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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in unconscious (14)


Let Skeletons out of the Closet

Notice a common assumption about expanded consciousness is that this is about developing Siddhis (paranormal power), magical shifts in perception, instant manifestation, ability to travel or jump interdimensionally, access multidimensional realities at will, and all the appealing yet untouchable aspects of "enlightenment." In fact, what is apparently supernatural simply blossoms into the new normal only through deep inner work that allows illumination from within. This is the White Lotus opening or Secret of the Golden Flower of wisdom. True Nature arises through deepening self- awareness and a journey to self-mastery. It is about making the unconscious conscious, letting the "skeletons (shadows) out of the closet", growing aware of different aspects of self; traits, behaviors, and feelings, how we respond to what happens to us. Its also understanding that every thought and feeling we have every moment is shaping the direction and experience of our life. Unseen energies naturally shift and change physical conditions as we fearlessly examine conditioned structures of the human mind; its patterns, underlying trauma, electromagnetic and other blocks. Without honest and thorough self-examination, we unconsciously recreate the same dysfunction and imbalances in our world. Man does not suffer from external forces as much as from his/her own dysfunctional mind. The common thread in all dysfunctional relations is an issue of power. Until we have a conscious and loving relationship with self, we cannot experience "love" elsewhere. Our true purpose is not to direct or influence the behaviour of others using ego. Rather, it is to inspire the divine impulse of love to arise and flourish in others in resonance with our own inner radiance.


Harness your true power

Notice sometimes we get a wake up call that itself triggers shifts in consciousness. Certain events draw our attention to what can no longer be ignored or avoided within ourselves. Nightmares can get your attention to face whats buried in the unconscious, yet the same energy can be seen detected as vibration to present in form as a reminder of your true power. Changes happen within you that prompt you to make more dramatic or conscious changes in different areas of your life. It dawns its up to us to unleash our own freedom. In doing so, we increase our life energy and allow what is bursting within to emerge.


Allow the metamorphosis to occur

Notice the stages we go through of hanging on and letting go and the underlying reasons for our own resistance. As we outgrow who we thought ourselves to be, it can be scary to let go of adopted objects, labels, jobs, people, habits, your home, ego identity, even feelings, stories and boxes of stuff that are not yours. Live lighter, differently. Nature's creatures invite us to tune into signs and signals within ourselves and listen to the heart, moment-to-moment. Symbols are the language of the unconscious mind and appear to us through dreams, synchronicity, observations & life experiences. All of Nature invites us to rediscover the feelings of aliveness and fearlessness. Let go of control. Surrender to unfolding changes. Getting excited about change is allowing a metamorphosis to occur.


Uncover your motive

Two men visit a Zen master, looking for advice.

The first man says: “I’m thinking of moving to this town. What’s it like?”

The Zen master asks: “How was your old town?”

“It was terrible. Everyone was mean. I hated it.”

To that, the Zen master replies: “This town is much the same. Don’t move here.”

After the first man leaves, the second man enters and says: “I’m thinking of moving to this town. How is it?”

Again, the Zen master asks: “What was your old town like?”

“It was wonderful. Everyone was friendly. Just looking for a change.”

The master replies: “This town is very much the same. I think you will like it here.”

There is always more than one reason why we do things. The mind tells us one reason, the rest of the body offers other insight often overlooked. What we seek is what we find. Why we do what we do matters as much, if not more, as the experience itself. The rhythm of our breath offers clues to our underlying motivation for action. Focusing on the breath and engaging in breathing exercises can reveal what we run from or tward or whether we are truly present.

Ultimately, what we find is determined by how we chose to seek and what we are ready to make conscious. All behaviours and life choices are pointers to what is going on inside ourselves.  We are the creator.  Every moment our thoughts and feelings are creating every moment and direction of our lives. Uncovering our motive for a geographic move or other life change is something we only reveal to ourselves when ready. Ponder the role of mindfulness and mindlessness...


Get More out of Life

To get more out of life, its useful to get in touch with our thoughts, emotions and feelings and also be aware of what is happening in the body.

By practising breathwork, we may grow acutely aware of grief, fears, loss, anger, physical pain, emotional pain and energetic imbalances. Many people have heard of the unconscious mind but you may not be aware of the difference between conscious and unconscious breathing and how unconscious breathing plays out in your body.  What if growing aware can improve your health and be a turning point for positive change?

There are periods or situations in our lives when we feel unsafe or unloved. We may hold onto emotional pain for many years, if not lifetimes, until we are ready to address those feelings.  By growing aware of the emotional body and allowing it space to communicate, we gain insight into ourselves and opportunity to heal past or ongoing wounding.  Being present to painful or uncomfortable emotions does not mean acting them out in harmful ways.  Rather, breathwork and related meditation practices allow us to be present with and feel these emotions. To get the most out of life, we are invited to love, accept and integrate all of ourselves. 

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