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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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6 Tips to Get on Track

From the moment we feel restless, stagnation or something hindering our progress, we may sense we are off track in areas of our life. Rest assured, strategies exist to strengthen relationships and get back on track.  Here are  6 action-oriented tips to offer new clarity.

1.  Do some free-writing

An effective starting point is to ask yourself some questions aloud, put a pen in your hand and allow your hand to respond immediately without thinking.  This is sometimes called automatic writing.  It is a way to communicate with a higher part of yourself that sees your life choices from a position of relative objectivity. Part of you is aware of what is really bothering you, yet another part of you is not listening. This is a way to begin making the unconscious, conscious. 

2. Pay attention to your night dreams

As we pay attention and strengthen dream recall, it is helpful to write details.  The more we do, the easier it gets.  Techniques exist to jog the memory.  Although dream dictionaries can shed some light and also be entertaining, sometimes working with a skilled dream analyst is also beneficial.  In this way, we see deeper meaning in symbols. If this approach to shaking life up stands out, get excited for a new, related Inspirational Mentor Interview coming soon.

3. Meditate

Different ways exist to meditate;  engaging in gardening, yoga, pilates, whatever evokes joy and relaxation. It is a process shifting from the experiencer to the watcher of our thoughts and what is unfolding in our lives. A useful practice is to create a quiet space or immerse in nature.  They key is to be willing to see and feel events from a new point of view. Meditation is not about quieting the mind but rather, recognizing we are not our thoughts, not our emotions, not our mind, we are the Soul. The ego-driven purpose can differ from the Soul purpose. If meditation rings true, invite reading Interview with Susan Shumsky: Maharishi and Me

4. Explore breathwork

Breathwork is a powerful approach to self-exploration and healing. A facilitator guides us individually or in a group to consciously control the breath as a means to alter mental, emotional and/or physical state.  It can compliment different approaches we take to get to know ourselves and make choices that create a more purpose-driven life. Breathwork draws insights from modern consciousness research, anthropology, transpersonal psychology, Eastern spiritual practices, and mystical traditions.  If this sparks interest, read Interview with Dan Brule.

5. Engage in Regression

Some revelations arise and change work can also be done during regression.  Fears are released during this process and insight is given.  However its up to each of us to take information on board and apply it to our lives.  It may turn out that you grow aware of repeating patterns from childhood conditioning and may be ready to dismantle old programs. In order to heal, we must be willing to feel. We offer this as a service as an optional tool in our coaching program. If this resonates, also invite reading Interview with Karen Joy and Interview with Anne Jirsch.

6. Commit to Holistic Coaching

Liara offers a coaching program that empowers clients in twelve areas of their lives. If  this peaks curiosity or stirs something within, this is a sign to contact us for more info about our free 30 min consultation.  Discover if one of our programs feels right. We can learn from and model others until we feel more confident trusting ourselves fully.  If motivational stories inspire something, invite reading Interview with Drew Tracy.

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Reader Comments (2)

Free writing is a great clue towards living truly in this one moment. A person merely has to focus on a person or an idea or an environment or any point in time and space, and one begins to essentially access an altered state of mind. One suddenly is interacting with feelings instead of strict and handed down interpretations and associations with reality. One sees or hears words and symbols and images that the writer begins to stream through their mind's eye. This then is the true creative state where art is alive and a soul can begin to communicate with other entities and collectives of perception. With practice one begins to develop their own dream language allowing one to converse with mutlidimensional aspects of themselves. This then may even be the same language that can be used to interpret their dreams or to give readings or psychic impressions upon others. Its essentially hypnosis. However, one can actually begin to see that regression work actually releases a person from being hypnotized or under the spell of others or society. One's culture has one trained or entrained to perceive reality from a very narrow band of understanding. Hypnosis can be used to untighten a contracted mind and to blow it wide open to explore any nook or cranny in the multiverse.
January 14, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterBern
Hi Bern, we only ever invite into our lives exactly what we are ready and willing to explore. What we choose to learn, unlearn, accept or integrate are branches of a winding Path.
January 16, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert

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