Recall what aliveness feels like

Liara Covert, Ph.D
Insight of the Moment
"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all." - Liara Covert
*Mastering Time
365 Paths to Love
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Be Your Dream
Transform Your Life
Cosmic Synchronicity
For many, dreams represent unsolved mysteries. From ancient civilizations to modern times, dreams have been interpreted as messages from something beyond us, premonitions of things to come, or even symbolic of our deep fears and desires. Dream interpretation can offer new perspectives into the nature of the mind, obstacles that present but the credibility very much relates to what you decide. I can be helpful to practice or explore dreamwork with a psychotherapist. This said, dream analysis and interpretation can have huge benefits for your mental health. Explore five ways dreamwork benefits mental health:
1. Improved Self-Awareness
Dream analysis can help you gain a deeper insight into yourself and your emotions. When we dream, our subconscious mind speaks to us through symbols and metaphors. This is the language of soul. By exploring these symbols, giving them context in our own lives, theis helps us understand their possible meanings. We can gain insights into our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. This new self-awareness can help us identify and begin to address underlying issues that may be affecting our mental health.
2. Reduced Anxiety
Anxiety is a widespread mental health condition that impacts millions. Research has shown that dream analysis can help reduce anxiety symptoms by providing a safe space to explore and express emotions. Dreams can be a source of comfort, creativity, and inspiration. By brainstorming possible hidden messages, we can gain a sense of control over our life and reduce anxiety and worries.
3. Enhanced Creativity
Dreams can be a source of inspiration for artists, writers, and musicians. Many of the world's most famous works of art and literature have been inspired by dreams. By analyzing your dreams, you can tap into your subconscious mind and unlock your creativity. Dream analysis can help you identify recurring themes and symbols that may inspire your creative endeavours.
4. Improved Sleep Quality
Sleep is essential for our physical and mental health. Unfortunately, many people struggle with sleep disorders that can affect their quality of life. Dream analysis can help improve sleep quality by addressing underlying issues that may be causing sleep disturbances. By identifying and addressing these issues, you can enjoy a more restful and restorative sleep.
5. Increased Spiritual Awareness
Dreams have long been associated with spirituality and the afterlife. Many spiritual traditions view dreams as a way to communicate with the divine. By interpreting your dreams, you can gain a deeper understanding of your spiritual beliefs and practices. Dream analysis can help you identify spiritual themes and symbols that may be relevant to your life.
Dream analysis can have significant benefits for your mental health. By improving self-awareness, reducing anxiety, enhancing creativity, improving sleep quality, and increasing spiritual awareness, dream analysis can help you lead a more fulfilling and meaningful life.
Dreaming can be developed as a skill to sharpen aptitudes in waking life. Daytime experience is helping night and night is helping day. In practicing of raising consciousness in sleep states, you prepare for Bardo (in between life and death). Yet you do not have to wait for Bardo to put this into practice. Consider 13 things you can do to shift life course in Lucid Dreams:
1. If you feel held back, change speed
2. if its about size, you can grow or shrink
3. If feeling stuck, free yourself
4. If you resist something, let go
5. If you imagine self as human, shapeshift into another creature
6. If some creature scares you, transform it into a kind and loving creature (i.e. puppy) or something ridiculous
7. If you freel frozen, allow yourself to move
8. If you feel uninspired, stagnant, engage your creativity
9. If you experience scarcity, transmute the situation into abundance
10. If you are serious, allow yourself to laugh, be happy, experienfe aliveness
11. If you have problems, devise effective solutions
12. if you feel limited, stretch save yourself, escape chains that bind you
13. If its about monkey mind, focus on smthg long enough and it becomes effortless
Notice part of you already knows the outcome but you are here anyway as events must still play out to activate the alchemy. Life unfolds as energy flow which is the ultimate timekeeper. Among all creatures, HUmans are the only ones who measure time and suffer fear of time running out. Ancient Greeks spoke of two types of time: Chronos time is linear time, measured in seconds, minutes, hours, years. It is required to do normal everyday "time." Chronos is the forward propelling time that we measure with clocks, on watches, and by the evolutionary phases of the moon. Kairos time is soul time. It is the point at which all healing happens, where all wisdom and intuition resides, where all serendipity happens and where all creative ideas arise into consciousness within you whole. Retrain the mind: more kairos and less chronos time. Love more. Work less. Connect with the wise, greater part of yourself. Embody all you came here to be. Express who you are at soul level, fall into harmony with the universe. Imagine your inner light, soul, spirit, ancient self. The part of you bridging heaven and earth, constantly whispering the best course to take. This timeless, tender part of you invites you to listen and allow it to navigate the most compelling life direction.
In the event you temporarily forget, here are nine tips to be yourself, right here, right now:
1) Recognize innate perfection. Anything you see in yourself that is less than perfect is illusion you imagine.
2) Relish the journey you create for yourself. In order to live dreams, you must take intention to action and run with it.
3) Be honest with yourself. Be truthful and authentic in all you do. Then you have nothing to hide or lie about.
4) Accept what you are. This requires seeing through what others think you are and not conforming. It takes courage.
5) Acknowledge the source of your power. This does not stem from ego but from aligning with the heart or Spirit. True power is grace and cannot be forced or controlled.
6) See your intrinsic value. Choose to see everything is of equal value. True balance is felt when inner and outer worlds feel same, and both point to the gift you give yourself.
7) Express your uniqueness. Do not hide your visions, what you feel and know you exist to be. Create a new baseline or accepted norm by fearlessly blazing a trail.
8) Love everything. Random acts of kindness are like 'paying it forward.' Such behaviour uplifts the energetic dynamic of this planet. Being truly real/ yourself is loving everything equally without exception.
9) Create a new reality. Everything you think, feel and experience begins and ends in you. To change your life, simply change your perception.