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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in balance (31)


Allow quantum shifts

Notice as we grow conscious of our Higher Self through self-healing, energetic portholes or stargates open to connect us with co-existing worlds and dimensions that are part of the totality of our DNA. These multidimensional realities are revealed to us to allow deeper exploration of True self, those worlds that no longer exist as well as emerging universes. Rebalance, realign and accelerate quantum shifts. Trust inner guidance. Perception expands as we allow more energetic realities the come through.


(Digital Artist:Unknown)


Heal & Move Beyond Trauma

Notice life experience invites inner world issues to come to light. Through awareness, one joins dots in the bigger picture of one's fear-based patterns. This illuminates divine presence or Christ consciousness. Awakening to destructive patterns can trigger revelations, bring new clarity of direction and life purpose. The origins of my own mistrust, scarcity and insecurity guided me to uncover and explore unconscious childhood & interdimensional trauma. Turns out abuse keeps us caught in time loops of repeated behaviours that blocks expanded perception. Yet, the key is to grow aware of what we think is missing within ourselves or our lives, make conscious why we keep choosing situations that deprive us from tasting true love, affection and appeciation. Many of us have been trained or socialized to see self-created "defects", or find balance. We often act based on others' expectations. When ready, we allow all we had denied to surface. We are each on journey to wholeness, back to where we never left, to accept what is not lost or missing. Through fearless self-exploration, growing awareness and by making new choices, we empower ourself to break self-defeating patterns. To change the world, we must begin with ourselves. To know what is unfolding around us, we must master what is within. Breathwork is a valuable tool on the path to embrace limitless being.

Recall the true power of Sound

Notice many are remembering Giza pyramids are powerful vibro-acoustic infrasound oscillators or transmitters. They were created to broadcast information over land and water over long distances, and link global pyramids for inter-earth,inter-stellar-planetary, and inter-galactic travel. (Pyramid of Cheops could generate 7 frequencies: 9.2-10.3-10.9-12.25-13.75-15.4-16.35 Hz & ensures transmissions). Ask yourself why varied pyramids are uncovered in alignment worldwide. Collective consciousness is raising its vibration to trigger a domino effect of remembering about human bioenergetics and far more. Imagine what it feels like to function with a re-activated global grid of connected pyramids. Imagine humanity is heart-centred & engages mind power to change the molecular structure of objects and materials for greater good. Recall what it is to activate ability to levitate heavy objects (e.g. megaliths, stones) and consciously move planetary bodies (e.g. Earth & Moon were moved to their current location; planets can be moved to prevent their premature termination at another location), to travel and teleport through solids and other environments. Imagine ability to shapeshift and travel by projecting physical form or consciousness, to consciously project the consciousness to the Higher Self, to interact telepathically, interdimensionally at will, to remote view at a galactic level, to distort local frequencies to observe alternative event spaces (parallel realities) before making the best heart-centred choice, to regenerate, heal & repair the human physical vehicle (e.g. bones, organs, frequencies); to modify one's DNA to crystalline form, to amplify innate psychic powers; to manifest labor-saving tech for the good of All, to adjust climate and weather control for balance; generate or replenish natural gases; refresh the soil for food/crop production, and the use of geometric and crystal devices for power-based needs. None of the above is sci-fiction. It is forgotten knowing that we are beginning to recall, reactivate and use to transform from an ego-driven to heart-centred reality. The Giza plateau originally focused infrasound vibrations on global infrasonic synchronization of the collective human consciousness, thereby endowing feminine forces or peaceful, loving vibrations globally. When masculine-feminine balance is restored, stargates open in the heart and the body facilitates multidimensional awareness. To reclaim sovereignty, we must mature to the point, where we won’t be doing things just to make money or to have power over others. As incarnate mankind rises to a collective vibration to where we can work with free will, commit to ensure everything we do is ultimately to benefit others in some way, even if we benefit ourselves, then the global grid will reactivate fully.


Benefits of connecting with Nature

Notice getting back to Nature is about connecting with true self. Its about finding ways to 'hang-in-there' feeling ungrounded, and reaching for what brings balance. It dawns that to explore new ventures or activities, even mind-wandering, helps strengthen our ability to clarify what matters now. We each weave a mosaic of our lives. Mindful moments are created wherever we are, come what may. Being ourselves is about living in the present, showing our true colours, nurturing curiosity, living spontaneously, letting go of what we outgrow or what outgrows us, moving on from projects at will, knowing that embracing change is part of acceptance and deepening awareness. Connecting with what is heartfelt is about showing kindness and compassion, knowing that encouraging others is encouraging ourselves. This trains us to grow adept at navigating our thoughts and perceptions. When self-directed, we nourish what resonates, thrive at our pace.


9 Benefits of Tuning into light language

When open and receptive, we all have access to a universal healing modality called light language. This multidimensional, energetic language is understood by all on a soul level. It is channelled Dynamic Frequency Encodings of Sound and Light. We are constantly receiving, decoding and transmitting energy on various frequencies. For some, this can feel like a heavy load. From the moment this possibility of light language enters our scope, the intention is for it to serve our highest good. If this involves gaining insight into ourselves and new realities, then this is what light language allows.  We have a responsibility to live in integrity, recognize and get comfortable with light and dark, to create balance among polarities within us.

Light language flowing through us adjusts to the resonance of each of our vibrational needs in the moment. With perfect timing, this emerges in a spontaneous urge to utter words, sing tones or write script that seems mysteriously familliar.  This may happen out of the blue, intermittently, at night or, more regularly as we grow more conscious and accepting of ourselves. Light language can take shape in our mind's eye as sacred geometry, symbols, or other images, be expressed as we conduct energy of the air in physical gestures, drawing, painting, and enage in other creative forms of expression.  We may or may not recognize visible shifts in our lives but its happening and continuing even after light language is uttered.  As the impulse arises to allow more sound and  light energy to flow through, feel the way into these 9 benefits;

1. clearing energy 

2. balancing chakras

3. activating dormant systems

4. aligning with vibrations of Well-being

5. expanding perception 

6. activating spiritual or psychic gifts

7. deepening awareness

8. grounding confidence, truth, clarity of purpose

9. harmonizing polarities within and beyond ourselves