Upgrades are ongoing

IMage: Heart-Soul Comic Body by Pumayana
Notice many ongoing events are guiding and nurturing human evolution toward an upgrade process of the body, emotions, mind and spirit toward immortality and maximum self-sufficiency. The revealing of once hidden global, extraterrestrial power structures and psyops on multiple levels, is key for planetary advancement and the upgrading of humanity. Talking about our timeline can shift our frequency and shape new realities. It dawns we are divine source and God is the heartfelt voice within. Once we reach a certain evolution, we activate expanded. Interdimensional ships appear in our scope. Some use the Sun as a Stargate, and travel through transconduits, which are the Ley-Lines or Energy Fields of different stars. All stars are connected via the Galactic Ley-Lines. Ships that travel through those visit other galaxies. Ships communicate telepathically and readily shapeshift. Geometric dimensional folding allows a ship to appear small when its actually big. Consider the analogy of Dr. Who's Tardis: It appears small to outside observer, but once inside, its massive. Thoughts effect beliefs and perception.