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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Whenever you step out of the noise of thinking, that is meditation, and a differetn state of consciousness arises." - Eckhart Tolle





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Pivotal moments

Writer George Bernard Shaw was aware of the power of visualisation.  During interactions with people in many walks of life, he noted that doubt and fear controlled widespread mindsets and caused people to ask "why?"  Shaw preferred to look at conditions and respond himself with, "why not?"  He imagined the benefits of his view of reality.  He intuited the power of possibility and released any negativity.

This writer encourages us to focus on the end result.  That will invite a transition from a holographic experience to a comfortable sensation with the physical world you create. To accept and be grateful for the way you sense things are is like an open doorway.  Life unfolds based on if you believe life penetrates the walls you create.

Pivotal moments are harmonious events.  As you see an image that you accept, the how it came about becomes less important than the energy you realize exhilarates you through a process.  Everyone has the power to visualize.  Will you choose to take in the world with an open mind?   Watch your mind.  Eliminate scraps of fear. 


Generate what you intend

The idea of your own wealth creation implies growth on some level. It will not invite setbacks unless this is the vision you imagine for yourself. Its reasonable to ask why you don't yet feel you already possess the wealth you so fervently desire. Do you wonder about your conditions? Right now, this could be the best question to ask.

There's no point to respond by offering excuses grounded in your past. Its history and thus, can't be changed. You may not realize it though, but the fact you have that history means you're probably repeating the same errors in your present. Maybe a sense of instability rocks your boat? Do you allow inner conflict to get in the way?

1) Believe there's another way of perceiving than you already do. Your viewpoints are always grounded in what you think you know and experience that reinforces what you've done. Since this hasn't yet created the wealth you greatly wish for, there must be another way to get it. In fact, what if all perception as you know it was actually unnecessary? Think outside-the-box you created. See what happens after that.

2) Grasp that true and lasting abundance comes from being charitable. You may have heard the law of the Universe that says you need to give in order to receive. Options exist. What if you donate 1$ to each website you visit that leaves you with positive vibes? Such a gesture may seem rather insignificant. Yet, as many people choose to follow your lead, think of the wealth you'll all create for each other.

3) Stop denying your own guide or seek new sources. Temporary contentment is grounded in what you sense you already have. Could you open your senses? You will begin to generate more of what you intend the moment you clarify what's hidden behind your own ambivalence. Means to aquire wealth will present itself to any mind that truly wants it, so long as not guided by ego logic or its own drive "to get."


Morris Goodman & 5 Ways to uncover infinite motivation

Morris Goodman is a man I heard speak at a motivational conference before Rhonda Byrne's book The Secret was released.  He is The Miracle Man she interviewed as part of her book project. His life testafies to how our lives evolve based on us.

Back in 1981, Morris survived a serious plane crash. In hospital, Morris could only initially blink his eyes. The medical diagnosis was grim. He had lost control of his arms and legs and he also experienced other significant injuries. Doctors told him he would only ever blink his eyes and he would never regain control of the rest of his physical body. He refused to buy into that image. He desired another kind of life.

Morris became aware of the greatest understanding within himself. He chose to believe in his potential to defy everyone's predictions, from doctors and physiotherapists, to most people who knew him.  He realized the way to truly help himself was not to focus on or even think about negative possibilities. Morris discovered he could tap into a hidden power in his thoughts and feelings.  This was an infinite source of motivation that led him to walk and become a very popular motivational speaker and writer. Based on his experience, I've learned a few things:

1) Don't lie to yourself. Rather than buy into fear, or believe there isn't enough love to go around, that you don't have enough energy to overcome whatever obstacles come your way, Morris chose to ignore and rise above these lies. Rather than fall victim to an unhealthy mindset, he decided to believe in his own inner strength.

2) Realize thoughts mean everything. He somehow became aware of his own infinite nature. He refused to allow feelings enter his mind that were contrary to his belief in recovery. Instead, he realized his life would evolve based on the power and orientation of his mind.  He opted to create results that were worthy of his spirit.

3) Focus on what you want. At the deepest level, Morris learned he could focus energy in specific directions and draw circumstances toward him. How he saw his life was directly proportional to energy he channelled align his spirit to heal his body.

4) Block out diversions. Any flare up of problems or setbacks discourages some hospital patients.  Many around Morris chose to give up challenging rehabilitations. Yet, Morris was an inspiration and source of motivation to himself and others.  He refused to listen to anyone who said he wouldn't succeed. That wasn't his way.

5) Visualize progress. Morris' life demonstrates how decisions you make remain in effect unless you change your mind. He reminds us we have the will to choose based on how we visualize where we're headed. Time as we see it is out of our control, but the direction of our mental focus and energy flow are completely within our scope.


The biggest risk ever follow-up

How you perceive risk changes.  After you take a risk and like a result, you become increasingly fearless.  You may take new risks that surpass previous limits. Your thoughts create a new frequency. Since increasing confidence enables you to feel good, as you choose to celebrate good feelings, you create conditions that keep you on track with your deepest desires.  Everything you think brings you your future.  

As it is, each decision I make about risk-taking in romance reinforces the law of attraction. The law doesn't care if you think certain conditions would be good for you or not, what you think about happens. This is a law of nature that brings you whatever you've been thinking about, in my case, that has been adventure, travel and love.  What other people would or wouldn't do in your shoes is irrelevant.

In the posting, "The biggest risk ever," I explained how the Universe brought me an opportunity for a special romance. The Universe likes speed, and I respond to instinct.  I realized my life was in my hands.  I visualized feelings I desired. I knew what was happening to me wasn't wishful thinking.  My mind was shaping my relationship at exactly the right time. I loved myself and was attracting love my way.

After my impulsive train trip through France, Switzerland and Italy, a memorable third date, anticipation continued to build. I returned to Canada and felt my thoughts were very powerful. People remarked I was different, that I seemed to glow. Inside, I wished to do what it took to sustain my incredible feelings. This invited a chain reaction that focused on a result and devalued the influence of risk.

I realized I could have fun with this. To become aware truly made me the master of my thoughts. The power of love enabled me to reframe taking risks as necessary to prove I could overcome fears.  My mind voluntarily focused on high frequencies.  By listening to what others told me was possible, I hadn't found what I sought before.   

While attending the wedding of a family friend with 200 guests, why was it in the crowd that I was drawn to a conversation involving 2 people discussing Australian hospitality? Why was it that for the pre-arranged dinner, I was seated between a couple who married in Melbourne and had their son in Melbourne? A few days later, why did I turn on the radio and hear about Australian spider collecting? Why did I watch a tv program with 3 references to 'Down Under,' including a message written on a truck: "come to Australia?" Each day, what I chose to see reinforced my belief.  I asked the Universe what I wanted and it offered me its answer.  I simply listened. 

Experience shows what we think about and focus on most becomes our life.   After the train trip, I devoted part of each day to my relationship.  Dialogue enabled us to sense we were on the same wavelength. For example, I asked him to answer 42 questions (part of a draft manuscript). He agreed.  When I received his email, I emailed my answers. Why was it most of our responses were almost identical? When he wrote a questionnaire to add to my book, we both answered it and discovered similar answers. To feel grateful for each other reduced our sense of risk. 

It came as no surprise to me that Rhonda Byrne is Australian.  The release of her best-selling book The Secret outlined a process I have been living.  We determine whether we'll accept society's view of risk.  If you believe, the greater the love you feel, the greater the power you harness, and the more rewarding the manifestation.

Within 6 months of meeting my soul mate, events unfolded that led me to move over 18,000 km. We've been together two and a half years. Each day gets better. Looking back, we both admit how our choice to believe in what we wanted justified rethinking risk and not permitting fear to control us. We're the result of our dreams.


What are you really asking for?

Only misperception stands in the way of creating true wealth.  What are you really asking for?  How you envision what you already have begins as a mindset that you create.  Everything and nothing aren't the same thing.  Does your sense of wealth hover in-between?  What you perceive is prone to changing interpretation.  How you perceive things is based on awareness.  Consciousness is inherently judgemental. 

If you think you have to make or earn things, realize your impulse arises out of a sense of lack or need.  Where does this idea come from? Your head! Any attempt to fill a perceived lack is to ignore emptiness may seem to grow rather than shrink as the result of your efforts.  Choices to doubt you have enough or fears you'll run out, invite trouble.  Your intrinsic worth is beyond perception.  Its value isn't created. 

Wealth is the product of a process that is dependent on perception.  As you judge the wealth of others, you will find it difficult not to judge your own.  If you resist judging the wealth of others, you'll be less likely to compare what you have or don't have.  Judgement involves rejection of who and what you are as well as anything that you perceive to have.  Suspend judgement and accept you create wealth now.