Activate the innate Rainbow Bridge

Liara Covert, Ph.D
Insight of the Moment
"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all." - Liara Covert
*Mastering Time
365 Paths to Love
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Be Your Dream
Transform Your Life
Cosmic Synchronicity
Notice our third eye is a most powerful source of insight. To see with the third eye is to see beyond the dualities of existence, to see things as they really are, beyond conditioned fear and judgment. This is about universal love and acceptance. Come what may, we perceive what is aligned with our vibration, what we allow into our scope of reality. We each have potential to create peace within ourselves. If our sense of peace is based on the external, such as someone else's behaviour, or a specific outcome, we can never be at peace. That is giving our power away. We may focus on a specific state regardless of what unfolds around us. As dormant systems activate, we see more of what is here.
Notice awareness is the first step to making conscious change. To recognize the power of words as spell-casters, is to see possible blocks to manifestion and expansion of consciousness. Our words echo the frequency of our thoughts. The brain & energy systems cannot access the highest form of consciousness while we reiterate what we think doesn't exist, cannot have, do or be. This brings up the power of acting 'as if.' Retraining mind and initiating alchemical processes involves doing precisely what we fear to shatter our own myths. We must physically go through the process to reveal what is real and possible. Each instance we show ourselves what we are made of, we are creating new neural pathways, rewiring the brain and in turn, projecting and living new realities. Modern research shows the brain continues to create new neural pathways and alter existing ones to adapt to new experiences, learn new information, and create new memories. This is a kind of time travel. That is, we can revisit perceived experiences and alter the fear-based response to one of love, blessings and appreciation. Its like rewinding the mental tape to reshape how we view ourselves and the world in this moment. Understanding the Anxiety Cycle, and how avoidance causes anxiety to spiral out of control, unlocks the key to retraining the mind to reframe anxiety and rewire those neural pathways to feel safe and secure. Although varied psychedelics and DMT activate the pineal and allow one to experience mind-blowing effects of this ancient photoreceptor, the biochemical effects are only sustained by activating dormant systems and walking the path to self-mastery. Everything is about increasing resilence and shifting into harmony.