must I do to get there from here? What does impatience tell me? How can I eliminate restlessness and manifest faster? Who can help me? What can I do? Ponder 7 steps to more actively reshape your reality:

1. Explore your feelings 

Only when you are aware you are unhappy or dissatisfied can you do something about it. If you feel impatient or uncomfortable about some area of your life, this invites you get to the root of what is really bothering you.  It is rarely about what it appears to be on the surface. Discovering why you feel as you do and how to change this helps you stop manifesting what you do not want.  If you feel drawn to work with others as part of your process, dream interpretation, breathwork or other spiritual practices or processing, this can empower you to go deeper into yourself.

2. Clarify the vision

It is easy enough to speak in passing about your ideal life, but what does this really entail? What does it feel like? Where are you? Who are you with? What are you doing? If you have a sketchy picture, no wonder you feel confused or stuck. Reclaiming your inner power begins with growing aware of the disconnect between thoughts, feelings and actions, and your relationship to time. Shifting to see and understand everything as energy helps you feel your way into a vibration of gratitude and appreciation.  This takes a dream to the next level so you manifest consciously.

3. Have fun with it

You may assume you must always serious about creating the ideal life. You may also underestimate power of your thoughts and intentions.  What you think and feel has a huge impact. Harmony and playfulness are the result of walking your talk. Reflect on how you view different animals (traits/ behaviours). How often do you laugh? Laughter signals you allow or resist harmony. Kids, on average, laugh at least 100x per day and adults less than 10. What does this tell you about where you are and where you wish to be? Losing your mind points to being less serious, going with the flow, and feeling your way into a more light-hearted life. 

4. Be committed

Achieving anything requires commitment.  How consistent you are, how disciplined, all shape the path and perceived time it takes for your vision to materialize. How often do you share what is on your mind or swallow your desires, feelings and dreams? The key is learning to speak and live your truth consistently. Many people benefit from a soundboard along the way: a coach or mentor to help guide a journey and stay focused.  Statistically, anyone really into success invests in growth, self-development and teachers who empower them to see beyond their conditioning. 

 5. Alter the big picture

Your ideal life is a blank slate until you breathe life into it.  Only as you devote energy (focus), do you make something a priority with your time, does it take shape as a living-breathing entity. How often do you add to this vision? Writing and communicating changes you wish to make? Exercise the imagination. So much more exists than you are aware of and living already. Is music or some other form of creative expression like your therapist? What enables you to relate to everyone in a different way?  Rediscover what matters and allow this to shape your new reality. 

6. Work through the fears

Whatever your current life situation, you have conscious and unconscious fears about moving into the unknown. This could take shape in your vision as a relationship, career, or some other transition. Whatever the case, the only way to move forward is to grow aware of the nature of your fears, their origin. Being in flow is about understanding and moving beyond fears.

7. Get in touch with what is hidden

The ideal life is made up of things you see and do not yet see about yourself.  Its common to be unaware of true power, what this really feels like and how to access it. What do you hide from yourself? Consider the possibility of undiscovered talents, skils, unrealized visions, untapped energies and far more.  Making conscious what is unconscious is the key to everything. 

Courage is knowing what not to fear- Plato


10 Keys for a successful & rewarding life

Many people ask what is required to create a successful life, which can include areas of relationships, business, career and more. Whatever your current focus, consider these 10 tips to guide you:

1. See through your resistance

The ego mind is that part of you that tells you no, that's not possible and offers reasons why you cannot do what you want.  Ego kyboshes ideas, blows them out of the water and discourages you.  Its up to you to see through fears underlying your own resistance. Why do you fear success?

2. Align with intuition

Call it the the inner voice, Spirit, intuition, the proverbial Jiminey Cricket voice of conscience or something else. Whenever you listen to this higher more expanded aspect of yourself, you know you can have everything you want in life. Its a matter of focusing attention here rather than on the sparks doubt. You choose to hold back or move ahead.

3.  Set your intention

The more you clarify for yourself the road you wish to travel, the more powerful the journey can be. You do not need to know exactly how the universe is going to translate every step of your intention into physical reality.  It helps to be flexible, to be certain your version of success is attainable and feel it.  The power of intention is like a launching platform or catapult to accepting and expressing inner greatness.

4.  Share your passion

You create your version of this world as a place to share your gifts.  This requires you not only identify what your gifts are by also have the backbone, courage and take initiatives to present them. 

5. Feel worthy to receive

Self-worth issues can be roadblocks to different avenues of material success. The spirit world is taking care of each of us. If you open your mind and tell yourself you are worthy to be successful, success happens, with a bit of effort, trust and intervention from higher (unseen) forces.  It goes without saying you have to believe, know and have the right mindset.  You have to see yourself sharing your gifts. How the gifts get to people may surprise you as you allow the universe to cooperate with you.  The 'what you wish to share' always takes shape in your scope before the universe reveals to you how the rest unfolds. 

6.  Honour who you are

Never measure yourself in terms of anyone else.  What is in you allows you to do anything. Open up to your own unlimited inspiration and power.  You can be successful in anything.  Simply make up your mind, set our intention and get on with it. Whether its a business, relationship, new career or something else envisioned, its all within reach now.

7.  See money as energy

Many people assume that certain kinds of businesses or people are prone to be more financially succesful than others. It is often assumed for instance, that spiritual businesses cannot make money.  Whatever your business idea or other life vision, the experience of having it can be curtailed by your beliefs about money.  Seeing money as energy flow allows a more abundant self-perception to emerge. 

8.  Change your consciousness

You have to be willing to take ownership of your thoughts, feelings, actions and involvement in situations. Changing your consciousness is about accountability, the willingness to take responsibility for where you are at, your self-view, educational and other milestones as well as self-defeating tendencies to get over.

9.  Empower others

Whatever hat you wear, whatever roles you perform in life, your job is to empower and enable not disable others.  Part of your responsibility in this life is to help others identify and honour their own inner light and empower them to honour their gifts and talents, share them with the world and shine brighter. Its often easier to see in others what they do not yet see in themselves.

10.  Recognize your unique path

Refrain from comparing yourself to others. You are only in competition with yourself, on a path to clarify and share more clearly your reasons for being.  Each human being is on a unique path.  Resis judging others and dismantling people and ideas.  You exists to build people up, empower them to see their own true greatness via your unique journey.  Insodoing, you come to see everything as a mirror of your own true greatness.