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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in maturity (5)


Stop bullying yourself with Mind

The most effective way to stop your mind from being a bully, to stop tormenting you, from being the source of your suffering, is through disidentifying with it. Simply come to recognize it is not who you are.

The ego mind isn’t you. But, it isn’t your enemy either.  It exists to keep you safe. Whenever ego mind insults, doubts, is unsupportive, this is not echoing low self-worth, belief you are not enough. Ego is simply threatened by something you do. The only way to make peace with ego mind is to realize full potential.  This is rising above or going beyond its limiited sense of reality. Allow true Self to take charge. To see through the tormenter is to be aware beyond this ego mind. It only exists to help you grow out of it.

As long as ego mind is in control, suffering occurs. The ego does not align with true Self. Ego mind is not interested in love, happiness, joy, peace.  Ego is a constant problem-solver to help body and ego survive.  Yet, its survival tactics are not always needed. All the resistance, anxiety, self-doubt, self-condemnation and negativity don’t determine what we can or cannot achieve.  Mind cannot intimidate us without our own consent.

We are taught to mistake ego mind’s desperate attempts to be heard for who we are.  What is the best course? Come to recognize the voice of ego mind and learn to ignore it.  See ego mind as a gift.  Be gentle with yourself.  Re-training the mind to be positive and kind is not the answer. We cannot force ego mind to forget its evolutionary programming. Instead, use ego as a useful tool and move on.

Rather than allow ego to gather momentum, be the witness. View ego as a facade. Distance from its never-ending stream of repetitive, automated, thought patterns. Shift into the voice of our true Self, the naturally supportive, loving and accepting core of who you are.


Listen to wake up calls

Notice what it is to remember and embody the power of spiritual mysteries. Seeing from/ into varied perspectives alters what enters scope of awareness. The purification process elicits wake up calls. People we encounter always set us up to feel exactly how they feel. The unconscious is triggered unless we make it conscious, heal, outgrow it. The key is to shift to see from awareness behind it.
So, to resolve a conflict in your life, identify how you feel in the moment, realize this feeling is energetically self-created, and devise a solution based on those specific emotions. With awareness, we are empowered to change our response. Maturity happens as we encounter the same situation yet respond differently, in love and acceptance of self and understanding of the interconnectedness of all.
Consider a child or adult throwing a tantrum feels powerlessness or anger. Intense energy is hard to ignore. The point is we must feel, and respond in love to truly shift energy. Every relationship conflict arises to teach us something about ourselves.



Reclaim forgotten power

Notice each of us is the authority in our own version of reality yet for varied reasons, tend to forget this and give our power away. Let this moment be a turning point. Its up to each of us to take responsibility to move our lives forward, to grow aware of and let go of what no longer serves our highest good and the good of all. Reclaiming inner power can involve starting to see ourselves as the beautiful, strong, bold, and courageous beings we are created to be, putting heartfelt knowing into action. Reclaiming power also happens each instance we choose to forgive and love what we are taught to fear or hate so we can move on and it no longer controls us. Blossoming into more of true divine nature is about growing in wisdom and maturity to decode the signs and signals we give ourselves. Love the journey.


5 Steps to honour the truth

Human beings are in the process of rediscovering different layers of truth. Each revelation brings one closer to remembering untapped abilities and potential which lie dormant inside until you choose to awaken them.  Consider 7 steps to honour new levels of the truth you detect:

1) Redefine maturity.  Learning to sense and honour all life as well as interdepence means being willing to cooperate with everyone.  Any form of greed, fear and pride are not helpful.  Each huamn exists to create experiences that trigger emotional growth.  You can always choose to consciously outgrow thoughts and beliefs and allow them to dissolve.

2) Heed the instinct to love.  All perceived problems and dysfunctions in the physical world relate back to ignoring this basic instinct. Love is everything.  All energy arises from and disppears into love which is silence. It is also the common thread or impetus for all growth. Exploring love enables you to find your true path, what it feels like to be authentic to core being.

3) Recognize awakening is not a linear journey.  Human beings are conditioned to believe a series of steps or instructions will permit them to fast track to their magical destination.  To believe this is to misunderstand.  Linear thinking and limiting filters of human perception are teachers on this journey.

4) Consciousness unfolds in pure intent.  What you truly need to learn comes back to you.  Just learn to shift energy in the right direction.  Attune to ego mind-based motivation.  As you learn what this means, and come to recognize ego's point for being, then you empower yourself to dissolve the beliefs that obscure inner vision.

5) Work with the power of allowing. Rather than struggle to attain a goal, evole within yourself to recognize what prompts you to resist. People unconsciously work against the natural flow of energy. This does not allow the mind to come into its own or tap into what it already knows how to do.


How does soul progress?

Every human being is at a particular stage of awareness and soul-level maturity. This is not a hierarchy in physical terms.  Rather, it is a series of phases of experience open to energy beings that choose to move through a range of choices.

As you begin to dissolve judgments, you slowly realize all experience has imperceptible, intrinsic value in the bigger picture.  You notice stages and actualize a journey.  This is not at all a linear evolution.  Human minds do not conceive of the nature of constant changes. How does one's soul progress?; 

1) Fear and the victim mentality teach defeat and blame.

2) Anxiety and distress highlight impatience and despair.

3) Thoughts arise in all shapes and sizes to trigger clarity.

4) Frustration and anger suddenly offer broader perspective.

5) Revelations unfold in expanding senses and faculties.

6) Positive energy underscores love and high vibrations. 

7) Experiences registered defy anything expressed in words.

8) Life lessons transmute into energy and new incarnations.

9) Souls come together or reunite in form for common purpose.

10) Spirit consciously transmute negative energy for others.