Who are we really?

Notice expanding consciousness is about recognizing dream states are far more than we are told. We are actually dimensional travelers who freely shapeshift and move among various planes of existence, like parallel universes. Dreams may feel like portals or gateways to other dimensions where we encounter beings, entities and other versions of ourselves. Awakening is a process of remembering what we are already doing and being. Its about letting go of what prevents being fully transparent. Dreams may offer premonitions or metaphors to accurately decode what is unfolding in our 3D lives. Our innate multidimensional capacities are accessible and expand though dream worlds. We can tune into helping others on Soul journeys as well as guiding Souls on their transitions between worlds. As boundaries dissolve, ideas of night and day dissolve. It dawns what we are doing and being is merging. Linear time is collapsing into a mode of existence that arises in divine resonance.