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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Whenever you step out of the noise of thinking, that is meditation, and a differetn state of consciousness arises." - Eckhart Tolle





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Realize the power of positive thought

You can decide to view the world differently than other people.  You evolve to define who they are.  As you grow to identify opportunities quickly, you may view yourself as a non-conformist, and thrive on challenges.  If you feel this way, you realize the power of positive thought:

1) Recognize a need in yourself to find your own way.

2) Desire to abandon predictability and what you think you know.

3) Assume you can sustain yourself out of what you love.

4) Realize you can take control of your destiny.

5) Are drawn to a vision of choice, independence, and freedom

6) Seek to be a pioneer and transform vision into reality.


Real thinking is for anyone who listens

What is positive thinking? Its the view what you choose to get out of life will be good for you. Being in touch with yourself means sensing your thoughts create your feelings. Expressing them enables you to realize what's unjustified. Denying feelings just magnifies them. As you ignore fear and anger, they grow. If you don't express discomfort as you go along and work through it, you don't permit yourself to master it. Real commitment is being honest with yourself about motives for your feelings.

The Course of Miracles teaches you don't have to purify your thoughts to get rid of anger, guilt or other disturbing feelings. Pretending your positive without sorting through the other stuff isn't helpful. People don't attack you with words. You only imagine they attack as a reminder that you're not dealing with emotions you put aside. You made past decisions yourself, and you can decide differently this time.  It gets easier to think positively as you take responsibility for what you believe.

Real situations are those where it doesn't matter how things turn out.  It doesn't matter what happened in your past, or what you thought before.  The time comes where you realize that all your perceived problems are your own projections and hallucinations. These issues come up repeatedly as second, third, fourth or whatever chances, simply to give you opportunities to learn and rise above them.

People will say they aren't in your life to change you. You may think you don't enter the lives of others to change them. Yet, relationships and others situations come up because you're meant to learn from them.  Are you optimistic about each one? You have been drawn to conditions because you have decided wrongly before and you aren't yet on a level of inner peace. Develop gratitude. You need your own appreciation to move ahead. Real positive thinking comes from listening to yourself.


Accept the obvious

Notice what happens as you block out external conditions, as you not longer judge whether or not things 'go your way.'  As you cease to focus on the controllable, this somehow lifts an invisible burden you create for yourself. Experience joy and success without doing anything.

For some people, success is felt as excitement, a sense of triumph or overcoming something. You may tell yourself you feel better after knowing hardship. You say you know better what its like to have and be without something, and recall where you've come from. What happens as prevailing thoughts are seen as they are? Notice what happens as you recognize being peaceful is itself a reflection of intrinsic success? It actually affirms all that you are.

What does success mean to you? Perhaps it means thinking about a specific person and then, being contacted that person. Does it mean to forgo the short-term or superficial gains in favor of patience and intangibles? Perhaps it means a reawakening to a purpose deep down inside . Perhaps you're results-oriented and success represents actually holding things. Maybe its simply sharing problems and answers or, lessons learned.

Celebrate life.  Whatever it holds can be seen as a kind of success. Control your thoughts and trust in what is emerging. Sense you can undo anything you've done and creatively weave it into something new. You are the wisest about your own life. The Universe never gives you more than you can handle. You can find blessings in all encounters. Nothing and everything is success.

In direct experience, you know success. Its grounded in love, honesty, acceptance, well-being, trusting  in yourself and the universe.  Nobody and nothing are required. Be the light.


Life is more meaningful than you think

These reflections are shared in the hopes you will realize that this life offers far more hidden meaning than you may initially think. Whether you choose to react, evolve or change is up to you. Everything about your life is in your mind.

1) You're deprived from nothing and prevented from nothing, except by your own decisions. That is, your willingness to choose or not choose, to give up or take action, starts and ends inside.

2) Your mind will release you from qualms or anguish from the moment you choose to change it. That is, your emotions are choices that motivate your decisions.

3) You see only results of the past unless you nurture ideas unrelated to previous experiences. That is, you assume based on your view of time, which is itself an assumption.


Win a 24" LCD & more

Web business visitor value is measured in different ways. How many people visit your website is only part of it. Some people don't recognize their own visitor value.

Contests are one strategy that can significantly increase your traffic, your brand and reputation. How you translate traffic into dollars and cents is separate. Yet, without good traffic, your web business may be going nowhere fast. To help yourself and others, you can promote free give aways. You need not limit yourself to the kinds of products and services and other work you do. 

Speaking of that, John Chow dot Com is holding another fabulous blog contest worthy of mention. Brace yourself: he’s giving away a 24″ wide screen LCD monitor and a signed copy of the best-selling book, The 4-Hour Workweek! Who doesn't dream about working less?  Find out how to enter here:

Chow is based in Vancouver, Canada.  As it is, his blog contest says nothing about shipping worldwide.  If you live elsewhere, and you win the prizes, I expect you'll work something out with him to receive them.  Best keep an open mind!

The contest is being sponsored by The Million Dollar Wiki. Don't know what that is?  A page on the Million Dollar Wiki regularly costs $100. Yet, by entering JohnChow into the coupon code at checkout, you’ll get $10 off. Not only will this allow you to buy a page for only $90, but you’ll also received five entries into his blog Mogul contest for the free LCD Monitor and book.

That offer is open to new page purchase only. When an order comes in with the John Chow coupon code, the system will give you the page for $90 and give you five entries into the contest.  You have nothing to lose and good things on the horizon!