Notice what happens as you stop valuing your own beliefs. As you start to see them for what they are, you see them as empty of all meaning, value and ultimate Truth. This is part of letting go. Who would you be without a particular belief or more than one? Nothing. Even when you know you are Nothing, part of you may still be convinced the world needs something you [Ego can] offer. If you shift to have a deep belief of holding no beliefs, this is simply a way to mobilize "you." If you conceptualize, it disempowers and disengages you- you may imagine nothing to do, nowhere to go, nothing to be-a kind of lifelessness. This is what the mind imagines because it cannot imagine what is beyond it. To follow a natural process is to find a response to life that is undivided but non-reactive. Letting go of points of view implies you have no idea what life will do with you. Ego does not believe life can take care of itself. As you realize it then you are empowered because the emptying out process is energizing. You feel lighter, like when decluttering a drawer, a larger space or life. When we look into awakeness itself, this is being, free from fixation, from points of view, self-images, beliefs. This is what freedom means- the more empty we are, the more freedom we have to move and function or flow. To have a fixation causes you to go into reaction instead of a response. One arises from a place of wholeness or peace. This is when natural state is operational. As you come out of a mediation and find you respond peacefully to something you reacted to previously, then it dawns you connect with who you are, the undivided self. Notice where your humanity is engaged, when fear is triggered, the divided self reacts to what it does not want. To try to get rid of your Ego is to try to get rid of your shadow. It cannot happen. We cannot outrun the shadow (a shadow activity itself). The Truth simply notices the shadow and continues to flow as it always has.
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