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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in beliefs (52)


Know the power of release

For everything, there exists a season. You may reach stages in life when you sense inner conflict and contemplate accepting the discomfort or, ignore it as long as you can. Whatever you believe and fear becomes what you perceive.  This also what you come to think you learn and unlearn or let go.   Notice what else is happening.

There is no conflict when you focus attention on what is consistent and real. The mind's decision about what is real does not change the truth. As you outgrow ego perceptions and willingly shift focus, you can also abandon what is felt as the source of conflict.  Know the power of releasing what is not you. That which remains is nothing.

"To hold, you must first open your hand. Let go." -Lao Tzu


Make every moment count

Through humble surrender, each person is invited to open the heart to the deeper truth. As our self-worth increases, we let more love in and let go of suffering.  Notice what is happening as you let go of beliefs about what is right and wrong, let go of desires, ambitions and be an empty cup. We step in and out of dimensions based on where our energy vibration aligns. To grow more conscious is to open the mind to possibilities and clear cellular memories.  The universe reflects whatever you believe. 

Making every moment count means knowing everything that unfolds invites you to learn something.  Allowing yourself to feel negative feelings is a step in letting them go. As a momentary reaction, you can see everything through the lens of love and embrace all parts of yourself.  Comparisons, judgments, and memories prevent you from releasing your personal stories. Feel what you feel without focusing on it or allowing it to control you. The feeling leaves your energy field and reveals the timeless being that is you.

"Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count: everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted." - Albert Einstein


I am that I am

How does it feel to tap into absolute knowing that you need no reason to be here now?  Being itself is enough.  Feel with absolute certainty that you exist. Even with all the conditioning and socialisation, you know who you are.  Deep down, purpose is not something you seek but allow to unfold. Rather than exert effort to build points of reference, notice what it feels like to systematically peel away all those you adopt. 

If you feel you must justify your requests, or judge others on route to getting, you do not see duality as it is. Notice how mental thoughts create a sense of separation. Notice how your thoughts and vibration resist accepting what the heart knows. The more you exert effort and hope to create what you want through action, the more you separate yourself form the vibrational being you are and the way it creates. Notice how it feels to let go of resistance. Knowing arises in experience. Your attention in this dream shifts from barriers you create to see only oneness, and appreciate messages of equality and unconditional love that speak to you through everything. Be aware of the "I am."

Recall Lao Tzu who says, “To hold, you must first open your hand. Let go.”


Building or allowing dreams

Everything speaks to and through you.  Sometimes this is hard to describe.  Dreams exist in layers.  Some are being built through action and others are allowed to unfold spontaneously. The focus of your attention allows awareness to appreciate dreaming from varied perspectives. Do you decide and take responsibility for the course of your life consciously or unconsciously?

When building or chasing dreams, you are taught to believe techniqes and methods. This is motivated by intellect and ego.  They show you reality through mental and emotional filters. Notice when you create dreams motivated by psychological fear. Notice why doubt arises. Notice dreams vanish when they hold no focus or attention. 

When allowing dreams to unfold, there is no teaching involved. They arise and intuition discerns them. To know is to feel whole and live or be this dream. Notice unwavering, unconditional love is flowing. Be that. Intuition is beyond intellect. It is not a technique you apply. It has not conditions and arises spontaneously. This dream never dies.


Embrace what is real

Notice the search for truth, the pursuit of love, happiness, search for sources of permanence and security.  Notice the adjectives chosen, such as "you" and "me" or "I," and the conditioned impulse to cling to what is seemingly "mine."  Be aware of focus of attention, identification, the way a person views something as "mine" and associates it with being somebody. 

When a person forgets what is real, that person is conditioned to create an identity.  Notice patterns, habits, beliefs, and revelations.   Fear not.  You are not what you do. Lose the mind, the body, the person. What is left? Feel what is. Be that. Know what it is to be everything.