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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Whenever you step out of the noise of thinking, that is meditation, and a differetn state of consciousness arises." - Eckhart Tolle





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Sort out the false form the true

Some people assume oracles must be inexplicable, spontaneous and beyond our realm of comprehension.  You might ask if humans have any say in their purpose, their creation or, if they're purely grounded in the supernatural.  Are humans only channels?

Sensing Divine intervention assumes you would have to have faith in some message being conveyed or at least faith in a Source.  Without faith, an oracle loses meaning and intensity.  Messages flow through a receptive human who senses an energy flux.

It has been suggested humans create oracle vibrations.  If doorways are always open, and you learn to open your senses, then pathways become clear.  You may not have thought about it before, but you can mentally prepare to to live extraordinary things.  

How do you explain why you go seeking answers about your dreams as if you hope to find something?  When you or someone makes an accurate prediction about your life, how would you explain it?  Perhaps you consider this like supernatural dream-building.

To believe in the power of an oracle can coincide with developing belief in yourself.  Some people believe in both or none.  To begin to discern how to read your thoughts, energies and emotions requires you uncover and transcend self-doubt.  

Belief in magic has its place.  As you sort out the false visions from the true, you actually decide what you're ready and willing to see.  How do oracles change your perception?


Learn to see it for yourself

You may know people who don't like the idea of feeling sick.  They don't like the idea of staying home from work, losing their appetite, losing their lunch or, being laid up in bed.  They don't like it so much that they can't keep from complaining about it. 

To feel prevented from doing what you desire to do deep down inside could cause you to feel discomfort as well.  Yet, how often do you notice internal imbalance?  Many of us could become more attuned to the signs of our physical bodies.  

Part of you may not wish to accept that any kind of change or healing is necessary.  You may like to believe that all is well, that there's nothing wrong with you, that you can go on as you always have.  Yet, what if its not possible for you to recognize a problem with yourself unless something seems out of whack?  What if your body is reacting strangely to get your attention?  How are you bending to raise awareness?

Your eye would not sense a problem if its underlying vision is obscured.  Ask yourself what is it that you find so unbearable to see or accept?  From what do you choose to turn a blind eye?  You may be waiting until you sense the time is right.  Yet, real perception doesn't depend on time.  It simply depends on you.  Recognition is required before you can begin to accept anything.  Learn to see it for yourself.


Meaningful miscreations

Many people dream of having a healthier body than the one they believe they already have.  What if any kind of healing you seek is directly related to learning to release the mind from fear?  That's right.  What if its a question of exploring the reasons for your own self-created doubt?  Mind-blowing, is it not!

Some people focus on lack or issues the associate with self-image. Rather than see what they are, they tend to focus more profoundly on what they're not.  They assume conjured fear and lack are justified.  Consider the implications on esteem and self-worth.

Some people forget the body seems to act wrongly or produces curious physical symptoms when responding to misthought. When people say you look sick, do you evolve to feel that way? If someone says you look like you have a fever, do you then physiologically produce one? Consider the human mind can't create beyond itself.

Some people sense the body and its functions are open to mis-interpretation.  Some humans are diagnosed with serious or even fatal illnesses and yet, they go on defy the diagnosis and survive.  Consider whether the physical body generates its own interpretation of illness and produces symptoms as an offshoot of something unrelated. What would you say? Is healing mostly based or even all in the mind?


Self-examination contest by Jenny & Erin

Under my blog roll, you'll note "Jenny & Erin's Blog."  These fabulous gals have launched a contest.It continues until the end of September 2007.  The topic prompts reflection about  personal habits.  Feel free to enter.  I post their question and my own entry below afterwards.

"How big of a role do habits play in your daily life? Do your habits typically form intentionally or unconsciously? What approaches have you found successful in shaping them?"

Jenny and Erin have inspired reflection about habits. In my own quest for greater self-understanding, I suppose habits reinforce the systems of belief that determine how I live. As I learn why I form unconscious, destructive habits, and uncover the fear that causes me to perpetuate them, I'm more likely to escape from the mental prison I have created.

For example, when people ask me how I am, my automatic response used to be "not bad." A friend brought to my attention that I had developed a habit of voicing tentative answers to questions, even when my intention was to be positive. Rather than continue to project uncertainty and condition a lack of self-confidence, I have learned to intentionally respond with the state of mind that reinforces faith in myself. How do I do that? I take time to intuit when I speak from the spirit and when I speak from my ego.  The ego is misguided and forges self-destructive journeys. Anyone can learn to foresee, heal and avoid this.

Increasingly, I understand habits as opportunities for lessons that help prepare me for the future. As I examine and share my perception on blogs, I become a more effective teacher and empower people to rethink their own habits. Each of us has the power to help enlighten one and other. Realize you can overcome anything. Your mind creates the thoughts that become your behavior. Just learn to work backwards. Simply read your lessons carefully. Change is only feared so long as you are unwilling to face the sources of your fear. Habits often result from fearing what you aren't doing. Once you discover what that is, and do it, and you can prove your ego wrong. Listen instead to your spirit.


Revelations worth attention

Any situation that feels like a problem isn't what you think it is.  Impossible situations only appear to be impossible.  Perceived obstacles only exist as long as you decide they will.  Since you can develop abilities to get out of any situation, you can realize self-defeating beliefs are illusions.  How are you denying yourself the ability to participate more fully in your own life? What would this mean anyway?

Some people think illusions are limited to tricks that a magician will perform for an audience.  Now, think about this for a minute.  When the magician seems to cut a woman in a box in half or, seems to pull a rabbit out of a black top hat on a table, part of you realizes this guy is pulling a fast one over you.  You may laugh, but sense the magician has guarded secrets.  You may wonder, what's the truth?  How does he do it?  Ask yourself why you decide knowing one way or the other matters.

In other areas of life, most people are fond of the truth.  If someone lies to you and you figure this out, it hurts you inside.  You don't like it.  So, why would you react differently to what you tell yourself? Is it a question of intentionally overlooking the real feelings underneath a reaction? You are totally responsible for your experience. 

Resisting anything you anticipate will be painful can feel more painful than the experience would be.   What is the pain about? Think action- reaction.  Nothing that you interpet on any level has anything to do with external reality.  Are you indulgent enough to let yourself feel?  Just because you feel genuinely doesn't mean it comes from the real you.  Your ego may project it.  What is your awarness level and where would you like it to be?