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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in self-love (44)


Unleash your inner magic

Notice unleashing our "inner magic" is about aligning with the fully -sovereign God conscious being within. When we wish to see veils or illusions in the external dissolve, this begins within ourselves. Its about reading our patterns, unplugging the programming, getting out of our own way. As we nurture strong discernment, we grow super- aware of incongruencies and stop allowing them to continue. The only way to create a soverign energetic field is to stop ignoring what bothers us and act differently. Karmic relationships are going. Discomfort arises so situations can be transcended, healed and integrated. Every trigger is a gift. Discomfort arises as long as we are triggered. What is not fully integrated keeps surfacing. We are meant to purify and integrate the lessons. Go in deep to remove the weeds, step out of the Matrix. When we do not speak our Truth, we are not loving the self fully. Everything must be questioned. No more spiritual bypassing. We must let go of victim consciousness. Becoming super -conscious again is being aligned with ethics and morals that ought to be common sense. Its about knowing we can be in pain and not suffer. We are realigning with core values, integrity in practice. This unlocks the multi-dimensional self. Who are you being while you are doing what you do? We see trans-formations within as we are ready to emerge as the phoenix. This is about coming into full alignment with our Crystalline Being Self. As we transcend the illusion of separation, we have conscious contact with different levels of consciousness. Everyone has to do his/her own work. Shifting onsciousness is moving from polarity consciousness to the frequency of unity consciousness. This is the Zero-point energy or the Holy Grail. Divine Love and neutrality are strengthening. Magnetic storms bring imbalances to the field. This is not about feeling no emotions. Holding balance is about being steady in the eye of the storm. Anything that is trying to play out is collapsing. Everything is unfolding in the Now moment. Focus on the child-like excitement of knowing all is well. Know everything comes together. Trust the unfolding. Many levels of battles are happening. Fighting simply feeds the fire. Centering or being at peace with oneself is the key. Listen to inner guidance to transcend survival fears. When we are aligned, believe in miracles, they turn up. Know your worth. Takes a lot of strength to stand up for ourselves. Say no to what is not in alignment with true self. Believe we can survive and making a living doing what we love. Support your clearing. Huge DNA clearings are happening for the multidimensional collective codes coming online. Everything is revelaed to us in the Now. Breaking through the programming requires coming into balance. Be aware only the programmed mind is triggerable. Move beyond it. Betrayals come up in relationships in part from other timelines. This is not personal. We cannot allow people to project onto us anymore. A program within us allows it. Your feelings are your navigational guidance system. It dawns we are not here to fix others but to set boundaries and rise above our programming. We are watching the codependence and narcissists dissipate. First, we must come into oneness to sense the power of inter-dependence. Stop the shennanigans. No more energetic leaks. Send love and consciousness to those who do not grasp their programming. We are transcending persecutor, rescuer and victim roles. This is the unconsciousness fighting for its "ego"self, its survival. Fom the moment you no longer fear attacks, abuse or negative expeirences, the program stops running. Heal the auric field. Be grown up about mental-emotional reactions. Say no to the universe about anything other than pure love. Empower yourself and laugh more often.


Heal & Move Beyond Trauma

Notice life experience invites inner world issues to come to light. Through awareness, one joins dots in the bigger picture of one's fear-based patterns. This illuminates divine presence or Christ consciousness. Awakening to destructive patterns can trigger revelations, bring new clarity of direction and life purpose. The origins of my own mistrust, scarcity and insecurity guided me to uncover and explore unconscious childhood & interdimensional trauma. Turns out abuse keeps us caught in time loops of repeated behaviours that blocks expanded perception. Yet, the key is to grow aware of what we think is missing within ourselves or our lives, make conscious why we keep choosing situations that deprive us from tasting true love, affection and appeciation. Many of us have been trained or socialized to see self-created "defects", or find balance. We often act based on others' expectations. When ready, we allow all we had denied to surface. We are each on journey to wholeness, back to where we never left, to accept what is not lost or missing. Through fearless self-exploration, growing awareness and by making new choices, we empower ourself to break self-defeating patterns. To change the world, we must begin with ourselves. To know what is unfolding around us, we must master what is within. Breathwork is a valuable tool on the path to embrace limitless being.

Reclaim your Power & Sovereignty

Notice a pivotal turning point comes as one is psychologically ready to own or reclaim one's soverignty and true power. The internal compass guides us out of self-created illusions, to stop accepting ideas or treatment that echo we are less than we are. Acting on true feelings may lead to ending difficult relationships. When we have learned all we can from a relationship, the Soul knows we are ready to begin deeper healing. No advice can convince us to act until we feel that inner shift or transformation, until we reach a pivotal moment in self-awareness, through surpassing a pain threshold or someone going "too far." Recognizing our own patterns, and the will to let go triggers surrender. This implies we are choosing to face the reality of all traumas we've experienced, without the protective defence mechanisms that shielded us from the severity of the trauma. Reality is that bonds we thought we had with a former partner may be trauma-based bonds that have little to do with actual fulfillment, love or respect and everything to do with our beliefs about the illusion we had created. Ending a relationship can be a golden opportunity to heal from early wounds that were never fully recognized or healed. The fear of being alone with the pain is overcome from the moment one creates space-time to independently act, think and feel outside the toxic dynamic of a previous relationship. While moving through intense challenges may alienate one from society, it also gives one intense and very genuine connection with other "survivors", in interactions filled with shared vulnerability, understanding and compassion. We have capacity to share unique insight. What makes us human allows us to fall and rise again from the ashes to share embodied wisdom on self-love.


Move into Christ Consciousness

(Sacred geometry art by Endre Balogh)

Notice we cannot move into Christ consciousess while we are still operating from our ego. The dissolution of the ego happens as one aligns with the Laws of the Universe and shifts to function consistently from a place of heartfelt integrity. Tuning into sounds and feelings allows one to recognize dissonant energy and intuitively shift into choices/ situations of pure resonance. Its a process of letting go and embracing change on different levels. When we do not listen to our own discomfort and resist taking steps to reside in more joy, we block or postpone our own energetic transformation. The more we do listen, act from a place of inner peace, self-love and acceptance, the faster natural events unfold.


The key to change your life

Notice from a cosmic view, Humanity exists to learn the power of creation and free will. From this view, everything in our physical midst has a frequency slower than the speed of light. Every human being has potenial to function consciously beyond the speed of light. This involves ability to travel metaphysically and know inter-dimensional worlds. Our frequency is mirrored in our reality. As we raise our frequency high enough, we see and interact with what exists beyond detection of physical senses. Those beings who think they are separate from Earth or weather, tend to blame adversity or cataclysms on external forces. To realize all is one consciousness is to realize we do everything to ourselves. This realisation triggers shifts in thought and energy. Taking responsibility means making taking action to reflect new level awareness. As Gandhi said, "be the change you wish to see. Toxic thoughts create a toxic world. When we create victim consciousness, we also create victimizer or manipulator. Before collective reality can change (move into higher frequency of experience), we must see each of us is a victim of our own thoughts, a victim of ourselves in the mind. We get out of life the energy we put into it. The human field of negative, fearful, sabotaging energy creates certain experience. Our perception of events and possibilities reflects the energy of our thoughts and feelings. Imagine physical bodies of water reflect the state of our emotions. Are they pure and clean or polluted through your lens? Every moment of our lives, we are creating the thoughts and feelings that translate into our reality. We each affect climate, weather and other unfolding events on Earth. Consciousness affects everything. If we are self-loving, compassionate and peaceful, we create a parallel climate. Every moment, we create our reality with our thoughts and feelings. As we make the unconscious, conscious, we heal our patterns, accelerate our own evolution , activate the light body and strengthen interdimensional communication.