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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "As you shift into loving and accepting yourself fully, and no longer fear being vulnerable, you reclaim personal power." Liara Covert





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Entries in transformation (103)


Sense everything is helping you

Some people are quick to assume that things are not going their way. They permit doubt to arise and negativity to take root.  These kinds of emotions simply distract you from quat is going on beyond what you see.  What about those things you do not yet see?

Whatever your apparent circumstances, you are not consciously aware of the big picture.  That is, you do not sense every step that is unfolding, how they are all interconnected, and how supernatural forces are actually engaged in empowering you to realize dreams.

Remind yourself that thought energy is very powerful. Yet, when you set your intention and direct your focus, the vision in the mind does not immediately materialize. Why? There may be issues you are invited to work through as part of the process of making it happen.  There may also be certain steps that are initiated as part of a longer process.  Remember to feel the the vibration of trust.

As you choose to sense everything is helping you, then your perspective completely transforms. Consider that if deep in your heart, you desire a different situation, a new relationship, another job or focus, then certain current conditions are going to fall apart before something new unfolds.  Your life is going to change. Prepare to be amazed.  It all relates to the magic of Cosmic Synchronicity.


Cory Herter, pineal opening, DMT & Sacred G

Cory Herter shares stories of what led him to have over 300 NDEs, and profound contact with beings on the Other Side.  He empowers others to awaken to the electromagentic spectrum and share knowledge about regenerating energy that is within reach for everyone.  You can pick up invisible energy within environments. This relates to the pineal, DMT and your connection to Source.

What would you say if your pineal gland is activating, if the energy within you is being unleashed and you have the ability to reclaim inner power on levels you have not yet even imagined? What is your dream?  What if learning more about the spiritual senses transforms state of being and consciousness? You are ready to experience existence and reality on completely new levels.  All of this is part of a wave of revelations you begin to associate with expanding perception and attuning to Cosmic Synchronicity.


What is it about shape-shifting?

People email me about shape-shifting.  They ask to what degree it is possible, how its done and who does it. 

Energetic interactions occur every moment.  As you shift levels of awareness, you sense you are an energy being, begin to attune to vibration, and know all you do affects everything you perceive and experience.

Your sense of what is possible arises based on how you are conditioned to think.  When something suppresses knowledge of the limitless, loving consciousness you are, then you create mental boundaries of what you are willing to believe. To query whether something is possible reveals doubt that you are all that is, all possibilities now.

Most people filter realities based on beliefs. If you are completely honest, when you come into experience, you permit it to flow and celebrate revelations.  The moment you discard misunderstanding, you grow more conscious of who you are. This is about removing what prevents you from being. What you see in the mirror is not the real you. Move points of observation from limitation to infinite consciousness,  Fear and words lose meaning. 

Some people wonder if its possible to abandon the physical body shell and be a body of light. At any given moment, everything is possible. As an energy being moves into increasingly awakened, harmonious and balanced consciousness, then he operates on  different levels than individuals who operate at points of observation that include disharmony, imbalance and fear. One's state of being externalizes energy.  You feed off the energy you generate from emotional states.  The love energy of the heart has a particular, uplifting vibrational state.

Many people are convinced you cannot shift between solid bodies.  In truth, you are not a solid entity. The body is a projected hologram.  As you remember how to sense further than visible and conditioned spectrums of light, you recognize perception is all about vibrational frequency. Energy beings vibrate at different energy frequencies.  One view of shape-shifting is that it only takes place in the energy-decoding processing centre of the brain. 

Individuals with an extending range of perception connect more alert to consciousness.  An increasing number of people are connected to the physical reality but are awakening to energy beyond.  Its much easier to align with something, that is, to extend your sense of what is possible, as you vibrate at a similar frequency.  Take responsibility for making it happen and your vibrational frequency changes.  You connect with those states you are in vibrational harmony with or or merge into what you think and feel. You are in control of your own energy.

In your decoded reality, everything is experienced as holograms in the physical world.  Shapeshifting unfolds in the mind.  You are conditioned to perceive through a limited frequency range.  Beyond this visible light spectrum, exist entities that not everyone yet chooses or remembers to see. So much connects as part of Cosmic Synchronicity.


What if rather than becoming, U already R?

Many people have forgotten a lot as the result of having their inherent abilities unplugged.  If someone told you that your conditioned idea of standard two-strand DNA was originally twelve-strand DNA, would that floor you?

You may be familiar with images of crop circles that resemble three- and six-stranded of DNA.  What if energy is shifting to multiply your DNA strands and giving you opportunities to remember more now? Imagine that.

One perspective is that something exerts control over the minds of society and your choices determine the nature and extent of your own awakening. In order to open to realities beyond your current scope and perception, you are invited to explore more deeply your own view of reality, including emotions and inner highways of consciousness.

Life transforms from the moment you accept what you are given.  Be willing to explore sides you hide from your conscious self.  You may think you know what you are, yet at a conscious level, you still deny facits of the truth. 

It is never too late to remember energy, frequency and vibration are sending you messages from within and from everything you project.  This is part of attuning to Cosmic Synchronicity.   In essence, the real you does not become anything. You accept or reject what you already are.  Nothing is out of reach for unless you believe that.


What if you could transform your life?

What if you have the power to transform how you think and feel right now? Would you do it? You may have heard it said it requires thirty days of consistent change to truly turn a pattern around. Is that always necessarily so?

Many people are beginning to sense they have opportunities for more choices in their lives yet they seem to lack the discipline, the willingness to take initiatives or, the simple inclination. To be here now says something. It means your heart is in the right place. You are choosing to make more conscious choices.  This only helps you.

As your focus on shifts, you contemplate positive change.  One helpful step is to open the mind to how you think and feel.  Self-Disclosure is part of the process of awakening.  You may not realize you are already on a meaningful path to Transform Your Life thoughts and perception.  Tools exist to guide you align with what feels right.