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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Tune into Kairos Time

Notice part of you already knows the outcome but you are here anyway as events must still play out to activate the alchemy. Life unfolds as energy flow which is the ultimate timekeeper. Among all creatures, HUmans are the only ones who measure time and suffer fear of time running out. Ancient Greeks spoke of two types of time: Chronos time is linear time, measured in seconds, minutes, hours, years. It is required to do normal everyday "time." Chronos is the forward propelling time that we measure with clocks, on watches, and by the evolutionary phases of the moon. Kairos time is soul time. It is the point at which all healing happens, where all wisdom and intuition resides, where all serendipity happens and where all creative ideas arise into consciousness within you whole. Retrain the mind: more kairos and less chronos time. Love more. Work less. Connect with the wise, greater part of yourself. Embody all you came here to be. Express who you are at soul level, fall into harmony with the universe. Imagine your inner light, soul, spirit, ancient self. The part of you bridging heaven and earth, constantly whispering the best course to take. This timeless, tender part of you invites you to listen and allow it to navigate the most compelling life direction.

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