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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in unconscious (14)


Breathe into that potential

Self-love is a way of realizing our true potential. Yet, how do we know if we love ourselves fully? What does this look like? What is a practical way to explore what may prevent fully loving ourselves?

We each have the tools at our fingertips to see who we truly are and put our gifts into practice. What if we could uncover and release repressed trauma and let go of underlying causes of addiction that hold us back? What if breathwork is a tool to enhance our creativity, and sharpen our intuition and access mroe confidence?

Engaging in cathartic breathwork is a way to get to know and decode our emotions, and uncover hidden blockages.  Such blockages can be tracked back to unconscious beliefs which have come to run us. They are also affecting us on a mental, physical and other levels.  

When honest, underneath stress, people often discover a general discomfort with life.  Ask yourself if you are living fully, acting on your feelings and intuition or logic. What does being truly authentic mean to you?Do you hear; I’m not listening to  myself; I’m not as creative as I want to be?  People often come across breathwork after other therapies have not helped them. It is a way to empower ouselves.

Major differences exist between group breathwork and doing it one-on-one. Everyone experiences each differently.  In a group, you get that amazing collective energy and you can feed off other people. Some people also feel overwhelmed by group energy. Private sessions are another option. Anyone who feels uncomfortable or finds it hard to settle and to let loose in group settings, often benefit from a one-on-one session.

Our next Cathartic breathwork event is November 23 from 1-4pm in Caloundra, Sunshine Coast. Book on Eventbrite- or contact us directly.


11 Tips to embrace change with grace

More and more people are growing aware of changes and opportunities for change are unfolding all around them. 

You may find yourself feeling confused, uncomfortable, getting emotional more often, noticing opportunity for change knocking at your door or change happening without you in different situations.  Consider 11 tips for embacing change with grace:

1) Focus inward

Pay attention to how you are thinking and feeling. Be aware of core beliefs you project are what reflects and your external reality.

2) Notice your emotional triggers

Being aware of your emotional triggers implies not only recognizing when you are triggered, uncovering and healing deeper reasons for them.  This empowers you to create a new reality.

3) Talk less, listen more

Rather than listen with the intent to reply, listen with the intent to understand how you/ people are feeling. This approach offers surprising insight into why it feels easy or hard to go with the flow of change.

4) Validate yourself

Validating yourself is being heartfelt. Listening to the heart means taking more action based on intuition, and having the courage to do what feels right rather than on what you are conditioned to believe is acceptable or would appease others.

5) Invest more in personal development

When spiritual or related programs, workshops, courses, books, videos, coaches or mentoring enter your scope, you are ready.  Its up to you to see the value in investing in yourself and actually commit.

6) Offer workshops or courses

Share insight based on your passion, interest or hobby. Join skillshare, offer your own on-line courses, propose a physical airbnb experience in your local area.  The options are only limited by your imagination. 

7) See everything is connected

What is happening in education, economies, religion and other spheres is all connected.  From the moment you grow more aware of trends and interconnectedness, you begin to see through illusions of separation on a whole new level.

8) Accept yourself

The degree you accept (or reject) yourself is reflected back in every area of your perception and life. As you grow in tolerance and understanding of the world around you, this reflects changing self-acceptance.

9) Love more

As you can begin to find something to appreciate whatever you perceive to be happening, you are beginning to see through your own filters of judgement and negativity. Resistance to change is akin to resisting love.

10) Feel deeper

Feelings are key to understanding yourself and why you choose to suffer, see and create the world as you do. Suppressing feelings is the conditioned way to live.  The more you explore your feelings in the moment and along timelines rather than overlook or deny them, the more you begin to understand yourself and why you accept or resist your destiny in thi s (and other) lifetime (s).

11) Explore breathwork

Consciousness flows through the breath.  Exploring breathwork is a kind of rebirthing process which allows you to gain invaluable insight into how and why you create habits, behaviours and patterns. All of this shapes your perception of Self and the external. It helps you understand your unconscious motives for creating and responding to change. Nothing transforms your life like making the unconscious conscious.


5 Tips to master yourself

Its common to feel unfulfilled and also to underestimate your power to change.  Do you ever wonder if this life has more to offer, and if so, how to get a handle on it?  It is the perfect moment to pay closer attention.

Only as you get to know yourself inside out does the bigger picture begin to take shape.   Only then are you in position to consciously transform. Consider 5 tips to master yourself (or at least begin the process):

1. Notice the monkey mind

The monkey mind is engaged in imitating or distracting.  As long as the mind clings to belief, copies and adopts what it sees, it creates and perpetuates its own prison. An unestablished mind is highly influenced, ungrounded and unable to see clearly. Conscious attention is shifted to focus on unnecessary moments or situations.  Thoughts and emotions can escalate, disrupt natural balance and feeling centered.

2. Grow aware of unconscious behavior

Stepping back allows observing your own unconscious behavior.  This is about witnessing how you behave when you think nobody is watching. This is not about judging.  Its about simply growing aware of what you are doing and the underlying reasons or conditioning for it.  Being compassionate helps it grow clearer how you inhabit space. You may choose to videotape yourself and watch it play back. What is apparent?

3. Read your body language

Your body is the physical embodiment or manifestation of your unconscious attitudes, intents and desires.   Observe yourself when alone and with others. How do you sit? What is your posture? Do you lean or slouch?How do you carry your head and the rest of your body? Observations tell you about your attitudes, intents and desires.  How you move, and where you place yourself in relation others, says a lot.

4. Deepen the personal inventory

Branch out from mental chatter, body language and verbal communication. Ask yourself, how and why am I showing up?  Am I typically expressive, well-spoken or at a loss for words?  Am I allowing a range of emotions to flow though and be expeirenced or I am limiting my feelings? Am I generally active or passive? Do I appear confident?    Keep a daily diary of what stands out and also what is changing.

5. Create a well-established mind

A well-established mind  has a handle on the four directions of an integrated system. This whole system includes your mind, your body, your emotions, your energies.  When your thougths, words and actions are in harmony, you experience harmony in your external perception.


Learn to let go of what you are not

So many people cling to labels and identities that are not them.  You may temporarily forget what is.  You may sense you are asking questions and fillng in the answers based on conditioned beliefs. Only as you detach from beliefs do you feel what else is there.

In truth, your life purpose is not uncovered at a given moment. It is not fixed or linear.  What you are is ever-changing.  You are an extension of universal, divine light.  You know limits do not exist. There is no way to minimize real experience. To reconnect with the limitless being you are, is to remember everything is a droplet of a cosmic ocean. You align with what you have always known.

The unconscious path you are on involves expanding consciousness and moving beyond what you are trained to view as your ego self.  To align with truth and beauty elevates states of consciousness and being.  Ideas, thoughts, beliefs or concepts vanish. They burden existence and prevent you from merging with the flow.  To move into extension and perfection opens to Cosmic Synchronicity.

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