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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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15 Benefits to seeing things as they are

For some people, seeing with genuine clarity happens spontaneously.  Other people journey through life and reach for guidance during stages of awakening, that is, a process of letting go of who they are not.  The more you come to see things as they are, the more revelations unfold.  As how you view changes, what you see also changes. Ponder what transforms as you:

1) Take nothing personally.  E-motion is energy in motion and no longer gets the best of you.

2) Feel complete and secure. Know what it is to require nothing outside to feel whole.

3) Be soul-centred rather than self-centred.  Discover purpose without being ego-driven.  

4) Realize all beliefs and intentions manifest.  Direct the true power of mind and thought.

5) See through behavior patterns.  Self-sabotage ends. The unconscious grows conscious.

6) Accept no answers exist to life. You know you always seek true nature or love.

7) Observe what you resist persists.  Surrender is accepting yourself as you are.

8) Activate quantum level healing.  Any imbalances re-align instantly & permanently. 

9) See Oneness rather than separation.  This allows deep appreciation of infinite diversity.

10) Act as your own authority. External approval is irrelevant.

11) Love fully.  This is about being light-hearted, feeling free. You live as joy.

12) Listen to stillness. Take breathes as a detached observer. Listen is 'silence' re-arranged.

13) Feel true nature is awareness. You are self-recognizing. Everything emerges here. 

14) Be in the now. All suffering resides in the past or fear of the future. When you live in this moment, the past and future are irrelevant.  Suffering cannot exist now. Awakening is knowing now is all that is. It never began and never ends. Core essence is aware being. From awareness emerges consciousness, the ability to think, from thought, the thinker arises in perceived time. 

15) See time as illusion. Recognize all suffering only exists in a period of perceived time where there is a lack of self love. The mind cannot engage in something with no points of reference. You cannot stop thinking.  Yet, as you come to see thoughts are unreal, you can let them flow. When you do not give them attention, they pass. That which never changes is real and never threatened.  


Notice what is restored

People may wish to draw your attention to what is not going right in the world.  They tell you what appears imbalanced in their lives and in yours.  Do you take their word for it?

As you give up all your thoughts, something happens.  The judgmental filter no longer clogs the flow.  You stop imagining how you would like things and start experiencing things as they are.  You stop limiting what the senses convey and allow yourself to see beyond them. 

Ever wonder what is the quickest way to get from here to here? Stop saying that's easier said than done.  Simply be that.  Notice what is restored, healed, complete and aligned.

"In stillness, the world is restored." -Lao Tzu


Surrender deeply

As you stop and determine what you are truly seeking, everything changes. Notice which choices distract you from getting to know who you are.  Reaching outside yourself does not bring completeness. The process of deep surrender allows all illusions to disperse and disappear. The ego and emotional patterns no longer control focus of attention.  What remains is true nature. Notice what is always present. Everything is real to the senses until you wake up to see that which never changes is actually real.  The sky is the container that is always here whereas the cloud that seem real come and go.  The moment is true essence.  It never comes and goes.


Why not align with what is?

So many people focus on what they lack in part because this is the perceived norm.  Ask yourself if this is truly the state of mind you desire to create.  You are beginning to realize you are a co-creator, but, of what? How do you choose to re-direct it?

If feeling good is what you prefer, then you need only learn to notice when something does not feel right and choose to shift your energy vibration.  To consciously notice thought patterns is a step toward  altering the beliefs that create them. 

As you desire to align with what is, this invites you create compatible beliefs.  This affects frequency. Consider how your life transforms as you project these thoughts alone;

1)  what you require comes easily. (scarcity & limits dissolve)

2) You project realities you desire. (completeness exists now)

3) You discern everyone is equally important. (no conflict)

4) You can reprogram the mind. (eliminate unhealthy habits)

5) You know balance and abundance. ("lack" just fades)

6) You have soul purpose (superficial beliefs lose meaning)  

7) You hold wisdom to shift awareness (reclaim inner power)

8) You know what you believe is projected (sadness blocks joy)