Recall what aliveness feels like
Sunday, October 1, 2023 at 7:47PM
Liara Covert in Consciousness, Soul, acceeptance, aliveness, appreciation, circle, creativity, feeling, inspiration, soul, surrender, unconditional love, vibration, wholeness

Notice to begin to feel more alive is to recall what happiness truly feels like. Its a deep visceral journey. Living from or being guided by 'Soul' implies total aliveness, not with or due to someone else, or some situation, but with yourself. This version of absolute aliveness has no outward causes. It is ever-present and also inalterable. Free will simply implies one can tune into/ out of any vibration.
To lose touch with Soul, is to lose touch with the basic source of core
vitality, aliveness, and creative inspiration. Coming back to listen differently, coming full circle, is about surrendering to wholeness, tuning into self-love and appreciation in unforeseen ways. Divine guidance is everywhere. True love is the way of no expectation. Love exists only in total acceptance where there is no desire to change anything. Anything else is not unconditional love, but desire or judgment.
This journey of existence offers endless insight into freedom of mind and the truth of suffering. Find courage to be real. Listen to the heart rather than mind. Be satisfied with life in the present. Explore the unknown. The journey of facing oneself can be very painful, yet what is revealed is beyond mind's imagination.
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