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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in oneness (23)


10 Reasons to join our workshop in Greece

When people do not act solely based on intuition, that is take action where it feels right,  sometimes they ask themselves why they should do something.  Consider ten reasons to join us at our upcoming Greece Workshop and  inspire others:

1) Visit ancient sites in Epidavros

2) Discover how perceived history influences your life choices

3) Raise awareness of core beliefs and values

4) Be part of a related group contribution to charity

5) Meet and interact with like-minded people

6) Come to see your life from a more holistic perspective 

7) Expand personal & collective consciousness

8)  Benefit from opportunity for self-growth 

9) Deepen understanding of links between changes in your life, the Earth and the universe

10) Have fun expressing and integrating creative vision 


Experience the deepest fulfillment

When you are experiencing the deepest fulfillment, questions do not arise. As you reach the point where love is fullness, completeness, all that is, and recognize this is being, there is no more information to get.  In essence, there is nothing to get.  Love is not confined to time and space.  It is eternal, unchanging, forever.  This knowing does not arise in the brain.  Love is not confined to any body or any vehicle.  It is only flowing now.  The mind wants a reason why things happen. Love needs no reason to be itself. Recognize who you are.  One being glimpses infinite diversity.  Live from the heart.  It is the wholeness and God of you.  Fulfillment is given. There has never been  a moment when you are actually an ego or a person.  You are never anything but one or pure awareness.


4 Ways to live more authentically

It is common for people to desire to live more authentically, that is, to feel more at ease with life.  To be honest with yourself about who you are and why you what you do is actually easier than you think.  Make changes as you see fit.  Consider four ways to live more authentically right now;

1) Pay attention to your body.  Your body language is always sending you signals.  Where you seem drowsy, feel restless, slouch or or are generally inattentive, you are expressing disinterest.  Its possible you are in one place in body but another in thought or soul.  If you do not wish to be somewhere, you are acting against deeper will.  This tells you that you are not listening to the subtler or natural tendencies inside.  Where posture exudes confidence and you are at ease in your own skin, you know you are in the right place.

2) Notice your thoughts. The more you notice the kinds of thoughs racing through your head, the better you get to know your true self.  Where the mind is focused on the past or future, or if you find yourself dwelling on judgment and comparison, this is ego or fear based living.  Shifting attention is simply shifting focus from thought-to-thought.  To be focused on this present moment is where you are most true to yourself.  Awareness takes over from thought in the here and now.  Only love and acceptance exist.

3) Recognize emotions as a gauge.  Such energy originates as thoughts in the mind and is often mistaken for feelings (of the heart).  When you make choices that resonate, you do not doubt, fear or question. Negative emotions indicate how far away you are from making the best choice for yourself at a given moment.  Positive emotions reinforce how authentic or good you feel about your choices.  If you feel torn in some situation, then emotions point you in the most suitable direction.

4) Be aware of your feelings.  These are the unexplainable vibes you get. It is your intuitive side that has no logic the mind can grasp.   True feelings are a synonym for pure awareness and the feeling centre is in the heart.  When you live in this moment, you appreciate where you are and see it in realtion to the big picture.  You feel interconnected to all that is and gain insight into yourself from everything, seeing it as a reflection of divine nature.


Contrast helps you to focus

If you feel caught in a vicious circle, know contrast helps you to focus clearly into a new awareness of what is wanted, while you are standing in the middle of what you do not want.

When all of you is focused in the direction of what you want, then you know its here, you feel it and it manifests. Life does not feel so good if you split your attention between what you want and why you think you cannot have it.  The only reason something doesn't feel good to you is if you experience a split energy.  If you do not feel good, notice what this says about your focus of attention. What are you focused on that prevents you from feeling good and living the dream?  Negative emotion always means the larger part of you is focused on what you do want while the physical you focuses on its absence.

Watch what happens when you recognize you deserve something, you can have it, and already are experiencing it.  A focused version of you is focused upon your unlimited nature.  You are the creator of your own reality, how you respond to what is unfolding.  Once you reach fuller understanding, you recognize everything comes to you based on your vibrational focus of attraction.  This involves rendez-vous with perfect timing, with the right thoughts, the best conditions.  You have the control over what to observe, who to be involved with and more.  

Be aware that every moment, you are surrounded by evidence of your patterns of thought.  What you see is often based on your thoughts.  Yet, you do not have to base patterns of thoughts on what you see. Reality actually exists before you see it. You can live according to the phrase, 'where there is a will, there is a way,' or listen to the heart and allow the Way to reveal itself.

Notice you are energy more than anything, not a separate body, mind and spirit, one being.  Everything about the way you move through life reflects your vibrational offering.  Many people vibrate based on what they observe: i.e.- many people see something, allow that to evoke an emotional response and assume this is reality.  Its not.  Decide you like the way you are able to feel living in the contrast.  Watch what happens.  Life transforms.  Expect the unexpected.


15 Benefits to seeing things as they are

For some people, seeing with genuine clarity happens spontaneously.  Other people journey through life and reach for guidance during stages of awakening, that is, a process of letting go of who they are not.  The more you come to see things as they are, the more revelations unfold.  As how you view changes, what you see also changes. Ponder what transforms as you:

1) Take nothing personally.  E-motion is energy in motion and no longer gets the best of you.

2) Feel complete and secure. Know what it is to require nothing outside to feel whole.

3) Be soul-centred rather than self-centred.  Discover purpose without being ego-driven.  

4) Realize all beliefs and intentions manifest.  Direct the true power of mind and thought.

5) See through behavior patterns.  Self-sabotage ends. The unconscious grows conscious.

6) Accept no answers exist to life. You know you always seek true nature or love.

7) Observe what you resist persists.  Surrender is accepting yourself as you are.

8) Activate quantum level healing.  Any imbalances re-align instantly & permanently. 

9) See Oneness rather than separation.  This allows deep appreciation of infinite diversity.

10) Act as your own authority. External approval is irrelevant.

11) Love fully.  This is about being light-hearted, feeling free. You live as joy.

12) Listen to stillness. Take breathes as a detached observer. Listen is 'silence' re-arranged.

13) Feel true nature is awareness. You are self-recognizing. Everything emerges here. 

14) Be in the now. All suffering resides in the past or fear of the future. When you live in this moment, the past and future are irrelevant.  Suffering cannot exist now. Awakening is knowing now is all that is. It never began and never ends. Core essence is aware being. From awareness emerges consciousness, the ability to think, from thought, the thinker arises in perceived time. 

15) See time as illusion. Recognize all suffering only exists in a period of perceived time where there is a lack of self love. The mind cannot engage in something with no points of reference. You cannot stop thinking.  Yet, as you come to see thoughts are unreal, you can let them flow. When you do not give them attention, they pass. That which never changes is real and never threatened.