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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in polarity (4)


9 Benefits of Tuning into light language

When open and receptive, we all have access to a universal healing modality called light language. This multidimensional, energetic language is understood by all on a soul level. It is channelled Dynamic Frequency Encodings of Sound and Light. We are constantly receiving, decoding and transmitting energy on various frequencies. For some, this can feel like a heavy load. From the moment this possibility of light language enters our scope, the intention is for it to serve our highest good. If this involves gaining insight into ourselves and new realities, then this is what light language allows.  We have a responsibility to live in integrity, recognize and get comfortable with light and dark, to create balance among polarities within us.

Light language flowing through us adjusts to the resonance of each of our vibrational needs in the moment. With perfect timing, this emerges in a spontaneous urge to utter words, sing tones or write script that seems mysteriously familliar.  This may happen out of the blue, intermittently, at night or, more regularly as we grow more conscious and accepting of ourselves. Light language can take shape in our mind's eye as sacred geometry, symbols, or other images, be expressed as we conduct energy of the air in physical gestures, drawing, painting, and enage in other creative forms of expression.  We may or may not recognize visible shifts in our lives but its happening and continuing even after light language is uttered.  As the impulse arises to allow more sound and  light energy to flow through, feel the way into these 9 benefits;

1. clearing energy 

2. balancing chakras

3. activating dormant systems

4. aligning with vibrations of Well-being

5. expanding perception 

6. activating spiritual or psychic gifts

7. deepening awareness

8. grounding confidence, truth, clarity of purpose

9. harmonizing polarities within and beyond ourselves


Remove the blocks

What if you simply remove the blocks that stand between what you think and what you know? How does this shift your sense of what you have been, who you are and who you are becoming?  

To jog the memory about what you have made or done is unrelated to the ultimate unveiling. Much of what you conjure up in the mind does not exist. Strengths and weaknesses are conditioned by people you meet and other messages dictated by the external world. Notice how you make silent judgments about what is possible or acceptable and choose not to recognize the successful, worthy, limitless being you already are.


10 Alternatives to shift fears of 2012

Lots of researchers predict 2012 will bring the end of the world. Hurrendous upheavals are foreseen. What if 2012 does not turn out to be what humans fear? Consider these 10 alternative possibilities to shift fears of from the most pessimistic, highly speculative and controversial visions already proposed;

1) Energy is eternal and will not disappear.

2) A galactic superwave will open a bridge between worlds.

3) Hopi Indians predict human beings will reach a crossroads. They will have to choose between two worlds: one where they are consciously in touch with their true selves and an alternative place for those who cannot celebrate change.

4) Fearlessness is to emerge with renewed strength.

5) Awareness opens new levels of self-understanding.

6) Aspects of physical existence align with spiritual energy.

7) Magnetic pole reversal will transform human perception.

8) A wrinkle in time and space is to open and unzip matter.

9) Alchemy will transform reality and link synchoncities.

10) Transpersonal events will magnify the Higher Self.



10 Revelations to prick the ears

Whatever seems to be transpiring in your life at this moment is not the energy you are reading.   Whether or not you realize it, you are in the process of reevaluating what has lasting value. 

Part of the reason you arrive at this stage of awareness is you prepare to open doors to expand perception.  So long as you continue to attune to energy, discard what is not working, you get all that much closer to  understanding the experiences that share eternal truth.  Consider 10 revelations to prick the ears;

1) Decide you do not want and ensuing events do not matter.

2) Move beyond names and form to heal false vulnerabilities.

3) Sense energy rhythms need not be affected by personality. 

4) Detect potential weaknesses are polarities of true strength.

5) Realize effectiveness grows by how you feel, act and react. 

6) Embrace lessons you gain from every cycle of energy flow.

7) Choose to perceive blessings in apparent tragedy or crises.

8) View turbulent emotions as the road to deeper inner peace.   

9) Know the grief of what might have been, and yet is not to be.

10) Enhance the immune system and spirit with consciousness.