The Ultimate Pointer

Liara Covert, Ph.D
Insight of the Moment
"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all." - Liara Covert
*Mastering Time
365 Paths to Love
Contact us (paperback)
Be Your Dream
Transform Your Life
Cosmic Synchronicity
Notice from a cosmic view, Humanity exists to learn the power of creation and free will. From this view, everything in our physical midst has a frequency slower than the speed of light. Every human being has potenial to function consciously beyond the speed of light. This involves ability to travel metaphysically and know inter-dimensional worlds. Our frequency is mirrored in our reality. As we raise our frequency high enough, we see and interact with what exists beyond detection of physical senses. Those beings who think they are separate from Earth or weather, tend to blame adversity or cataclysms on external forces. To realize all is one consciousness is to realize we do everything to ourselves. This realisation triggers shifts in thought and energy. Taking responsibility means making taking action to reflect new level awareness. As Gandhi said, "be the change you wish to see. Toxic thoughts create a toxic world. When we create victim consciousness, we also create victimizer or manipulator. Before collective reality can change (move into higher frequency of experience), we must see each of us is a victim of our own thoughts, a victim of ourselves in the mind. We get out of life the energy we put into it. The human field of negative, fearful, sabotaging energy creates certain experience. Our perception of events and possibilities reflects the energy of our thoughts and feelings. Imagine physical bodies of water reflect the state of our emotions. Are they pure and clean or polluted through your lens? Every moment of our lives, we are creating the thoughts and feelings that translate into our reality. We each affect climate, weather and other unfolding events on Earth. Consciousness affects everything. If we are self-loving, compassionate and peaceful, we create a parallel climate. Every moment, we create our reality with our thoughts and feelings. As we make the unconscious, conscious, we heal our patterns, accelerate our own evolution , activate the light body and strengthen interdimensional communication.
More and more people are noticing the experience they would describe as life is not the truth. Who you really are is unrelated to perceived fear and chaos. Notice how you come to believe and grow dependent on aspects of the external world. What if you let go of any message unrelated to your core perfection? Everything you feel invites you to return to fullness of being. What does it mean?
Every thought, word and deed that you engage in reflects the truth and knowing you already have. To sense this is to move to a new level of self-understanding. That is, love is communicating with you through every experience. You are invited to find the source of light, to be that light, and illuminate the darkness represented by any obstacle or negative feeling. As the natural self lets go, you bring no resistance. You no longer deny the state of true self. Everything is effortless and you remember. You begin to notice everything.
Imagine for a moment, how your life evolves as you shift how and what you perceive. What do you choose to see and choose to decide does not exist? All experience is a reminder to love unconditionally the self and others, to notice the reasons you create to convince the self not to do so. The ego mind is a catalyst for revelation and self-directed learning. You can choose to align how you think and feel within the self, to let go what is not you. You can consciously choose to notice elements of Cosmic Synchronicity.
Many people look into the mirror and assume they have reasons to feel guilt or other negativity. They hear echos of what other people tell them they are and forget to listen to their inner voice. They lose themselves in the illusion of the game. They forget how it feels to have complete awareness, to see through the fog. Instead, they twist and distort who they are, and lose themselves in turmoil.
It is the moment to return to who you are. You bring love and joy with you wherever you go. All of this is felt as you choose to let go of the prison you imagine. You may be searching for a purpose, and to do so, you live vicariously through the experiences of other people. Open yourself to discover everything you admire in others is within you. Understanding comes from the heart.
As you open inside, you are receptive to harmony, balance and light. As you choose to let go of beliefs and thoughts of what you are not, you recognize the meaning in all experiences. They all empower you to attune to love. No ideas fit into this space. Relinquish all beliefs. Lose the self you adopted and remember to feel the flow of vibrations now. This is how to align and Transform Your Life.
Two people are lost in the desert. They are dying from hunger and thirst. Finally, they come to a high wall. On the other side they can hear the sound of a waterfall and birds singing.
Above, they can see the branches of a lush tree extending over the top of the wall. Its fruit look delicious. They can almost taste it. The multisensual experience of paradise alters them.
One of them manages to climb over the wall and disappears down the other side. The other, instead, returns to the desert to help other lost travelers find their way to the oasis.
What is your own dream of paradise? How does finding it or realizing it affect you? Which qualities stand out in yourself?