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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in beliefs (52)


Stop valuing your beliefs

Notice what happens as you stop valuing your own beliefs. As you start to see them for what they are, you see them as empty of all meaning, value and ultimate Truth. This is part of letting go. Who would you be without a particular belief or more than one? Nothing. Even when you know you are Nothing, part of you may still be convinced the world needs something you [Ego can] offer. If you shift to have a deep belief of holding no beliefs, this is simply a way to mobilize "you." If you conceptualize, it disempowers and disengages you- you may imagine nothing to do, nowhere to go, nothing to be-a kind of lifelessness. This is what the mind imagines because it cannot imagine what is beyond it. To follow a natural process is to find a response to life that is undivided but non-reactive. Letting go of points of view implies you have no idea what life will do with you. Ego does not believe life can take care of itself. As you realize it then you are empowered because the emptying out process is energizing. You feel lighter, like when decluttering a drawer, a larger space or life. When we look into awakeness itself, this is being, free from fixation, from points of view, self-images, beliefs. This is what freedom means- the more empty we are, the more freedom we have to move and function or flow. To have a fixation causes you to go into reaction instead of a response. One arises from a place of wholeness or peace. This is when natural state is operational. As you come out of a mediation and find you respond peacefully to something you reacted to previously, then it dawns you connect with who you are, the undivided self. Notice where your humanity is engaged, when fear is triggered, the divided self reacts to what it does not want. To try to get rid of your Ego is to try to get rid of your shadow. It cannot happen. We cannot outrun the shadow (a shadow activity itself). The Truth simply notices the shadow and continues to flow as it always has.

Free yourself from the traps

Notice one of the biggest traps we buy into individually and collectively is "I feel trapped" (unable to act/ do what feels right). We are conditioned to believe and to perpetuate illusions, to tell ourselves what we cannot do and why. Imagining undesirable consequences hijacks our attention from the present moment and all that is real. Our thoughts trap us into believing we are limited. We become the unconscious mind, project experience to reinforce our own self-created limitations. Such beliefs keep us feeling small, less-than (abundant and whole), disconnected from who we are. Each individual, though his own unique path and choices, has to come to know himself as infinite, eternal and immortal consciousness. Only then is the alchemical process activated. This changes our relationship with energy. We grow to consciously harness and weild it. This requires steps into greater fearlessness, shifting our point of observation from being our experience (taking it personally) to observing it or being the infinite consciousness that is aware of having the experience and knows it is boundless, untouchable, omnipresent, immeasurable, omnipotent, limitless existence --Satchitananda). Any of these words points to the All-Pervading Absolute. They are words defining the essential nature of the One or Source Energy.


Upgrades are ongoing

IMage: Heart-Soul Comic Body by Pumayana

Notice many ongoing events are guiding and nurturing human evolution toward an upgrade process of the body, emotions, mind and spirit toward immortality and maximum self-sufficiency. The revealing of once hidden global, extraterrestrial power structures and psyops on multiple levels, is key for planetary advancement and the upgrading of humanity. Talking about our timeline can shift our frequency and shape new realities. It dawns we are divine source and God is the heartfelt voice within. Once we reach a certain evolution, we activate expanded. Interdimensional ships appear in our scope. Some use the Sun as a Stargate, and travel through transconduits, which are the Ley-Lines or Energy Fields of different stars. All stars are connected via the Galactic Ley-Lines. Ships that travel through those visit other galaxies. Ships communicate telepathically and readily shapeshift. Geometric dimensional folding allows a ship to appear small when its actually big. Consider the analogy of Dr. Who's Tardis: It appears small to outside observer, but once inside, its massive. Thoughts effect beliefs and perception.


Focus on breath to realize the Divine

Notice a common belief is that to connect with God or Divine Source requires a prolonged practice, sacrifice, mediator or heroic effort. Letting go of such beliefs guides one to realize a focus on breath is key to realizing one's own Divine Nature. Watch what happens as one lets go of the belief one must do anything to be whole and complete. During meditation, breathwork, yoga, other spiritual practices, a blissful state may arise akin to a rush. The desire to go deeper into it may lead to involuntary breath holding. Does it seem you must exert huge efforts to go deeper, to get anywhere or realize something you work toward? Each breath affects the whole because each of us is the whole. Although breathing is natural, for many people, it is unconscious and uncontrolled. This state blocks knowing True Nature. As long as the breath remains unconscious, it is not part of spiritual practice and one feels separate from Divine Source. To focus on the breath (in yoga- pranayama), we learn to vary the length of inhalation and exhalation as well as to suspend both, either to retain the inhaled breath or empty the lungs completely. Conscious, controlled breathing is like reclaiming true power. By bringing unconscious activity into conscious awareness, and by focusing on the present moment, pranayama and other breathing techniques begin to transform breathing into a spiritual practice. Regular conscious breathing leads to different stages of remembering about what it is to feel truly alive. Watch what happens as you engage in breathwork more often. (image from



Fast track a new way of Being

Notice what happens as we tune into the Source power that has designed the cosmos. When mind is totally present, we receive information from the external world, from within and from wider superconsciousness. Insights stemming from these levels of consciousness are often forgetten in the modern, disconnected world. Those who experience altered states realize far more exists to us than the monkey mind, physical body or conditioned, limited views of realty. Imagine you could navigate life in a much more graceful and grounded manner, a life than can be of service to the planet in a conscious and expanded way. The more multi-level, multi-sensory and multi-dimensional intelligence we access and apply to the apparent external problems, the easier it is to surf through. The nature of problems we face are virtually impossible to solve from the level of ordinary consciousness. Ego consciousness is a developed state based on projections and belief systems, fears, desires and culture. The ego prevents expansion because it blocks information it resists or does not want to know. Most people in ego consciousness choose subconsciously not to develop intelligence beyond the level which allows them to fit into society. The aspects we cannot make sense of or problems that seem beyond us can in fact be easily solved if we are willing to recieve and decode all the information that is available to us. From the moment one recognizes that one is an inhabitant of the cosmos which is made of vibrational information, humans are no longer helpless in a situation that seems beyond their control. HUmans take responsibility for their role in creating everything and reclaim power to alter perception and reality. Consciousness is often limited to the study of neuroscience while what is overlooked is this supertool is accessible to all to deepen understanding of the Self. Modern yoga exists for us to recognize consciousness is the energetic basis of reality. If we simply find ways to relate to our peers, we stay in the darkness of our own fear of greatness. We must be willing to transcend language, imagery and models through which we are taught to live. A higher level of symbolic understanding requires deep self-acceptance, letting go of what we outgrow and seeing everything based on vibrational frequency. We are developing a psychic technology within that allows us to access, download and integrate information that enables us to solve issues created by our own low-level mind. We also created the Matrix to awaken and catapult out.