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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in restlessness (3)


7 Steps to manifest the ideal life

The ideal life may strike you as a pipedream, though it need not be this way. Right now, the moment is right to influence a shift in your life, to grow aware of layers of your own resistance. In your mind, you may think you want certain things, nurture certain dreams, and work toward a different kind of life than the one you seem to be leading.  Questions arise; What must I do to get there from here? What does impatience tell me? How can I eliminate restlessness and manifest faster? Who can help me? What can I do? Ponder 7 steps to more actively reshape your reality:

1. Explore your feelings 

Only when you are aware you are unhappy or dissatisfied can you do something about it. If you feel impatient or uncomfortable about some area of your life, this invites you get to the root of what is really bothering you.  It is rarely about what it appears to be on the surface. Discovering why you feel as you do and how to change this helps you stop manifesting what you do not want.  If you feel drawn to work with others as part of your process, dream interpretation, breathwork or other spiritual practices or processing, this can empower you to go deeper into yourself.

2. Clarify the vision

It is easy enough to speak in passing about your ideal life, but what does this really entail? What does it feel like? Where are you? Who are you with? What are you doing? If you have a sketchy picture, no wonder you feel confused or stuck. Reclaiming your inner power begins with growing aware of the disconnect between thoughts, feelings and actions, and your relationship to time. Shifting to see and understand everything as energy helps you feel your way into a vibration of gratitude and appreciation.  This takes a dream to the next level so you manifest consciously.

3. Have fun with it

You may assume you must always serious about creating the ideal life. You may also underestimate power of your thoughts and intentions.  What you think and feel has a huge impact. Harmony and playfulness are the result of walking your talk. Reflect on how you view different animals (traits/ behaviours). How often do you laugh? Laughter signals you allow or resist harmony. Kids, on average, laugh at least 100x per day and adults less than 10. What does this tell you about where you are and where you wish to be? Losing your mind points to being less serious, going with the flow, and feeling your way into a more light-hearted life. 

4. Be committed

Achieving anything requires commitment.  How consistent you are, how disciplined, all shape the path and perceived time it takes for your vision to materialize. How often do you share what is on your mind or swallow your desires, feelings and dreams? The key is learning to speak and live your truth consistently. Many people benefit from a soundboard along the way: a coach or mentor to help guide a journey and stay focused.  Statistically, anyone really into success invests in growth, self-development and teachers who empower them to see beyond their conditioning. 

 5. Alter the big picture

Your ideal life is a blank slate until you breathe life into it.  Only as you devote energy (focus), do you make something a priority with your time, does it take shape as a living-breathing entity. How often do you add to this vision? Writing and communicating changes you wish to make? Exercise the imagination. So much more exists than you are aware of and living already. Is music or some other form of creative expression like your therapist? What enables you to relate to everyone in a different way?  Rediscover what matters and allow this to shape your new reality. 

6. Work through the fears

Whatever your current life situation, you have conscious and unconscious fears about moving into the unknown. This could take shape in your vision as a relationship, career, or some other transition. Whatever the case, the only way to move forward is to grow aware of the nature of your fears, their origin. Being in flow is about understanding and moving beyond fears.

7. Get in touch with what is hidden

The ideal life is made up of things you see and do not yet see about yourself.  Its common to be unaware of true power, what this really feels like and how to access it. What do you hide from yourself? Consider the possibility of undiscovered talents, skils, unrealized visions, untapped energies and far more.  Making conscious what is unconscious is the key to everything. 

Courage is knowing what not to fear- Plato


9 Ways to get closer to Truth

Many people are seeking threir version of the truth.  The common belief is that the truth cannot be where you are or related to what you think you are doing. Yet the Truth is widely sought as a pointer to peace of mind, the end of restlessness and it cannot be explained in words.  In this way, its easier to say what the truth is not.  Reflecvt on these 9 ways to get closer to the Truth:

1. Intuit the truth is not based on beliefs

A group of people can agree and form a conspiracy based on false beliefs where they all agree to tell the same false story, but it does not make their assumption true.

2. Realize the Truth does not have to be uplifting

A sense of adversity, trauma or tragedy can also be valid.

3. Accept the Truth is not necessarily based on views of majority

Fifty-one percent or more of a group can be brainwashed, conditioned to reach a wrong conclusion.

 4. Grasp the Truth cannot be understood in the mind

A lengthy, detailed presentation can still result in a false conclusion.

 5. Recognize the Truth is not defined by intention

Intentions are expressions of the mind and can be wrong.

6. Sense that Truth is not how we know

Truth is not an opinion but a knowing of what we feel.

7. Get that Truth is not simply a possibility

Truth is not something to contemplate. Its felt beyond shadow of a doubt

8. Discern the Truth is not externally- provable

A truth can be privately known (an internal revelation that cannot be shared in words)

 9. Truth is not something that changes  

Lies can appear static but they are still lies and not the truth.


Nothing to renounce

Notice any restlessness arising.  Something prevents you from seeing there is nothing you need.  Identify it and see its falseness.  Rather than ask, "what next?", simply recognize the presence of the witness.

Watch what happens as the focus in your life switches from what you are not doing to awareness on the presence or absence of things; situations, people.  Discover that on which you attach and create an identity.

In essence, there is nothing to renounce or to get emotional about, only the invitation to stop acquiring and attaching to what you are not.  This moment is an exercise in detaching from the unreal, in remembering, accepting and living true nature.  Stepping back is seeing lessons available right now.