Free yourself from the traps

Notice one of the biggest traps we buy into individually and collectively is "I feel trapped" (unable to act/ do what feels right). We are conditioned to believe and to perpetuate illusions, to tell ourselves what we cannot do and why. Imagining undesirable consequences hijacks our attention from the present moment and all that is real. Our thoughts trap us into believing we are limited. We become the unconscious mind, project experience to reinforce our own self-created limitations. Such beliefs keep us feeling small, less-than (abundant and whole), disconnected from who we are. Each individual, though his own unique path and choices, has to come to know himself as infinite, eternal and immortal consciousness. Only then is the alchemical process activated. This changes our relationship with energy. We grow to consciously harness and weild it. This requires steps into greater fearlessness, shifting our point of observation from being our experience (taking it personally) to observing it or being the infinite consciousness that is aware of having the experience and knows it is boundless, untouchable, omnipresent, immeasurable, omnipotent, limitless existence --Satchitananda). Any of these words points to the All-Pervading Absolute. They are words defining the essential nature of the One or Source Energy.

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