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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in pineal (6)


See what is really here

Notice our third eye is a most powerful source of insight. To see with the third eye is to see beyond the dualities of existence, to see things as they really are, beyond conditioned fear and judgment. This is about universal love and acceptance. Come what may, we perceive what is aligned with our vibration, what we allow into our scope of reality. We each have potential to create peace within ourselves. If our sense of peace is based on the external, such as someone else's behaviour, or a specific outcome, we can never be at peace. That is giving our power away. We may focus on a specific state regardless of what unfolds around us. As dormant systems activate, we see more of what is here.


Shift into Harmony

Notice awareness is the first step to making conscious change. To recognize the power of words as spell-casters, is to see possible blocks to manifestion and expansion of consciousness. Our words echo the frequency of our thoughts. The brain & energy systems cannot access the highest form of consciousness while we reiterate what we think doesn't exist, cannot have, do or be. This brings up the power of acting 'as if.' Retraining mind and initiating alchemical processes involves doing precisely what we fear to shatter our own myths. We must physically go through the process to reveal what is real and possible. Each instance we show ourselves what we are made of, we are creating new neural pathways, rewiring the brain and in turn, projecting and living new realities. Modern research shows the brain continues to create new neural pathways and alter existing ones to adapt to new experiences, learn new information, and create new memories. This is a kind of time travel. That is, we can revisit perceived experiences and alter the fear-based response to one of love, blessings and appreciation. Its like rewinding the mental tape to reshape how we view ourselves and the world in this moment. Understanding the Anxiety Cycle, and how avoidance causes anxiety to spiral out of control, unlocks the key to retraining the mind to reframe anxiety and rewire those neural pathways to feel safe and secure. Although varied psychedelics and DMT activate the pineal and allow one to experience mind-blowing effects of this ancient photoreceptor, the biochemical effects are only sustained by activating dormant systems and walking the path to self-mastery. Everything is about increasing resilence and shifting into harmony.


Tune into Resonance with Zero

(Sacred geometry image 444 by Endre Balogh)

Notice its your consciousness that sees, not your eyes. Otherwise, a dead corpse would see. Consider physically-blind painters that create breath-taking masterpieces, deaf composers of passionate music and expressive virtuosos who touch our Soul. They echo we exist to trust only our own living experience. This is not about ordinary 5 sense perception. Its about tuning into our True Nature, subtle senses within that do not change, that which will never leave or abandon you, which will not lie or deceive you (where all the rest will) for it is indestructible "aware" energy. This is the Source code speaking through your geometric being. We each receive and translate incoming cosmic energy through our filters until our mirror is polished. The Cosmos is not a computer program rather, its Nature's own intarnishable Blueprint. Its energy is aware and has intent, the play or display of which is called "love": aware energy that thrives from its own goodness (harmony with its own indwelling frequency). Consciousness is omnipresent in the Zero point of every torsion field, all things, no exceptions. As Source-made beings, we are born of a conscious universe. There is no absence of existence. It is only manifest or not. Words are simply translations of the original Math. If we are self lost in our own Torsion field of reality, we forget who we are. We are either free or not in our mind. Our own Nature alone has that power, but to access it, you need to love it strong enough and also yearn for what is only ever found in Silence. The Sound or resonance of the Zero Point allows total annihilation of the unreal through soundlessness. Shift to pure vibrate Love. Wide open pathways to infinite parallel worlds appear.


Cory Herter, pineal opening, DMT & Sacred G

Cory Herter shares stories of what led him to have over 300 NDEs, and profound contact with beings on the Other Side.  He empowers others to awaken to the electromagentic spectrum and share knowledge about regenerating energy that is within reach for everyone.  You can pick up invisible energy within environments. This relates to the pineal, DMT and your connection to Source.

What would you say if your pineal gland is activating, if the energy within you is being unleashed and you have the ability to reclaim inner power on levels you have not yet even imagined? What is your dream?  What if learning more about the spiritual senses transforms state of being and consciousness? You are ready to experience existence and reality on completely new levels.  All of this is part of a wave of revelations you begin to associate with expanding perception and attuning to Cosmic Synchronicity.


20 clues the third eye is opening

You may hear about the existence of a third eye. It is common to ask how to know this opens or how to awaken the third eye

The ego mind tells you obstacles exist and you must remove them. As you begin to see through your conditioned beliefs, awareness of something beyond them grows. The impression it is opening is a letting go of limited perceptions.  This is about awakening to the true nature of existence. To deepen levels of consciousness is to recognize the third eye is always open.  

The third eye is also known as the sixth chakra or pineal gland.  As you release levels of resistance and fear, your sense of life expands, notice the chakras and their energy, and attune more closely to layers of what is real.  You begin to see through the ego mind's translation of energy and grow aware of pure love energy.  Consider clues to suggest innersight exists now;

1) Your begin to recognize the nature of the space-time mirror that creates duality (At the core, you are the energy of Spirit translated into a linear time stream)

2) You access deeper clarity, deeper insight into life events

3) You know without a doubt what is real and unreal

4) You know you are never alone (oversoul is ever-present)

5) You see more levels of the game of physicality (12 dimensions)

6) You are aware everything is energy vibration or rhythm

7) You know you are Source energy and are aware of immortality

8) You feel things that are not physically discernable

9) You access heightened sensitivity

10) You feel your only purpose is to discover who you are

11) You sense pulsating light waves

12) You no longer see pure blackness when you close eyelids

13) You grow increasingly fearless (not foolhardy)

14) Your meditation experience expands to sense light energy

15) You perceive light moving & expanding through the body

16) Your perspective reverts to that of a detached witness

17) You talk less, listen more and realize you know nothing

18) You notice consciousness expand & seeking identity loses importance

19) Competitive & negative emotion no longer control you

20) You begin to feel oneness or inter-connectedness to all things


Share your own sense of what is unfolding within.  What does it feel like to have perceived boundaries and difference to be falling away? Is this the revelation that the divine eye is open and increasingly unobstructed?